The Reef Central Corner Club Thread


I got the paint on my stand today. 2 coats primer and 4 coats Latex paint. Now to put all that Oak back on. :beer:

I'll post pics when I figure out how to do it???
I understand from some things said here, and on other threads, that if you have Clams in your tank they will remove a lot of nitrate from the tank along with calcium.
Does this mean that you should not install a Skimmer in the system? Would a skimmer remove too much of the clams food?

I know, I know, I'm not ready for clams yet. I don't even have my corner tank yet. But no sense buying too much unecessary equipment. :reading:
I have two large clams (one is about 9" long) in my 54 corner, and I still skim a lot of material out of the tank. The SPS and clams use a lot of calcium, and I dose with two-part B-Ionic daily.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15356560#post15356560 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gerryo
I understand from some things said here, and on other threads, that if you have Clams in your tank they will remove a lot of nitrate from the tank along with calcium.
Does this mean that you should not install a Skimmer in the system? Would a skimmer remove too much of the clams food?

I know, I know, I'm not ready for clams yet. I don't even have my corner tank yet. But no sense buying too much unecessary equipment. :reading:

Tridacna clams are a lot like macro algae's in that they actually prefer to uptake ammonia rather than nitrate. Basically, their zooxanthellae absorb the raw ammonia fish excrete before it has a chance to be broken down by the bacterial biological system into nitrate. Only when ammonia isn't present, will they begin to utilize any nitrate in a system. So intentionally running higher nitrates for the sake of the clam isn't necessary or really even a good idea.

Regarding whether it is better to operate a clam tank without a skimmer; I personally wouldn't. I really feel that for consistency and ease of care, a skimmer is still one of the critical pieces of equipment for a reef tank and I would have one on any saltwater tank I set-up.

That said, the link below is worth a read, as it highlights an experiment where the main biological filtration on a fish tank was accomplished via Tridacnid clams:

Not something that is easily replicated, but does explain well how they process ammonia out of a system. Unless you have a major population of large clams, this would never work...
Thanx Joey and Shaun for your comments. Much appreciated.
And thanx shaun for the link. Interesting reading but an expensive experiment.

Today I got another 6lbs of figi rock for my 15g to see if I could liven up the LR. Some coraline growth on the old LR and something growing on top of one pc. No idea what it is but looks like a miniature zoa.
Within 5 minutes of placing the new LR in the water there were two small white brittle stars out prancing around. I think, "Now that is live rock". Wonder what else is in there.
Also got a 19g to use as my sump/refug. Now I need plans. Lots on here somewhere I guess
I've been looking into all the HOB skimmers, and I like the Reef Octo 800s quite a lot, but I can get a used Deltec MCE600 for about the same price on Ebay. Just looking for some thoughts on this. Thanks!
Thanx Jesse.
I just haven't had time to work it out. Busy with the oak covering. Thats all fitted now and needs sanding and sealing. Lot of work yet.
So I think my Naso tank has flukes.
I'm st work readying about fresh water dips and as scary as this seems I'm goan give it and try this weekend and hope for the best!

Please don't change your avatar, Jesse.
It has become a very familiar face everywhere on RC.
I don't have to look at your sig. to know who is there.
Well I been busy cutting and framing up here is where I am at..


Framed up with green board in between..


The top framed and cross braced all drilled and screwed with pocket holes and glued..


All is within a 1/16" of a inch over 4' front to back and Tapconed to concrete floor so it is solid..



New GFIC outlets I ran three seprate circurts and all on seprate GFICS so they can trip each without shutting everything else down..

Will update as I get work done, thanks for the intrest.. :)
Agreed I'm looking forward to this as it comes along.
I guess by your info its gona be 200gal pentagon?

I think that would be one of the biggest corner tanks we have on here. I think there was a 300gal pantagon pics many posts ago!
BackSpin is your tank drilled in the bottom?
I don't see (from the pictures) and room for pvc to go up and behind the tank. I was wondering if everything will be enclosed or if you are planning on cutting some of that green board to access a utility room behind one of the walls.

Also... if everything is going to be enclose, including canopy, remember that you want to have "fresh" air coming into the tank area for better O2 exchange. Most of the exchange occurs in the skimmer. Some people run a longer tube from the skimmer pump into another room to get fresher (more O2) air. Also you could consider using an air pump and air stone in the sump of fuge underneath colecting the air from a room behind the green panels. I am sure that you have thought of all of these things but it is good to have a checklist of everything when you are putting it together.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395437#post15395437 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rocketlily
Being a pentagon corner tank owner, I also look forward to following this build.

ditto on that.
Hey all! Just ran across this thread. I've had a 90g corner (Fluval Venezia) for nearly 2 years now, and love it. I also have a standard 225g (72x30x24), and although I like the extra size of it the corner tank is my fave as it is so unique.
I made some modifications to the lighting: I took out the back corner T5s and built a triangular hood for 250w MH pendent. So, the tank has MH in the center and T5s in the front.
As you all know, putting in a decent size sump is a problem with these tanks. Because our winters are mild I opted for an outdoor sump. The tank is in the family room against an outside wall to the sundeck. I built an insulated box with a lid and a door for a 54g sump on the deck up against the wall; drilled holes through the wall for the plumbing to the tank. Works great. Temp stay steady at 78F to 79F in the winter months and 78F to 80F in the summer.








Here's a few of the sump in its box:
