Tear Drop Maxima Log, start date: 7/30/03

Good Luck Project Reef,

As for me I wish the same,

I am purchasing this beautiful sucker...


( My name is elvis)

Can't wait to get this guy, it will be my first super purchase... My first REALLY expensive purchase I hope it lives happily... It's collected from soloman, and I'm asking anthony to keep an eye on it and it's attached to a rock, so it should possible make it!
Well guys, R.I.P. 8/13/03

The clam died today.

No more teardrops for me. Keep me updated on your Teardrops.
Sorry to hear that PR.

I am nursing 2 myself and they seem pretty happy at the moment, but we both know the difference a week can make.

Crossing my fingers, dosing the DT's, crossing my fingers, dosing KoralvitF, crossing my fingers.........
Sorry to hear about your clam. Maybe these clams really are touchy no matter where they are collected from. Hopefully others will keep us posted on how their teardrops from Bali/Solomon Islands do.
that blows ali. i was hoping to see the clam in person.

well, no tear drops for me until a lot of people start posting positive experiences.

Project Reef, after seeing your post his morning, I called Barry at clams direct and this is what he told me.

First tear drops that he received from Solomon was on July 18. Held them for a few weeks and then sold 2 to one person and one to a local from his area, and kept one for himself and one that is being shipped today. The one that he kept is still doing fine in his dominated clam tank. The 2 he shipped and the one that a local bought, the last he heard from the customers, was that they were doing well

Received 5 more on Aug 7 and has not posted them, but someone from LA drive to San Dirgo and bought one on Aug 11th and so far doing well.

He told me that he is trying to keep track of them to see if he want to continue to carry them. Also his supplier asked that he report to them as well so they can also make a determination regarding importing them.

Hope this helps.

Sorry to hear that. That clam was outstanding.
With the foot still attached to rocks, I was confident that it'd be alright. What happened? Why was it doomed?
All my clams are doing great. The teardrop seemed to be doing really well and then boom. It was all squished up inside it's shell.

I'm glad Barry's are doing well. Hopefully they'll continue to do good. You win some you lose some I guess.
That is what happened to my clam yesterday, a Ultra Max. that is 3". It just retracted over night ang gaped severly. I target fed and removed a tiny mollusk other than a pyramid, and it is temporarily semi-recoved.
Can you check out my new thread, and give your opinion.
Thanks, Joe
Sorry Man!!! That really is a bummer. They look so incredible!

I wish someone would start cultivating them for all of us!!! Maybe we would get teardrops that are more hardy. I guess I wouldn't be surprised somebody has already started trying to raise these somewhere. Isn't there a farm in the Solomons?

Project... I wanted to jump in and say I'm sorry for the loss.. But to me the teardrop didn't look to healthy in the pic in the bag... It had little coloration... It looked almost bleached to me.... Just my inspection.... You never know what conditions it might have been under.... Not your tank of course ;)

I'm realyl frustrated about getting my teardrop now.... Anthony has been holding it for me for a while now and If I back off then I'd ruin a good relationship with such a great dealer....:(
lebowski said:
Project... I wanted to jump in and say I'm sorry for the loss.. But to me the teardrop didn't look to healthy in the pic in the bag... It had little coloration... It looked almost bleached to me.... Just my inspection.... You never know what conditions it might have been under.... Not your tank of course ;)

Perhaps those pictures of the acclimation were a little blurry or off but in person clam was in absolute textbook shape. Otherwise I wouldn't have purchased it. There was no bleaching whatsoever, the mantle would extend fully over the shell with zero gaping and the mantle would react immediatly once stimulated from above. My tank conditions are on point and this was the only animal to all of a sudden die with no rhyme or reason.
As far as the Solomon Island teardrops go, I cannot say anything until I test them out for myself. Perhaps this Monday I'll pick one up. If this tear drop also perishes then, no more Tear drops ever.

Anthony and barry got em...

Take a look, I'm a bit frustrated on getting one.... I am having one held for me.
i dont think i could bring myself to spend that much on something that is so uncertain lebowski, but thats just me.