The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Wow $200? good deal i got my 54 set up for $400. you came to the right forum to learn. there is TONS of info on corners i here.
$200, you got somethning to teach us for sure... HOW THE HECK DID YOU SCAM THAT DEAL!!???!??!!

welcome to this corner of the reef.
Great Deal! errr....Im just newbe also but I dont think that the kinda charcoal you use for an aquarium LOL. Did they throw that in and the chairs also (for sitting back & watching your reef & fish) Isnt this saltwater stuff FUN:)
Yeah I heard Kingsford is the stuff to use, but Match Light will do in a pinch :wildone:

I put up an ad on Craigslist saying "any tank, any condition" and waited for the right one. He had it set up for a year or so, then moved and his new house didn't have a place to set it up, so it sat empty for a year and a half. He has a 120g acrylic in his office so that's his baby now and it's a business expense to boot. He just wanted it gone.

It came with a 3 stage RO (no DI), stand, lights (T12 worthless) top, 20g sump w/lids, 1200gph powerhead, knock-off protien skimmer (can't find a name on it), a bunch of food, test chems that I tossed, 10g quarantine tank w/lids, 2 air pumps, stones, wands, tubing, etc etc etc. I about crapped my pants when I got the email from him. It's in great condition, only the back corner glass has a few chips but that's never under pressure anyways.
That sounds like a magnificent deal! Well done. With all the money you've saved on equipment, you'll be able to put some really nice livestock in there! Welcome to our corner of Reef Central.
what an awesome deal! I ended up buying my 54g tank and stand new for $425, but about 2 weeks after, someone local was selling a 92g with all equipment (sump, stand, lights, skimmer, rodi, media filters, etc...) for just $550! MAN!!!! if i only had waited a couple weeks. :(
Here are some pics I took tonight with a few new corals and clams

Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-10-13[/IMG]
Nice pictures damac20!!

What happened gang? Everyone took a vacation?

I have been dealing with Red Bugs in my tank. I am lucky enough to have a dog and therefore have Interceptor handy. So far so good. I eradicated the pest. It seems to be a local pandemic as several other reefers in the area got it as well.

At first I didn't even know I had it, but a seasoned reefer took a look at my frag tank and told me. Once he pointed out the tiny little buggers to me I could see them everywhere!!!

They were the size of a needle tip, and they looked kind of orange to me.
still here. nothing new for me as far as the tank goes. personal issues have taken up alot of my time lately, but i can still manage to check in
Damac20 - Did you get a common name on the Green Zoas that you got? They are the upper left colony in the first pic, and in the background of the 5th pic. I have a small colony of them that i picked up in my LFS as "Green Zoa", but was wondering if they had a common name that you knew of. Looks like you picked out some really nice pieces!
They were sold to me as radioactive dragon eyes. I have some no name green zoas in my other tank and these smoke them IMO. Thanks for the compliment. We have really good LFS in Orlando. World wide corals is the best! if you get a free chance check out their website. They just sold that My miami chalice for like $2,000 on ebay. Pretty good bargin for one eye!
I couldn't imagine dropping that kind of cash on a coral!!!! Unless it filled up my entire tank. I thought I saw those green zoas named as RDE, but I couldn't really remember. I love mine, and as a $10 frag, I think i made out pretty good!:)
Tagging along! It only took me a year and a half to find this thread! lOl. Well here is a progression of my tank over the past year and a half. Hope you enjoy!





thats a beautiful tank, i need a lighting spec though:lol:

we need to know:bounce3:

welcome aboard:thumbsup:
oh i forgot to mention the new phs that have just come out in europe guys, basically they are made by maxi-jet, they are dead silent and have a sucker not a magnet for sticking to the sides, also there are 7 models from 750-7000 ltrs per hour turnover and are priced the same as the koralias, you wont have seen them yet, but they will hit the us soon, here a pic, please forgive the algae,lol

thats a beautiful tank, i need a lighting spec though:lol:

we need to know:bounce3:

welcome aboard:thumbsup:

The First two pics I was using 2 250w HQI phoenix 14k
The Third and Fourth pic I was using a 400W SE 10K Reefulx in a LG Lumenright and coralvue 400w dimmable e-ballast
Last pic and what i am currently using is the same as third and fourth but changed to the 12k Reeflux.
lovely, how did you fit the 2 250s in, were they hanging above the tank or built into the hood?