Yeah I heard Kingsford is the stuff to use, but Match Light will do in a pinch :wildone:
I put up an ad on Craigslist saying "any tank, any condition" and waited for the right one. He had it set up for a year or so, then moved and his new house didn't have a place to set it up, so it sat empty for a year and a half. He has a 120g acrylic in his office so that's his baby now and it's a business expense to boot. He just wanted it gone.
It came with a 3 stage RO (no DI), stand, lights (T12 worthless) top, 20g sump w/lids, 1200gph powerhead, knock-off protien skimmer (can't find a name on it), a bunch of food, test chems that I tossed, 10g quarantine tank w/lids, 2 air pumps, stones, wands, tubing, etc etc etc. I about crapped my pants when I got the email from him. It's in great condition, only the back corner glass has a few chips but that's never under pressure anyways.