So I don't have the motivation to re-type my current thoughts from my hometown forum but here's the gist of my crazy *** mind at the moment! I'm preparing for the months and years of torture! haha
So am I crazy if I want to start looking into breeding? I've had this tingling sensation in my nether regions telling me that I ought to be doing something in order to have some fun with live foods and breeding some different species that aren't clowns or dottybacks. No idea on what I want to breed yet really, maybe something interesting like the liopropoma genus, the centropyge genus or something from the blenniidae family. It's a lot to blast myself with little to no experience but hell, how else do you get rocking into something that's such a demanding part of a demanding hobby haha.
It's something I've always had in the back of my mind, along with coral propagation but that's a bit wonky at the moment and I think I would get a little more enjoyment out of breeding and rearing too! Especially if they're from species I truly love! lol. Don't worry about that, I'm setting things up with the expectations of lots of failures and lots and lots of small steps but I think that learning curve is going to be one of the most enjoyable aspects! Especially while working with a single species too
Oh and I'm bunkering down alright, I haven't mentioned it to Georgia yet though

hahaha she'll love it though! Given that I'm still at uni, with no full time work and most of my time is at home anyway, the time dedication is not something I fell I'm going to have issue with or struggle with as I'll be around a large amount of the time anyway!
I know, I know they're a good place to start and would be fascinating to watch but I have no love for clowns lol I really will need to start with something different in order to keep the fires stoked under my *** lol. If I start with something that may be more difficult and may mean I take a lot more time to get the hang of it will mean more and keep me more motivated! I just can't do clowns lol so any other suggestions would be amazing

I'm trying to get into contact with the breeding rock stars in the US too, Todd, Kathy and Karren as their insights would be invaluable!!
Already signed up with MBI, listening to all the Reef's Threads podcasts at the moment and reading all of Kathy's, Todd's and Karen's various writing as well lol I'm jumping in deep

I've also emailed Todd as he's a bit of a hero/rockstar to me with his work with liopropoma sp., lipogramma klayi, gramma dejongi and of course the illustrious r. opercularis :cum:eek :rofl
I'm doing a little research on the smaller species that have been bred and successfully raised in captivity as I want to do something groovy as we don't have many home grown groovy breeders at the moment! I'm also going to try and get in touch with a few of the larger institutes and uni's
My plan is being formulated haha
I hear the very mixed feelings and experiences with breeding but that's also because I think people don't realise quite what's involved beyond ooh my clowns are spawning I can totally do this lol but that's also how it starts for some too

Not trying to put anyone down by saying that haha. I think the feelings of excitement and elation from having a success in any of the stages, even making it an extra day post hatch would be amazing! I live and breathe this hobby like a lot of us and have always loved the idea of breeding but never thought I'd be capable of it, but having read some of Todd's work and listening to people talk about it has me beleiveing in myself haha
Unfortunately I don't live at home anymore so I can't say I have no expenses but I'm definitely rich in spare time

it's going to be small beginnings, as simple as getting my first pair to spawning condition in my tank or sump to prove I can hit stage one lol. I'm thinking a blenny species to start with as people have had success with them, they're readily available and small so I don't have to do anything special just yet
I agree with you though, there's been some amazing advances of late! Especially with pelagic spawners! I'm defintiely going into this head on to start with because how else do you do it lol.