The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

The thing about the Koralias v the Tunzes is THE $$$$$. Koralias are pretty good for their price... Either way Im shelling out the dough for a Vortech. We'll see how that goes!!

I've been a lurker and subscriber, sorry I haven't had anything to contribute but I've really enjoyed the thread. I've been on the Vortech fence and am glad to hear so many good results for our tanks.

I just did the Sure-Flow mod on a K4 and really wasn't expecting much but I was completely shocked. Unfortunately I have nothing scientific but I really think it more than doubled the flow. Night and Day and for a whopping total of $14 it could shorten the life of the K4 by 60% and I'd still do it again.

One thing is that it does often run in reverse on restart so if anyone is thinking of using it on a wavemaker and has a thing for the direction of the flow this mod's going to be kind of a downer. If I'm missing something or if anyone has a solution to this please correct me.

I've been happy with the flow from the two "stock" K4's we run in our AGA92...but I may have to give the mod a try one of these days. :)
The Shure-Flow? You just get the sur-flow kit for the maxi-jets and and put the big prop in the K4, using the same retaining rod that came with the K4. I'm generally pretty underwhelmed by these things but this one really impressed me. The only glitch is the reversing so I just pulled it off wave and left it solid on. I'm sure there's a fix for it somewhere but I just havn't had time to research it.

I actually did a little modifying of an old 1200 impeller and used the small prop that came with the kit for the maxijet in my salt mix so I basically got two mods for the price of one... pretty good deal.

An aside, I have it on the front left glass about 5" down and pointing to the back right corner and the current really whips around the tank. My rockwork is the typical pyramid front to back ending about 6" from the surface.
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I have a Tunze 625 I know can be modded quite easy yet for somone who lieks to do most thing DIY I'm pretty reluctant to mess with my powerheads.
Somthing inside me fears that once I take it apart I won't get it working after. :( Good-bye $100 powerhead!
i run two Tunze 6055 on my 65 corner and love them since they are controllable. I was going to go with a single Vortech MP40 but did not want so because the motor is outside and would be louder.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14482359#post14482359 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by johnwin84
i run two Tunze 6055 on my 65 corner and love them since they are controllable. I was going to go with a single Vortech MP40 but did not because the motor is outside and would be louder then the tunzes.
first fish in

nice lookin tang Misled

i was thinkin of tryin the mod my self good to hear ir works nice. i wouldnt recommend any koralias on a wavemaker unless they are controlable. they may start backwards then quickly shift into drive, not good for the motor.
Jesse - I really can't explain what i was thinking of, and have no idea how to draw or anything. I was kind of thinking just a curved front of a tank with "CTCM" (Corner Tank Club Member) in it somewhere. Maybe the date that it was somewhat established on here. I was just thinking something very simple really. Any others with suggestions are highly encouraged to share input/designs! I wish i knew how to make something for you guys and gals to see!
Phish Guy - I agree with no wavemaker unless they are controllable Korallias. I used to mess with mine just unpluging it and pluging it back in to make waves for a minute, and it really rattles sometimes and takes up to 5 seconds to settle down and start working well.

Jesse - You are asking for some trouble from the Tang Police! Hahaha!!! I had a thread in the fish keeping section asking about a tang in my 54 and some dude sent me a PM from the Tang Police! It was actually a pretty funny thing to read, but i'm sure your gonna get it eventually! I'm still getting a tang in my tank by the way. Also, that is very nice looking branch rock in that pic! I've been waiting for my LFS to get some it, but they kinda suck so i'm headed out of town to a place in Syracuse that Wrasseman told me about. I hope it's good!
i gotta a tang in my 54 and yeah, hes gotten a little big. i tried to trap him but he never goes twards the buisness end of any trap.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14486344#post14486344 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefscape15
Jesse - You are asking for some trouble from the Tang Police!

They can come visit if they want to. They will put one in a 90 which is 48 inches long. The front of mine is 43. The sides are longer than a 90. Tell me a fish can tell the diff!!!!
Over the past 18 years, I have kept several small tangs in a 60 gallon show tank and my current 54 gallon corner, (one at a time except for in 1992 when I had a small Yellow Tang and a small Purple Tang at the same time.) They have lived for five to eight years and have been extremely healthy, with no HLLE or other diseases. I have been unable to detect any distress or stress in them compared to any other fish I've owned.
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jesses tank is large enough around the front for a yellow tang, gallons are important but swimming space even more so, his tank isnt far off 4ft across
Tang police suck, imo. I have two tangs in my 90g, a yellow and a kole... and they are fine, again imo... corner tanks are big, and with open aquascaping leave loads of places for swimming...

Just got back from nassau vacation, did some scuba... saw cool stuff, no photos taken underwater (srry). Read-up on the thread... cool on getting over 50 individual posting members! That's pretty cool for sure...

Anyone have the technology to start a WIKKI on corner tanks? I think we have enough brain-power to get a wikki going with great info on corner tanks, lighting, aquascaping, filtering, sump design, etc, etc....
I totally agree about the tangs in a open 54. Some people have 3 or 4 in a large tank, but they have so much rockwork that there's almost no swimming space for a tang! there is a smaller Scopas at one of my LFS and i have been eyeing him for a while, but they get pretty large. I love the bristle-tooth tangs, but i want something to pick at the Macro in my tank. I have a few crabs and snails, but that Calurpa Mexicana and Sawblade Calurpa must taste pretty bad to them cause they barely touch it.

Hookup - My brother makes his way down to Nassau every year with a friend he met in college, and i've always wanted to go with him but a wife and 2 youngins makes it tough to get away. I bet it was completely amazing though!