the guys from tanked and petco are joining forces

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If you know about fish alot and are around people who know what they are talking about, you can tell that the guys on Tanked don't know to much about coral. They know more about FOWLR. It seems that both Petco and Tanked don't know much. I asked about wooden air stones for protein skimmers at Petco. The guy didn't know what a protein skimmer was
The guy didn't know what a protein skimmer was

I asked at Petco about the $1/gal. tank sale. The 'salesperson' didn't know they were on sale! Big sign about 5 feet from her.

It's like Home Depot - don't go there if you need help. Study up first - books, internet, experienced friends, etc. - then look for a deal.
Lol - this is too funny. I suppose not every Petco is bad but I don't go there looking for knowledge either. I'm lucky to have access to a few nice LFS close by & 1 in particular will not give out bad info to make a sale. I plan on getting livestock from them once I get my 28 going, everyone here buys from the same wholesaler anyways so unless I want something fancy it works or I'll go to Old Town.

As far as feeding dogs goes, the good food is never cheap no matter where you shop. I don't think Wellness dry ever is on sale & the cans aren't enough of a discount to make me do cartwheels. You want to feed a good diet - look at the ingredients on the bag. Your protein source should be first on the list & it should be Chicken/Turkey whatever not followed by the word meal. Don't buy anything with BHA, BHT, or Ethoxyquin in it, they all cause cancer. Flint River Ranch & EVO are both excellent foods, but not cheap. I work at a veterinary clinic a few Saturdays a month & you couldn't pay me a million dollars to ever feed most of the prescription diets we carry.

I just put down my Border Collie / Sheltie mix a few weeks ago. She would've been 16 this month & I haven't fed anything except raw food since she was about 4 or 5. You want to know what to feed or avoid just PM me.

PS - I like to go to Home Depot, there's nothing like being the only chick in a hardware store to get attention :)
Maybe this has been said in a post here....I did not ready everyone.

Seriously, ATM is building $100k tanks for people. I doubt they have a proven track record of creating tanks that just die. They are way to big to have a reputation like that. Most Companies do not invest tens of thousands of dollars into a crap pot company. They do research, get customer input, ect. Animal Planet twists the show footage to the side they think will give them the highest rating. It's reality TV people, don't believe everything you see.
The petco by me has saltwater tanks, fish, coral etc.

But they also have people on staff who know about the saltwater world.

They were also set up days in advance for the $1 gallon sale. that petco is a decent store.
Lol - this is too funny. I suppose not every Petco is bad but I don't go there looking for knowledge either. I'm lucky to have access to a few nice LFS close by & 1 in particular will not give out bad info to make a sale. I plan on getting livestock from them once I get my 28 going, everyone here buys from the same wholesaler anyways so unless I want something fancy it works or I'll go to Old Town.

As far as feeding dogs goes, the good food is never cheap no matter where you shop. I don't think Wellness dry ever is on sale & the cans aren't enough of a discount to make me do cartwheels. You want to feed a good diet - look at the ingredients on the bag. Your protein source should be first on the list & it should be Chicken/Turkey whatever not followed by the word meal. Don't buy anything with BHA, BHT, or Ethoxyquin in it, they all cause cancer. Flint River Ranch & EVO are both excellent foods, but not cheap. I work at a veterinary clinic a few Saturdays a month & you couldn't pay me a million dollars to ever feed most of the prescription diets we carry.

I just put down my Border Collie / Sheltie mix a few weeks ago. She would've been 16 this month & I haven't fed anything except raw food since she was about 4 or 5. You want to know what to feed or avoid just PM me.

PS - I like to go to Home Depot, there's nothing like being the only chick in a hardware store to get attention :)

Ehthoxyquin is in nearly every fish food, and in all fishmeal harvested in the US (as per regulations :( ) Shop around, there are a few brands that do not have it.
The quality of a petco store really depends on it's staff, no question about that. I have seen our local Petco go from rags to riches... and back to rags... and it has always been directly related to who is working in the fish department. For some time a friend of mine who was a hobbiest as well headed up their saltwater section and it was great. There were some limitations he had to work with but he was able to make the best of it.

