The Scleractinia Shallows

I see an additional hobby in my future.

They're really cool and surprisingly relaxing. Having something like this around absolutely chills you out


This is a 40 something year old Redwood Pine


And it's a really inexpensive hobby (Even 20-40 year old tree's cost less than a single mp10)

Of course, you can always get carried away. But sometimes it looks pretty worth it...

They're really cool and surprisingly relaxing. Having something like this around absolutely chills you out


This is a 40 something year old Redwood Pine


And it's a really inexpensive hobby (Even 20-40 year old tree's cost less than a single mp10)

Of course, you can always get carried away. But sometimes it looks pretty worth it...


Rakie, are any of those yours?
Rakie, are any of those yours?

Nah, my grandma killed mine like 10 years ago now. These, and one's like these, were my inspirations when I started working on them.

So here's how mine all died -- She watered them with the water hose and high pressure nozzle attachment and didn't even notice the water flung a few away, or that she blasted out most of their soil..

Being a kid, and them being tree's, if I had stuff to do they never had a problem waiting for tomorrow... Except this time -_-

I've always wanted another, but I'd only be truly satisfied if it lived on my desk, where I spend like 80% of my life as a student lol.
Actually, you're right! I use 10-20ml per 250ml..not a liter.. d'oh!!
I'll probably work off 5ml per liter to start with then :) Should work hopefully with twice weekly dipping!

Dom, I just dipped my beloved 32 year old bonsai plant in a massive dose of insect poison.
Kinda like what you going to do with your beloved frags ... BTW my bonsai pulled through just fine. PS treat your SPS like you would plants by feeding them a balanced diet of Nitrate Phosphate and Potassium - saying that , insect and bug poison are designed to kill just that and not plants, use plant poison if you wish to kill your SPS - just dumbed this hobby into basic equations for you.
PS there is not one yellow leaf on "Emma" this year she looks great after a soaking in Biggles Juice!!!

Oh I absolutely adore Bonsai!! Just stunning plants and the art that goes into them is amazing! I often think about getting them mysef! Japanese maple or an Australian native as having a mini Gumtree would be the tits! haha Rose's are the other ones I want to get into as well as I have a huge soft spot for them :)

I missed a bunch DOM. Sorry about the AEFW and glad you found what looks to be an equivalent dip. Fingers crossed!
Yep, I'm hoping that it works just as well as everything looks to be the same in terms of active ingredients so it should translate across well I hope :)
Well I've been seriously lacking in the tank motivation department the last couple of weeks so I've only been doing the very bare minimum. Yesterday I decided enough was enough and went on down to Dave's for some fresh motivation and desperately needed water!

After a good refresher to get me feeling better about the ordeal I got home and didn't muck about! Top up all my dosing containers so they're all full and kicking and then moved onto the tank! NOw that was the fun/tricky part along with being very sad as well :( lol. I removed all the acro's down into the sump as this ordeal will be much easier to manage if they're easy to get to in the sump :) And I went about rescaping the tank! Took me 4hrs but I'm absolutely loving the new scape and it's worked out so much better than before :) I'm now ready and prepared to start the treating process so wish me luck everyone!!

Sh!tty pics of the new scape too lol

Rakie, if you mention the mesh top I'm coming for you :blown:
Rakie, if you mention the mesh top I'm coming for you :blown:

Why is that top so janky? With your diy skills I figured it should be amazing.

Just get to dipping those acros and you'll get into it seeing those little buggers start dying.
Hey hey hey now, unlike your tank, that mesh top has really latched onto me. I like it now!! :D

The rescape looks great, lots of potential for some great growth and great attention to depth of field, and looks very natural the way you set it up!
Dom, you have a lot of time, money and effort already devoted to this tank. This is your baby. Your a SPS keeper and you can never let your guard down. Get motivated and get your tank back up to Biggles standards, or I'm telling Andrew and he will take the tank away.
Plus where else can I see all of your beautiful Flubber.


Well I've been seriously lacking in the tank motivation department the last couple of weeks so I've only been doing the very bare minimum. Yesterday I decided enough was enough and went on down to Dave's for some fresh motivation and desperately needed water!

After a good refresher to get me feeling better about the ordeal I got home and didn't muck about! Top up all my dosing containers so they're all full and kicking and then moved onto the tank! NOw that was the fun/tricky part along with being very sad as well lol. I removed all the acro's down into the sump as this ordeal will be much easier to manage if they're easy to get to in the sump And I went about rescaping the tank! Took me 4hrs but I'm absolutely loving the new scape and it's worked out so much better than before I'm now ready and prepared to start the treating process so wish me luck everyone!!
Why is that top so janky? With your diy skills I figured it should be amazing.

