The Scleractinia Shallows

Ooo diggin the scape! Love the grammas! Such a nice fish.

Sweet pile of frag plugs in the back ;) I do the same thing. So lazy lol
Ooo diggin the scape! Love the grammas! Such a nice fish.

Sweet pile of frag plugs in the back ;) I do the same thing. So lazy lol
Cheers Kevin :thumbsup: Definitely much happier with it and the fish love it! They've become a lot more bold which I put to the result of much better hiding spaces and territories :) The two little gramma's have settled in really well and they have their own little slice of the reef to patrol on the right side of the tank :) Things are still a little green and brown from adding all the new rock that I did lol but it's calming down as I expected haha

I don't know what you're talking about :lol: it's a good pod hotel that little mound haha that's my excuse...
Hi Dom,

great update above, hope the AEFW treatment goes well!

You did note the Keep out of reach of children part? :fun2:
Sorry to see you're going through AEFWs Dom, thankfully something I've not had to deal with.

I really love the aquascape and the captive bred royal grammas are very cool, congrats on the purchase. How are your wrasses doing?
Hi Dom,

great update above, hope the AEFW treatment goes well!

You did note the Keep out of reach of children part? :fun2:
I have lost/thrown a lot of acro from this ordeal but I've managed to save my favourites which is what I was planning anyway lol

I'm not allowed to use it unless Georgia measures it out and watches me :debi: lol

Sorry to see you're going through AEFWs Dom, thankfully something I've not had to deal with.

I really love the aquascape and the captive bred royal grammas are very cool, congrats on the purchase. How are your wrasses doing?
It's a pain but **** happens and I'm at least prepared to deal with it from now on :) I'm going to be trying some fluconazole next week hopefully, no real bryopsis but one or two little spots that I'd love to be dead haha.

I'm very happy with it, the fish love it and the corals will too once it's repopulated! lol The only downside was using un-treated dry rock in the rescape the nitrates and phos spiked a little lol and I've got some lovely diatom/cyano patches at the moment but nothing worrying :)
The wrasses are fantastic! They get long well, the don't bother the gramma's or the pinstripe basslet who I get to see lots more of with the rescape :inlove:
Still getting shitloads of food too :lol2:
You know i will take all of your fishies for safekeeping while this dipping thing goes on Domster - i will do that for you mate :beer:

and the shrimp, i'll look after him too.........
And now after a brutal murdering with bayer for the last 3/4 weeks, I am free of any visible signs and hopefully in general! Still got two more dips to go, one this week and another next just to be 100% sure but I'm over the ordeal and can start rebuilding again! At least there's some acro's back in the tank again lol a pitiful amount to what it used to be lol.
Been pumping through 25L water changes every second day too the last week just to give the tank a good freshen up :) I want to change about 200% over three weeks with both ASW and NSW :) should do the tank some good and my motivation is keeping up with it because it helps keep my focus too :)
Glad to hear the ordeal is almost over. If only they screamed when they died, it would make the process so much more satisfying. :furious:
Glad to hear the ordeal is almost over. If only they screamed when they died, it would make the process so much more satisfying. :furious:
Me too lol now we can get back to the fun part of filling up on candy goodness! It would certainly add a sadistic quality to their destruction :lol:

Everything is looking good, glad to hear your tank is free of SPS herpes!
Thanks matey :) And I'm definitely happy that things are somewhat under my control again!

Looking really beautiful Dom, glad to see your acros back in the tank. :beer:
Thanks Josh, I'm certainly very happy to have them back in my tank! :dance:
After posting yesterday I decided to do a little bit of work on the tank and re-organising of the matrix to add some to a higher flow are of the sump that forces the water through it :) I even made a wonderful media basket!