With that being said I think that ATM and Petco teaming up could be a good thing. I don't see why anyone would call for a boycott on a company if they are TRYING to make an improvement. I think you're jumping the gun by not even allowing it to play out. If they team up and only create a worst case scenario (They use ATM fame as a marketing gimmick while not actually improving their husbandry/employee knowledge) THEN you can go start a petition or something. ;P
I have noticed that the only Petco's that have anything worth looking at and maybe purchasing are the ones that have a saltwater hobbyist that works their and contributes their knowledge to the store by maintaining and making frags available at reasonable savings...Some will not have saltwater systems anymore because they could not turn a profit on them due to lack of the make them into fresh water set-ups. I would think this partnership could help PetCo's Stores get that needed experience..
Gresham H - I do look at my ingredients for fish food too & I try to stay away from Ethoxyquin but it is hard to find something without it :(
BUT - if they cause a few people to venture to their LFS who wouldn't be in the hobby otherwise, it's ultimately a good thing for us as existing hobbyists and the stores that support us.

Before anyone cries foul, that they cause deaths of fish, etc. remember there are ALWAYS going to be people who set up aquariums with no regard for livestock health, proper procedure, etc. Tanked won't make or break that segment of LFS clientele.

Amen. + a googleplex.

Just having their name attached to Petco is going to drive business up for them alone.

Glad to hear they are helping out an LFS.
Call me crazy, but I don't see someone watching Tanked on TV and going to buy a saltwater system the next day. This isn't a cheap hobby we all participate in. The average joe isn't looking to spend $1,000+ for a simple setup to watch pretty fish that he has to put more time into than having a dog. I think as usual, people are overreacting and going as far out on the limb as they can.

I watch the show and enjoy it, more from watching to see what they create the same way I watch American Chopper and all the other shows out there. It's not an educational program, it's entertainment.
I just don't see this happening... knowing how many Petco's have saltwater this would be a crazy undertaking.
I asked at Petco about the $1/gal. tank sale. The 'salesperson' didn't know they were on sale! Big sign about 5 feet from her.
Or she was tired of being asked are your tanks 1$ a gallon 5000 times while standing 5 feet from a sign with that info on it:hmm5::hmm5: 1
It's like Home Depot - don't go there if you need help. Study up first - books, internet, experienced friends, etc. - then look for a deal.
Home Depot just depends on what you ask:beer:
it sounds selfish but the more people in the hobby the worse it is for all of us currently in the hobby and the more dead fish and corals... :(
As much as My son & I love the show, I highly doubt ATM is going to help improve/teach Petco with caring for SW fish/livestock. You never see ATM run to Petco for livestock for their clients' custom tanks.

Besides, all they did was build a custom tank for their corporate office. Geez... enough with the Petco bashing. We heard both pros and cons on their store. End it already. We get it. No boycott is going to stop Petco from selling fish and livestock. That's like boyotting 1 day for folks not to buy gas because the prices has gone through the roof.
I went to vegas in oct and went to the ice bar specifically to see the jelly tank they installed. When I arrived it was not there and when I asked where it was I was told that all the jelly fish died right after the install because the room was too cold to maintain the heat needed. Think about what I just wrote, that is the game plan for ATM. Build wild tank at specific location, have the specific location get advertisement. Win/win. Its all business you guys think they travel around and do this for the good of fish and fish tanks? Its all profit baby they don't care what happens after they leave. Thats how the real world works.
I remember one episode where they hooked up the water hose to the spicket on the side of building and filled the tank. No purification, straight out of the brick and into the tank, added salt.
the simple fact that it is on animal planet should be enough to boycott it. they support hsus who is the sworn enemy of every meat eater and pet owner. supporting them might as well be terrorism if you ask me
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