Just get to dipping those acros and you'll get into it seeing those little buggers start dying.
I was in the local hardware store on the weekend but didn't end up getting the correct bits, I learnt that lesson again this morning with my rhomboid making a flying run out of the tank lol

I'm sadistically awaiting the mass death!

Hey hey hey now, unlike your tank, that mesh top has really latched onto me. I like it now!! :D

The rescape looks great, lots of potential for some great growth and great attention to depth of field, and looks very natural the way you set it up!

Yeah I'm really happy with it and it's already got the Biggles tick of approval :lolspin:

Dom, you have a lot of time, money and effort already devoted to this tank. This is your baby. Your a SPS keeper and you can never let your guard down. Get motivated and get your tank back up to Biggles standards, or I'm telling Andrew and he will take the tank away.
Plus where else can I see all of your beautiful Flubber.

My motivation has definitely come back which is nice, going to do a first round of cleaning today to see what's really effected and what's got off easily! :) I won't have a chance to get the Bayer till next week though so I'm running with a mild Dettol disinfectant dip in the mean time as the little suckers don't like that at all! lol
Hey Dom, did you see that Dave got in some captive bred royal grammas the other day................. i think you did, didn't you.......... is there anything you feel the need to share with your mates here Domster.......... anything about a captive bred pair of royal bloody grammas.......... :twitch:
Dom, Inquiring minds want to know!


Hey Dom, did you see that Dave got in some captive bred royal grammas the other day................. i think you did, didn't you.......... is there anything you feel the need to share with your mates here Domster.......... anything about a captive bred pair of royal bloody grammas.......... :twitch:
Hey Dom, did you see that Dave got in some captive bred royal grammas the other day................. i think you did, didn't you.......... is there anything you feel the need to share with your mates here Domster.......... anything about a captive bred pair of royal bloody grammas.......... :twitch:
How did I know you'd be the one to dob me in! :facepalm:

Dom, Inquiring minds want to know!

Well they're about to find out! lol
Okay so this is a bit of a big one given I've been quiet and busy A.F. the last few weeks with work. Let's start out with the AEFW battle!
As I mentioned in earlier update's I've managed to find the Aussie version on Bayer Advanced and that's called Bayer Temprid 75. It contains the same two active ingredients as Advanced but it's a much more concentrated dose! You should have seen the look on the guys face when I told him why I was buying it! :eek::lmao:

The current dosing and regime I'm working on is: 2ml per liter for a soak time of 4-5mins with a circulation :) The acro's don't seem to mind this mixture and I could go more but it's working as the PE has improved dramatically after just two dips lol happy days! I didn't take any pics during the process but the dip water is a very milky white, a little more so than most the dips I usually see lol

The sad part about this ordeal is what my collection has been whittled down too :( :thumbdown this is the sump that currently contains ALL of my pieces of acro that I've kept! As you can see there's a little bleaching that I need to fix on Monday!!

More to come :)
Despite the rough patch the tank is going through it's allowed me to focus on some non-acro avenues! Namely my fish and getting the scape exactly as I want and I think I've hit it perfectly for me :) Please excuse the pictures, they turned out a little weird lol

Left side is currently LPS, sea fans and a couple of clams lol

The right contains my zoa collection and no clams haha

The centre contains more clams haha, I'm up to 4 clams in the tank and they're all different species :inlove:

And some pretty zoa frags to follow up lol

More to come! And the best bit so far!!
And now for the pièce de résistance!! :eek2:
I went and stopped by Dave's the other day for some top ups and maybe some goodies and boy did I score well!!

They're captive bred, they're gorgeous and they're all mine!!!!!!! lol They didn't even get the chance to be unbagged, I got them instantly hahaha
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They've settled really well, happily eating like pigs and out and about :)
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I'm really liking your new scape. I don't know if your Bayer is the same strength ours in the states but I use 15ml per 250ml and dip with circulation for 10 minutes. Yours seems really weak and I'd be worried about it not killing effectively.
I'm really liking your new scape. I don't know if your Bayer is the same strength ours in the states but I use 15ml per 250ml and dip with circulation for 10 minutes. Yours seems really weak and I'd be worried about it not killing effectively.
Thanks mate :) I'm really happy with how it's turned out and having nothing on the scape has given me a lot of time to play with it!
The bayer I have is 10x the concentration of the advanced you guys have so it would be 1.5ml per 250ml so 6ml per litre. The reason I'm starting at a lower dose is I need to be sure it's the same/safe stuff for the acro's as it isn't the exact same label so I'm being careful lol. I'll slowly bring the dose up to test things out :)