The Farm

Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I love reading this thread and learning about your farm. I'm sure with your expertise you'll be back on track soon! When it's all said and done, maybe there will be some advice you can offer the rest of us as to what went wrong and how we might prevent it ourselves.
Wow, truly outstanding and what a great read.

Nice coral frags and the colours are simple stunning under NSL, well done on your project and keep it up :)
What kind of nudis are they? I thought nudis fed on montis, not acro?

Apparently they dont just eat monties... They are little bastards we have been watching them for a long time trying to figure out theyre life cycles and still are none the wiser, just when we thought they were gone ( none seen for 2 mths ) pow they came back, we have a suspicion that hot temperatures "wakes them up" but thats pretty much a guess...
Aquastockholm is the name, we are in talks with somewhere in germany, there are a few countries inline, cities is different in each country, we are in the middle of a pretty extensive upgrade so we can get cities approval for italy...
Sorry to hear about the acro nudies, when you get any info on them at all please share. Most people don't even know they exist. We have seen them on new shipments before but in extremely small numbers. Can you share a picture of the area that has been eaten so people know what to look for? Also is the cooling tower just a bio ball like tower with a fan blowing on it?

Congrats on the upgrade for the farm! Looking forward to updates.
Aquastockholm is the name, we are in talks with somewhere in germany, there are a few countries inline, cities is different in each country, we are in the middle of a pretty extensive upgrade so we can get cities approval for italy...

thanks for the info!!
gonna wait biting my nails!!^^

There are a few teltale signs sometimes the frags brown out, then othertimes you can see the white marks on the base then for some reason they get irritated and rtn....



Here are the ones I battled
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 8E46E6CA-A632-4191-B87E-51A5328B9637_zps9seo1dyp.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo D2683490-3F72-42CC-98F8-82FF6448F622_zpsbzrkj642.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 3F282063-E930-4BA6-A93C-F33A55E7CEA7_zpsxhqyyo7e.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 1CB2C16C-04C9-423C-9B32-B14ECEA8ECCE_zpskapk4lny.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 94BF2E2E-D224-4356-9B0B-5DD08E746A7E_zpsd3isrm6r.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo FAE8337A-78EB-4AC2-8B2E-18112A85EA21_zps1bcvl5oe.jpg"/></a>
They look like the montipora nudis.
I have seen them in my tank before, but they are all gone now - haven't seen them in 6 months.