The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Simon - If you can get the tang out of the tank, a fw dip may help you. Anytime that I see cloudy eyes, the first thing I think of is flukes. You usually can't see them on the body, as they look just like fish scales, but you can spot them once they start to cover the eyes. A couple of days of fw dips will take care of them. You will know that you are making progress because you will see what look like fish scales in the dip water when you put the tang back.

It's possible that it's bacterial too, but I'm leaning more towards flukes. Just my .02 cents.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14959017#post14959017 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Superstretch18
Simon - If you can get the tang out of the tank, a fw dip may help you. Anytime that I see cloudy eyes, the first thing I think of is flukes. You usually can't see them on the body, as they look just like fish scales, but you can spot them once they start to cover the eyes. A couple of days of fw dips will take care of them. You will know that you are making progress because you will see what look like fish scales in the dip water when you put the tang back.

It's possible that it's bacterial too, but I'm leaning more towards flukes. Just my .02 cents.

Super, thanks for the suggestion. When you said a freshwater dip, how long should I immerse the fish in freshwater? A quick dip will take less than a second. Are flukes some kind of parasite? I have a cleaner shrimp in my tank. Will the cleaner shrimp take care of that if the tang let it?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14959090#post14959090 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SimonSKL
Super, thanks for the suggestion. When you said a freshwater dip, how long should I immerse the fish in freshwater? A quick dip will take less than a second. Are flukes some kind of parasite? I have a cleaner shrimp in my tank. Will the cleaner shrimp take care of that if the tang let it?


Freshwater dips are kind of scary...

I only had the heart to leave my little puffers in the freshwater for about 2 minutes when I did it, but it works wonders. It only took me 2 dips to clear them up... thank God.

I used an airstone/pump in my water to get the pH as close to 8.3 as I could. I also used a heater to get the water the same temp. I let the RO/DI water sit overnight with the airstone and heater in place. Then I dipped them. After dipping them, I put them both in a QT tank that had water from my DT in it. Got rid of the old freshwater, then did it again the next night.

It's easy to do, but can work your nerves to see your little guy motionless on the bottom of the tank, gasping for air. Well, in my case, the puffers were floating, motionless, and I had to "burp" them in the QT to get them back to normal. :lol: They were ticked! A little krill, and all was forgotten. :D

I think some guys here have videos of their freshwater dips. I believe I followed "Tswifty's" 90 gallon build up and it had a freshwater dip of a PBT.... I wish I could find that link for you. It was a good reference.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14960714#post14960714 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flipsideleo
Freshwater dips are kind of scary...

I only had the heart to leave my little puffers in the freshwater for about 2 minutes when I did it, but it works wonders. It only took me 2 dips to clear them up... thank God.

I used an airstone/pump in my water to get the pH as close to 8.3 as I could. I also used a heater to get the water the same temp. I let the RO/DI water sit overnight with the airstone and heater in place. Then I dipped them. After dipping them, I put them both in a QT tank that had water from my DT in it. Got rid of the old freshwater, then did it again the next night.

It's easy to do, but can work your nerves to see your little guy motionless on the bottom of the tank, gasping for air. Well, in my case, the puffers were floating, motionless, and I had to "burp" them in the QT to get them back to normal. :lol: They were ticked! A little krill, and all was forgotten. :D

I think some guys here have videos of their freshwater dips. I believe I followed "Tswifty's" 90 gallon build up and it had a freshwater dip of a PBT.... I wish I could find that link for you. It was a good reference.

^^^ Exactly right. I typically try to do five minutes, but if the fish looks too stressed, I pull it early.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14960714#post14960714 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flipsideleo
Freshwater dips are kind of scary...

I only had the heart to leave my little puffers in the freshwater for about 2 minutes when I did it, but it works wonders. It only took me 2 dips to clear them up... thank God.

I used an airstone/pump in my water to get the pH as close to 8.3 as I could. I also used a heater to get the water the same temp. I let the RO/DI water sit overnight with the airstone and heater in place. Then I dipped them. After dipping them, I put them both in a QT tank that had water from my DT in it. Got rid of the old freshwater, then did it again the next night.

It's easy to do, but can work your nerves to see your little guy motionless on the bottom of the tank, gasping for air. Well, in my case, the puffers were floating, motionless, and I had to "burp" them in the QT to get them back to normal. :lol: They were ticked! A little krill, and all was forgotten. :D

I think some guys here have videos of their freshwater dips. I believe I followed "Tswifty's" 90 gallon build up and it had a freshwater dip of a PBT.... I wish I could find that link for you. It was a good reference.

Leo, you are right about FW dip being scary. I did it once for a clam but overdid it and the clam died:( I left it in for 15 min. That's why I want to be sure about the length of time for the dip.

