the guys from tanked and petco are joining forces

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does no one have a problem with their stocking decisions though? i mean come on a black tip reef shark with a bunch of defenseless monos? It shows that they are a set it up, put all the fish in there and then lie to the customer when all their fish are dead saying thats just the way the hobby goes. I've seen operations like this in person... they are extremely successful, and extremely unethical. Just because they can bend acrylic like no one has before does not give them a pass on proper husbandry and on proper stocking proceedures. I don't care how much "nitrifying bacteria" or cycled filter media they put in, its not going to prevent the disease, and aggression caused by wrong fish choices. Frankly it is sad they and Petco get any support from RC's members.
With that said, they are tank builders, and do a fine job of it! Many can argue that they should do things differently when it comes to stocking fish right away, but not many will argue about their tank making ability.

Of course, they are wizards with acrylic. They MAKE awesome tanks. Upkeep, stocking options, and other little part of the hobby like that, well... we only see what's on TV: fish that don't normally go well together, overstocking (50 fish in a 250g gumball machine?), and, well, I'm sure the list goes on. I would definitely think about buying a custom tank from them, that is, if I could maintain it myself and stock it myself...and have tens of thousands of dollars to do so.

Petco is responsible for more people failing in this hobby than anything else!

If you've worked retail in a pet or fish store, you would agree with that too.

People who work at MC DS or where ever are trained with customer service and etc... but at minimal wage, this quickly goes out the window. Granted the person is working for an investor and is not in the business for themselves.

Valid point. How much will they be paying these "saltwater experts"? Hopefully, for them, enough to make them want to learn and stay in their business.

well I love petco! they have healthy dog food for very cheap. that's it.

Most of the 'good' dog food out there doesn't even allow it to be on big retailers shelves. People see the price of a more expensive dog food, and they walk right past it to get Purina One or Dad's, which is a fraction of the cost. Of course this is changing a bit now, some big retailers have SOME good dog food. But if you're going to go there to save $2 on a bag of dog food that you can get at a local shop, then, well, support your local shops more!
It's good but they have recalls a lot because they switch their factories and suppliers to save on costs, so not every bag is exactly homogenous. If you're going for grain free or holistic check out Taste of the Wild (which just had a small limited recall, first time ever that I have noticed, but the food is grain free, great quality normally, and a decent price) or the Innova and Evo brands. Evo and Innova are the same company, and you won't get much better food than Evo out there.
Tanked is a TV show. Not an educational outlet. If I wanted to learn about how the army works, I wouldn't watch Rambo, but it makes great TV. Go to the website for Tanked and do a bit of exploring, read the crew bios, etc. That is the "educational" part of the show. If it generates interest for the hobby than it is good imho.

Either way, Petco can't get any worse than it already is.
I have found the series quite interesting. Having done maintenance for 16 years now it is clear some of the things they do is purely for dramatic effect, to create a story line. There is NO WAY an aquarium maintenance and construction business could succeed doing some of the things they do. It is also clear to me some of the video shots used were stuck in the final editing without the "Tanked" guys knowing, there is no way I would have knowingly let some shots be used. I also found it fascinating they do exactly same some of the of the things I figured out on tank construction particularly with thermoforming. As far as faulting them for oversimplyfing marine aquariums to be thorough a beginners course could easily be two semester classes of 3 or 4 credits each with freshman biology a prerequisite.
If it generates interest for the hobby than it is good imho.

but they are generating the wrong kind of interest. people who don't own an aquarium see this show, not realizing the actual effort it takes to setup and maintain an aquarium properly, and all of the sudden want to get into the hobby. they try to mimic what they see on tv, which may work for a company like ATM but it is not practical for everyday hobbyists. if they wanted to generate the right kind of interest, they need to emphasize how much dedication and hard work is required to set up a successful saltwater aquarium. it doesn't have to be about education, but don't wave a bottle of magic snake oil around and tell everyone it's ok.
Tanked is a TV show. Not an educational outlet. If I wanted to learn about how the army works, I wouldn't watch Rambo, but it makes great TV. Go to the website for Tanked and do a bit of exploring, read the crew bios, etc. That is the "educational" part of the show. If it generates interest for the hobby than it is good imho.

Either way, Petco can't get any worse than it already is.

^ my feelings exactly. :lol: and very funny way of putting it.
Also, think about this. If Tanked and Petco are teaming up, it likely will mean that Petco will carry more / better SW products. That's good, IMO, and good for the industry. If a major retailer is increasing their purchasing of SW supplies and related items, doesn't everyone benefit?
The good thing about tanked is that it gets my wife involved in my hobby, she loves that show. The petco in my area actually has well knowledged staff about SW stuff and 2 in particular are pretty honest with customers and I've heard them both on 2 different occasions tell customers that their tanks won't support coral. I also like my petco because no one buys their corals so they sit in the tank for several weeks before I buy them and I watch how they grow. Mine also stocks ORA corals.
This doesn't make me want to shop at petco and more than it makes me want to watch the show so I guess life goes on.

The only thing I know from the show is after watching the commercials I would not want to sit next to either guy on a flight to Europe without free beer (and none of that Heineken either, real beer).
People need something to complain about I guess. I can't see how a professional company that focuses in marine systems teaching petco employees can have a negative effect when everyone talks about petco as if they don't have the faintest clue what they are doing. This sounds like great news for all the people who do not have a locally owned LFS and have to go through petco for their supplies. I am glad there are a plethora of reef stores in the bay area to shop at!
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