The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Thanx boret, for the encouragement.

I would be very happy with a 92g, but feel that at my age it would be better to go small. I need to know that it will be finished (???) in my lifetime. lol.

The other thing is that it has to be in my living room so that I will maintain it properly. I have had my two small ones in the basement and I was very negligent and destroyed a lot of LR and a few small fishes. It would be disgraceful if I had a tank like that in the living room.

Also, here in Canada there are not many used tanks for sale. Seems that we all hang on to what we have, and then want to recoup every cent that is invested.

Hey Boret,
So if I had a virulent infection how long do you think I should wait before safely being able to put fish back? My original plan was a month, should I wait longer, maybe 6 weeks? And to avoid the same issue in the future what should I do? A QT would solve that wipeout problem in the future wouldn't you say? I set up a small QT tank that is cycling now for when it is time to add fish.

Thanks a lot!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15340617#post15340617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sirjohn
Thanks Borat.

I know what you mean about the rock. I'm thinking of moving some to a 34g Nano I'm setting up.

I actually have two vortechs. You can see them in this picture. Flow is a bit TOO much! :) You can see where they have pushed the sand to the sides in the front of the tank. I have them dialed down to 50% or less each (always hard to tell where you are at with vortechs--my only complaint.

First, it's BORET not BORAT!! :)

Second, what about trying different heights for the vortechs? Might give you a more random flow.

See if you can get some of the rock in the sump, its always good to have the extra natural filtration.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15341321#post15341321 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lotusstar
Hey Boret,
So if I had a virulent infection how long do you think I should wait before safely being able to put fish back? My original plan was a month, should I wait longer, maybe 6 weeks? And to avoid the same issue in the future what should I do? A QT would solve that wipeout problem in the future wouldn't you say? I set up a small QT tank that is cycling now for when it is time to add fish.

Thanks a lot!

I would be very concern to add anything until I know for sure what provoked the sudden death of the fish.

I would go as far as trying to remove as much of the water as possible with several large water changes over a week.

Wait a while and then add more to the cleaning crew.

Eventually add a few inverts like a couple of peppermint shrimp and then, if everything is ok add the fish.

As far as QT. I always QT everything. And always dip new frags in revive or any other coral dip of our choice.
Awesome Boret,
Thanks for the advice. Yeah I agree with you, plan to do several water changes before adding anything even clean up crew. I was thinking water changes over the next 3 weeks or so, then some clean up crew. Snails and a few shrimp, then wait 2 more weeks before trying a clown pair. Always have had pretty good luck with clowns so think that's what I will start back up with.
Clowns and dragonets are pretty resistant because of the slime that protects their bodies. So that would be a good choice.
Well after getting home from my Ocean City vacation, i'm back to almost 3 full pages of info to get through. Sorry if I forget anyone on here, but i'll try.

sirjohn - I love the pics of your tank! I personally don't think it's too much rock in there, and would leave it as is. In a corner, I like to see them full, but in something like a large cube tank, you can really get some amazing columns, caves, and overhangs. I have my 54gal corner pretty loaded with rock almost from bottom to top on both back sides. I may move it around if I ever get my sump, but I like it for now. Anyways, regardless of what I say or others, if you like how your tank is, don't change a thing. The pics are awesome.

Gerryo - I wished I got the 92gal. 54 is a very nice size tank, but 92 gives you way more options. When I went to the store to pick up my 54gal there was a 92RR tank sitting right next to it. My wife actually asked me, "don't you want that bigger one instead?" I was dumbfounded that she actually offered, and when I picked my jaw up off the floor I saw the price. twice what I was planning on spending on the 54gal, so I had to pass it up. 54 is a great size to give you lots of options for coral and fish selection, and it's not too overwhelming to clean.

Backspin - Looks like you will have an amazingly fun project on your hands there! 200gal will be amazing, and the wall cutout is such a great idea to build your stand around. Looking forward to seeing your build.

Wismie - I'm just about to make my way to your thread and check out the updates:)

On my vacation, I was planning on making a detour on the way home and swinging by Dr. Mac's Pacific East Aquaculture, but my family was ready to get home, and I didn't want to drag them through yet again another store. After we agreed on skipping the store, my wife asked if we wanted to hit up Baltimore National Aquarium on the way home. Um.....does that really need to be presented to me as a question?:) On the way home, the kids were getting restless and my wife and I were both getting tired so we decided to skip the aquarium as well. We made a deal that in about a month, we will take a trip down to Washington D.C. to visit my brother, and hit up both Pacific East and the aquarium in one weekend. I'm already looking forward to getting back in the car again:)
Hey gerryo welcome to the club!
I am also a Canadian reefer, I've found with a little time and keeping you should be able to find almost anything at a manageable price. I found everything I needed to get my corner tank going in a little under 3 months looking at local reef forms & places like kijiji,ca. Only things I bought from a store was a powerhead that was on sale anyway! :)

I'm not sure where Smith Falls is though, if your in a isolated area it might require some traveling to find a good source.

Reefscape15 Thanks for the act knowledgement I was being to think no one cared about my build, LOL But will try it again, I will be framing directly to the existing 2x6 walls and tapcon to the concrete slab, I figure about 2500lbs with just tank and water and only 11sf to carry the load that is righ about 225lbs a sf more that a normal tank but it will be over built like everything else I do..

2x6 screwed and glued to existing frame wall with 2x4 uprights for support..


Insulation in walls to cut down on noise in ajacing rooms.. Extra outlets will be install next..


The two back corner walls will be cut out so that the tank will be visible from three seprate rooms front main, and to flat 4' by 30" ..
Oh awesome! I really like that idea of having it as a corner room divider type tank. That is very origional, and will give you tons and tons of options for coral placement as you will be seeing every side of your rock work. Totally cool. Please, please keep us up on that build!!!!
Thanx for the comments reefscape15 and Pulp Fishin. I live abt 50 miles from Ottawa and there are 2 BA's and another Marine LFS so am not isolated as such. However, there doesn't seem to be any local reef clubs or forums. Maybe they just don't like noobies. lol
I feel the same about the price of the 92g and need to limit my committment to the 54g and hope that I won't feel too bad later. I've seen some very beautiful 54s here and feel that if I can do that I will be very satisfied.

Happy reefing.
Very interesting build, BackSpin.

Might be difficult to aquascape the tank with the 3 sides visible, but I look forward to it !
He can probably do a center pyramid! That would be cool.
Looking forward to the build as well. Are you doing a close loop or all powerheads?
Tank will be drilled for closed loop, since there will be no place to mount power heads that will not be seen or in the way, overflow will be in back corner and will only been seen from front of tank the other two side walls will cover it. will be cutting the walls open this week to make plans before final build on tank is oked. Hope all goes as planed but I know it never does, will update with pics when I start.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15340617#post15340617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sirjohn

Sirjohn, I'm loving your sump set-up. However, can you please throw in a few stray wires, maybe remount some of the vortec control units crooked? You're making me look bad! :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15350012#post15350012 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BackSpin
Tank will be drilled for closed loop, since there will be no place to mount power heads that will not be seen or in the way, overflow will be in back corner and will only been seen from front of tank the other two side walls will cover it. will be cutting the walls open this week to make plans before final build on tank is oked. Hope all goes as planed but I know it never does, will update with pics when I start.

Um, how did you find a tank (corner tank) with out a tempered glass bottom? custom order????

(did I miss something... again... lol.. probably)
You did not miss, I just did not get that far yet it is a custom acrylic tank one piece front bent no seams will upload picks when I get them..