I gave it all a good stir and mix up to clean things out and freshen it up! Stormy day on the reef was the result lol

Needless to say the skimmer really enjoyed the good stir up lol

Tank was sparkly and clean once it all cleared and I'm hoping that having the matrix, carbon and phosminus in a high flow are with the water being forced through it will make a difference but we'll have to see :) I've left half the matrix in a much lower flow area for more anaerobic conditions so we'll see what happens lol

Also here's a starfish anus/mouth to brighten everyone's day!
I went through the aefw battle back in November. 5 weeks of quarantine and Bayer solved the issue 100%. I lost several pieces but saved most of my Acro's. Glad to see you're staying the course to rid your system of this dreaded pest.
Glad your handling the aefw well. I hope it all works out in the end. It always feels great to get acros back in the display. I treated straight from my display and put them back after each dip. I think I dipped 8 times because I skipped a few days and dipped late, then found new eggs after the third week, that was upsetting :( But that was a long time ago and it helped me learn about pests and how to handel them. If I worry about pests I can enjoy the hobby! So I no longer worry, just take every step I can to prevent them. Looking forward to how things turn out when the system kicks into gear.
I went through the aefw battle back in November. 5 weeks of quarantine and Bayer solved the issue 100%. I lost several pieces but saved most of my Acro's. Glad to see you're staying the course to rid your system of this dreaded pest.
I refuse to be beaten by anything or anyone! lol. I threw out all the pieces that were visible infected and just kept those that were healthy or my prized pieces! I think that greatly helped reduce the treatment times as I still haven't seen any signs of them in the last 2 weeks :)

Glad your handling the aefw well. I hope it all works out in the end. It always feels great to get acros back in the display. I treated straight from my display and put them back after each dip. I think I dipped 8 times because I skipped a few days and dipped late, then found new eggs after the third week, that was upsetting :( But that was a long time ago and it helped me learn about pests and how to handel them. If I worry about pests I can enjoy the hobby! So I no longer worry, just take every step I can to prevent them. Looking forward to how things turn out when the system kicks into gear.
I hope so to but I think I'm nearly there now which is nice :) I've certainly learnt a lot and will be a little more careful with things now but it was an interesting lesson and I feel better off for it now :)
Me too, I'll be doing another water change today and a clean up and hopefully another couple over the weekend too :)

How often do you stir things up? Do you ever test afterwards to see if you get any spikes?
Once a week or two :) Whenever I feel like getting in there lol and I don't, I can usually tell by the way the tank clears and the glass stays clean what's going on lol :)
Well, all I can say is oh my golly goodness! I got told the deliveries were going to be good this week but holy ****!! I suppose I better just let my pictures do the talking! This was what the tank looked like when I got there!

The pieces that Christian has been collecting are just amazing, some of the best I've seen in a while!

As you can well imagine I tormented Andrew with these pictures all day! Domshop was in full swing! Of course with such a glorious selection of goodies available I simply HAD to buy some so I pic myself out 4 lovely little pieces as the big colony that I wanted would have left no room in the tank at all :debi:
White skin with blue corallites and polyps! Hopefully I can keep the white skin! lol

Drop dead gorgeous blue loripes with a green hue through the body

This piece I believe turns into the pretend firetruck that everyone has at the moment lol the blue/purple tips make it interesting and while there's less red the differing colours make it interesting!

This is just a simple SSC variant that I've had previously but I love it so I had to get myself some more to replace my lost piece!

This was the piece I got two weeks ago, the deep sky blue with green corallites, going to be stunning when it comes back a little more and the system is happier

Well I suppose I better give some progress on the tank and things are doing really well which makes me happy but I'm off for a week on Monday and the temps are going to be 30+ here in Melb that week :( No halides and I think I'll run the lights for half period to avoid too much heat in the tank!
Flubber is coming along nicely, I going to get some vibrant to deal with the coralline covered nasties that are hiding lol

Annnnddd a FTS :)
Liking the new scape Dom! I'm glad you're making it though the AEFW battle well, ugh that's horrible. Those pics at Dave's are great! Maybe one day I'll go visit Dave and export a box of goodies to myself! I should hit up Christian...does he export?