I can understand keeping the temp at about the same temp as your DT but how can I adjust PH of RODI water, which pretty much is neutral (at 7). RODI water has no buffer so even a small amount of baking soda will put the PH to extremely high.

I am keeping a close eye on the Yellow Tang. Other than the cloudiness of the right eye, the fish does not seem to be in distress. FW dip will be my last resort, if I can catch it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14963535#post14963535 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SimonSKL
Leo, you are right about FW dip being scary. I did it once for a clam but overdid it and the clam died:( I left it in for 15 min. That's why I want to be sure about the length of time for the dip.

I can understand keeping the temp at about the same temp as your DT but how can I adjust PH of RODI water, which pretty much is neutral (at 7). RODI water has no buffer so even a small amount of baking soda will put the PH to extremely high.

I am keeping a close eye on the Yellow Tang. Other than the cloudiness of the right eye, the fish does not seem to be in distress. FW dip will be my last resort, if I can catch it.

Good point... Now you got me wondering if I was checking the pH on my QT... I know I used "Buffer Up" on whatever I tank it was... I was pretty new in the hobby at the time, and was too shy to post what I was doing... I wish I did now, because it would have been a good way to track what I was doing. :(

**Edit** I think the airstone helped, too.
Welcome to our little corner thread! Nice to have a new face on here. There's only 2 rules for you: you need a corner tank, and make Paypal out to the address under my profile for $45/month. Thanks...

HAHAHA! I guess if you just post pics of your tank, that will do. Also, I just got my first dwarf angel in my 54gal (False Lemonpeel), and I love it! I'd like to add another 1 or 2 eventually. What angels do you have in yours?
Update on my yellow tang:

Here is a picture of the fish today. If you look closely at the right eye, you can see a huge water pocket or bubble protruding out of the eye. Is this what you call "pop eye". The cloudiness turned from white to brownish yellow. The fish still is not showing any sign of distress. Should I wait longer before the FW dip?
Hello, can I join ?

I'm currently starting a 350l (92.4 gals) corner aquarium, starting filling it with water tomorrow ;)

The aquarium (a Juwel Trigon 350) used to be my freshwater main aquarium, and I decided I will convert it to a reef aquarium.

Here is the aquarium+stand:

Modifications from original aquarium :

- Removed the internal canister filter (done since long when it was still freshwater)
- Drilled 2 holes
- Added glass for the overflow


Had to cut part of the original stand on the back for the tubing


The piece of wood that initially divided the stand in two was removed and replaced by an additional inside stand, thus giving room for a full sump


Here is the sump. On the left will be the refugium, on the right, the skimmer. Both overflow into the middle section, where you find the return pump.


Lighting ramp is not shown here yet, for the time being it will be a 4xT5 39W Arcadia ramp with 4x KorallenZucht Coral Light New Generation (might add more if needed, we'll see over time).

I hope in a year or two this will be as nice as some corner aquariums posted here ;)
thats exactly the same tank as mine wismie, welcome to the club, have a click on my red house to see my trigon, and good luck with yours
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14975690#post14975690 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by joeychitwood
Nice work, wismie. Keep posting photos of your progress.

Thanks... shall I continue here or in a new, dedicated post ?

(sorry, new poster here, even if lurker for a long time ;) )
I thought that tank looked familiar Mike!

wismie - Welcome to the world of corners! I like the simple design setup for the sump. Makes me think that it's something that i could talk my wife into at some point! Most sumps I see are very complex looking with many reactors and such in them. Are you just going to be running a skimmer and fuge? IMO that is all you need if you have an oversized skimmer. Looking forward to seeing your reef come along. Also, what are those lights you are talking about ( 4x KorallenZucht Coral Light New Generation)? Are they LED's?
Yes I'll have a protein skimmer (currently Wave Skimmer Beast 1200P, but this could change) in the sump and I'm planning for a calc reactor - although it's not bought yet. One part (the right one) is for the skimmer, the left part (which is higher than the rest) will be the fuge.

For the lights, they're "regular" T5 (39W), although they're supposed to be more performant than "older" generation (or that's what KZ says ^^).

This is only the very basic setup of the thank, all the hardware will come as soon as water is up and running.
Ok. I had to do a yahoo search on those lights after i posted that question. 156watts T-5 should get you most anything you want to keep depending on where you place it in that tank. Are you planning on a canopy? I'm hoping someday to have a nice tall canopy where i can take my T-5's apart and add another 250watt MH bulb.

Just a little update, I went to the LFS to get some shrimp for a little treat for my Angler, and couldn't pass up a nice little Rusty Angel that i saw sitting in the tank. Also, the Scopas Tang I had has been traded to a friend for a couple Zoa frags. I think i was kind of pushing it to begin with, as it was already 5 or 6", but now it has a nice big home