The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Very nice build thread you have going there! I can't wait for more pics to come:) :) :)

On a little side note, I've just been able to talk my wife into getting a bigger skimmer. Once some bills are out of the way, I should have a new Reef Octo HOB headed my way! The addition of a Rusty Angel has seemed to make my False Lemonpeel really come out of hiding, and the two fish have been swimming around together all day! I think having my wife see that made it a little bit easier to convince her of a new skimmer. After the skimmer, I plan on a Christmas Wrasse and another Dwarf Angel
i just got a guy to sell me a ---what seems to be--- 100 gal tru vu acrylic tank. its the one that is 27 in tall. anyone know more details on this tank? hea selling me the tank, stand, and canopy, which i will scrap, for $100. it also the one that has the filtration built into the back wall. good buy? good tank? any one with that tank on here or with more info on it?
$100 for everything? Seems like a great deal to me! A new corner tank will set you back usually at least $200ish just for the tank alone. What shape is the acrylic in? Is it all scratched up or still nice and clear? I was thinking about a 70gal pentagon from Uniquarium, but with kids and toys being near the tank, i was sure it would get scratched. I don't know much about that specific tank, but maybe someone else could chime in
this is actually the tank, or VERY similar. dif is that the one im getting has an overflow chamber taking pretty much the whole back corner, and from what it looked like it looks like the whole filtration in in there, kinda like a HUGE biocube, if you are familiar with it. water overflows in the back corner, into the chamber, then has a place for bioballs, filtration, etc. But as soon as i get a better look at the back, im going to figure out a way to turn it into a standard overflow and attatch it to a sump i want to make for it.

as for scratches.....didnt look to bad, but im not really in a hurry so i think i might take the time to buff the interior. also, is there a way to paint the interior back portion black? as you can see in the pic the backs are blue, and i dont like the blue look. looks too much like a LFS holding tank in my opinion.
Are the backs painted or is there some kind of blue film on the back? I wouldn't paint the interior of the tank, as the paint will be scratched and gone in no time with cleaning of the surface. Paint the back outside of the tank, assuming you can get the blue off the acrylic.
+1 with Joey. Don't try to paint the interior at all, and if the back is solid blue acrylic, there's really not anything you could do. Just stack your rock completely from top to bottom! Very nice looking tank, and with a new value of almost $900 i'd say you found the bargain of the year! I like the idea of just using the back for an overflow, and not relying on the manufactures filtration system as they are usually way over rated and not completely able to keep up with the super heavily stocked tanks that most people run now. Very nice find you got there!
stacking rocks top to bottom will not work as im trying to go for the minimalist look with less than normal amount of rock maybe an island or two to maximize swimming space and to give as much open sand look as possible. i love the look of sand. when i go diving and see random patch reefs like in the middle of a huge expanse of white sand, i love that look. thats what im going for. ill have to see, maybe the color will grow on me.
Yes i know what you mean about the look your going for. Nice idea! I'm hoping that the blue will grow on you because that tanks is going to be sweet when it's filled! Good luck on your build!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15006259#post15006259 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by blackthunda77
[...]im trying to go for the minimalist look with less than normal amount of rock maybe an island or two to maximize swimming space and to give as much open sand look as possible.

That's about the idea I have for the aquascaping in my tank too. Let's see how this will turn out !
Well - this is the perfect forum!!!!!! I have only read the first 40 pages and got some great ideas.

I will be moving around the rocks, updating sump, and adding new livestock in the next couple months.

Thanks reefscape15 for the invite.

Here is a photo of my 54g CORNER!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad to see that you've made it over here! It took me about a week (when i was unemployed) to read through everything, and there was only about 30 pages back then! Good luck getting through it, but it's totally worth it. There is so much great info on here. I had to do the same as you pretty much: I just set up my rockwork, and then found this thread...Hands were back in the tank that very same day moving everything around, and I took another trip to the LFS for another 20ish lbs of LR. I used PVC to brace my rock up, but i'm already wishing i would've done it a little different. But, it's too late now, so i'm just leaving it as is, and loading up on frags.

I like the big patch of grazing algae you have in the corner of that tank! I'm sure that your Tang does as well. I had a huge outbreak of Caulerpa that was starting to smother out some corals, but after adding a Dwarf Angel and removing about 2lbs by hand, it's pretty much gone! I still have a little bit here and there, but now I have another Dwarf Angel as well, and I figure it's better to have some in the tank for them to graze.

Again, i'm glad to see you over here, and keep us all updated with some pics of your re-arrangements! Hopefully you'll only have to move everything once, but if your like me, you'll get something set up, then change it, then change it, then change it....:):):)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15043146#post15043146 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bzuber
Well - this is the perfect forum!!!!!! I have only read the first 40 pages and got some great ideas.

I will be moving around the rocks, updating sump, and adding new livestock in the next couple months.

Thanks reefscape15 for the invite.

Here is a photo of my 54g CORNER!!!!!!!!!!


hey welcome to the corner club, nice tank, welcome aboard:)
Thank you guys - I am going to stop spending all my time on the other threads and solely use this one for questions. Since I am a beginner I have lots of questions.

reefscape15 - I love the color of that red macro algea and yes my tang loves it! I am going to transfer it to my sump later but leave a softball size in there for the fish to munch on.

I will definitely need some suggestions on corals from you guys when the time comes. When I first started into this hobby I had a fish only, then I moved to fish only with live rock, then I started putting in corals as I get more experienced with the reef chemistry, and now I want a mixed reef tank with all the cool corals that will be able to fit in one aquarium.

Here are some pics of my sump I am currently building.

This is an overall view of the sump in construction, only a couple cuts left. The small square is for my new Euroreef RS80 skimmer.

This pic shows my return chamber and a small refugium. Since it is a small space (15in x 9in) I will need help on what to put in here.
How deep the sand should be (2in to 6in???), how much live rock (none or little), and algea (what kind - cheato, red macro algea that is in DT, etc) . . . . .
In a fuge it's really whatever you want to put in. I'd go with about 4" or so of sand, and a small pile of rock. I really prefer a bunch of 2-3" pieces of very branchy Tonga rock, but now that it's hard to come across, you may just want some small pieces that will be stacked in a somewhat open fashion, to allow some flow through them. If you can get a strong light over that fuge, Mangroves are pretty interesting plants to have. As for algae, don't put anything in there that you wouldn't want ending up in your display, as it WILL make it's way in there. But if you keep tangs, Angels, or other algae devouring fish, you can really put anything you want in there. Chaeto is a very quick growing plant, but needs to be thinned out quite often, as it removes the most nutrients when it's growing. Caulerpa is pretty good at removing nutrients, and also grows somewhat quickly, but has a tendancy to have some periodic die-offs, and can pollute your tank. I know there are other types of Macro algae out there, but they may be hard to come by
ok i officially started my build. plans kinda changed. i will no longer be using the 100 gall tru vu. it was too scratched up for my taste and i was not experienced enough to take out the crazing. i sanded down a panel with 150 grit sand paper and still coulldnt get underneatht hte crazing so i sold the tank. i bought it for 100 with stand andd canopy. sold it for 100 without the stand since i was already restoring it so i still kinda came out ahead. but reast assured, i still have a corner tank. i will be using my friends 54 gal oceanic. you can follow my thread here

looking forward to hearing from you guys.

i might just start posting my progress here if i dont get too much feed back from the general forum.