corner LED option help.
corner LED option help.
I have a 50 gallon quarter circle corner and I'm in process of choosing which LED option to go/start with. Originally I was doing a bunch of 3 watt on C channels but was thinking maybe I should change to 3-ups or even the Lumia 5.2s.
I already have 3 LPF60 48v for the original plan. I can still use these PS for either the singles or 3-ups but with the Lumia 5.2s I would change to LDDs and separate PS. Going with the 3-ups or singles would be much cheaper but I'm not sure I would be happy with result. I was starting with just RB/w and adding other colors later but maybe I should bite the bullet and do full spectrum now with the lumia 5.2s.
3 Lumia's with needed items would be around $600, minus the 3 LPF60s if I can manage to sell them.
The singles or 3-ups would be around $250 to complete sense I already have the PS/drivers.
What would you do? Attached are the 3 options above my tank, cheers
1st is Lumia's, 2nd is 3-ups, 3rd is singles
corner LED option help.
I have a 50 gallon quarter circle corner and I'm in process of choosing which LED option to go/start with. Originally I was doing a bunch of 3 watt on C channels but was thinking maybe I should change to 3-ups or even the Lumia 5.2s.
I already have 3 LPF60 48v for the original plan. I can still use these PS for either the singles or 3-ups but with the Lumia 5.2s I would change to LDDs and separate PS. Going with the 3-ups or singles would be much cheaper but I'm not sure I would be happy with result. I was starting with just RB/w and adding other colors later but maybe I should bite the bullet and do full spectrum now with the lumia 5.2s.
3 Lumia's with needed items would be around $600, minus the 3 LPF60s if I can manage to sell them.
The singles or 3-ups would be around $250 to complete sense I already have the PS/drivers.
What would you do? Attached are the 3 options above my tank, cheers
1st is Lumia's, 2nd is 3-ups, 3rd is singles