i'm still doing a little research but now that i know where the frogfish lovers hang out, i thought i'd ask for your input/suggestions. i'll be picking up Scott Michael's Reef Fishes Vol 1 from my club tomorrow night and will try and track down Frogfishes of the World, it looks like it's available to check out at UCLA, USC, and UCI.
i'm going to approach this as i would a new seahorse so let me know if i'm way off base when it comes to frogfish. i normally QT 8 weeks in hypo (1.011 measured with refractometer). during that time i deworm with both fenbendazole and praziquantel. do you guys normally prophalytically deworm?
i've battled uronema, systemic bacterial infections, external gas bubble disease, colonial ciliate infestations, gastrorichs, etc. so my medicine chest is quite extensive. i currently have a number of meds on hand: florfenicol, bactrim, gentamicin, neomycin, nitrofurazone, metronidazole, furan2, furanase, tmp sulfa, triple sulfa, methylene blue, formalin, wound control....i think i better stop there....would you believe me if i said i had more? anyhow, are there any specific bacterial infections that frogfish are known for, i.e. a particular strain of vibrio, etc. or is this a new, uncharted area for this fish? i have been known to take fish to the vet to have culture and sensitivity tests performed on bacterial infections so i would definately share any information with you if that came up. i'm also a big fan of having necroscopies performed in the hope of furthering our knowledge. are there any meds to definately stay away from? i'm interested in the smaller species, i haven't read anything that would lead me to believe that the smaller species have the bacteria on their esca (?) responsible for bioluminescence.
i prefer to feed live food and receive live feeder shrimp from george on a routine basis. i sometimes order aquacultured mysid from reed mariculture. i'll occasionally feed FW ghostshrimp. i recently took in a 1.5 year old CB seahorse who's tankmates all had fatty liver disease so i'm pretty concerned about what i feed my fish and try to give them as much variety as possible. any other suggestions on food?
is there a species you would recommend as a "beginner" frogfish? as i mentioned, i'm interested in the smaller species, probably don't want to go more than 8". i know with seahorses, temperature is important - are frogfish species categorized in a similiar manner, i.e. tropical, subtropical or temperate.
i'm rambling so let me know what you think, i prefer to know as much as possible before purchasing so if i'm completely off on anything let me know.