**The GHL Mitras LX7 LED**

Anyone know how to setup a way to quickly put the light in a special mode for taking photos? Can it be done without going into GHLCC? Anyone have a good profile for taking photos? Should I keep the color spectrum around 10k or close to it?

You do it with maintenance modes.
Set it up in GCC and then you can access it any time with the screen on the Mitras.
Somewhere around 10-12k would be best.
So whenever I tried upgrading my firmware from gcc it starts the fails out have to reset by unplugging. Could it be a Windows 10 issue?

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So whenever I tried upgrading my firmware from gcc it starts the fails out have to reset by unplugging. Could it be a Windows 10 issue?

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What kind of error? Are you updating via USB or ethernet? Win 10 32 bit or 64 bit? I'm running Win 10 64 bit and had no issues with the upgade but I am also not running the latest version of GCC. You might try the last version which you should be able to download from the GHL website and see what that does. I think the FW version I'm running is 1.04 which is likely what you have and is pefectly stable. As such, I am not sure there is any reason to yodate the FW unless there were some features added that I'm not aware of.
So whenever I tried upgrading my firmware from gcc it starts the fails out have to reset by unplugging. Could it be a Windows 10 issue?

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I'm having the same issue. I made sure I enabled run as admin and still doesn't work. I have it directly connected with USB and am using windows 10.
I'm running the latest GCC version and 1.04 on Mitras. GCC tells me there's a firmware update but I can't update. In the end I stopped trying I didn't want to do anything bad.
I have the same version on a Windows 10 machine. Just left it as is.

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So whenever I tried upgrading my firmware from gcc it starts the fails out have to reset by unplugging. Could it be a Windows 10 issue?

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I have the same problem (Windows 7.) The regular USB drivers work fine when talking to the Mitras. However, the "USBVCOM" driver that is used for updating the firmware doesn't seem to work. Windows recognizes it, but it fails to load properly (Just has a yellow exclamation mark by it in Windows device manager), so the firmware update fails to start. I've removed it, re-installed by manually pointing to the special driver in the install folder, tried different USB ports, nothing seems to work. Tried a couple different versions of GHL app (Currently and that doesn't make a difference either, so I've just left it as-is (FW ver. 1.04)
So where can I go to download some light composer profiles?

This URL was setup just for that very purpose. To share composer projects. There are a few there now for the LX7 and many more to come. It's a user based location so hopefully others will share their projects. I am almost done with my acclimation process and will be uploading mine in the coming days once I have it finalized..

Finally mounted mine this weekend. Nothing fancy like aluminum rails but this would do.





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Scuzy, how do they compare to what you had? How is the coverage?

Coverage is awesome. Still adjusting light so I can't tell yet. But love the controllability and how easy to use with myghl.

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d2mini - How would you compare the LX7 to the G4 Pro lamp??
I assume that you still have the LX7?? :)

They are both great lights, probably the two that are currently duking it out of the top spot.
Tough fight though... just minor differences between the two that I think will come down to personal preference. The biggest may be the programming software.
Without having them on the same tank side by side, I can't accurately say which is better as far as things like light spread, coral growth, etc.
I've had the G4 Pros for 7 months now and they are performing well.
The LX7 is looking promising so far, but it's only been a matter of weeks in comparison.
I don't think you can go wrong with either.
Sorry... I know that probably didn't help much. ;)
Just to chime in, and I qualify this by stating I don't own either fixture, it seems that you might need more of the radion fixtures to cover the same area as the mitras.....for example given a standard 180 gal tank (72" long) assume SPS dominated.....what would the consensus be for the # of fixtures to adequately light this tank? 3 Mitras vs 4 Radions?