The Scleractinia Shallows

LFS has a pair of them on hold for me, a terminal male and a small female/initial phase.
These two appear quite docile, even though the male is rather large at 5.5 inches in length.
Is yours pretty relaxed, or is it aggressive to other fish in the tank? Any issues with feeding?
What do you feed and how frequently do you feed? any recent pictures?
LFS has a pair of them on hold for me, a terminal male and a small female/initial phase.
These two appear quite docile, even though the male is rather large at 5.5 inches in length.
Is yours pretty relaxed, or is it aggressive to other fish in the tank? Any issues with feeding?
What do you feed and how frequently do you feed? any recent pictures?
That's fantastic!! They're absolutely wonderful fish :inlove: My lovely lady has been nothing but the perfect citizen! She is completely docile and non-aggressive towards anyone, she was a shy feeder for a long time but that might also be to do with her constantly hunting and eating, now she eats the pellets from the feeder ring as soon as they hit the water lol :) She sleeps in the sand and is always out during the day strutting her stuff or hunting :) I really adore her and she's currently my oldest fish too, 2 or 3 years and I got her as a tiny juvi :love1: lol
I feed a mix of 5 pellets, mixed into one lol ON Marine formula 1 & 2, NLS Pellets, Algaemax pellets and some special ocean nutrition professional pellets :) As well as mysis. I feed pellets anywhere from twice to ten times a day lol every time I walk past the tank really and a mysis cube soak in selco boost once a day/two days :)

I hope that helps answer your questions but you will not regret getting them! They are wonderful fish! I don't have any current pics though as she HATES the camera haha
LFS has a pair of them on hold for me, a terminal male and a small female/initial phase.
These two appear quite docile, even though the male is rather large at 5.5 inches in length.
Is yours pretty relaxed, or is it aggressive to other fish in the tank? Any issues with feeding?
What do you feed and how frequently do you feed? any recent pictures?

If you don't take them let me know because I could always take them in!
Thanks for the info Wrangy...I pick them up tomorrow. The male is pretty large at 5 inches, but is pretty docile and both are eating well.

Pife, if you want to see them, they're at Seascape.
Thanks for the info Wrangy...I pick them up tomorrow. The male is pretty large at 5 inches, but is pretty docile and both are eating well.

Pife, if you want to see them, they're at Seascape.

I might swing by after work tomorrow.

Sorry for the thread hack Dom. More pictures and I wouldn't do this.
Thinking I should finally bite the bullet and try out a calcium reactor lol I play with the idea on a near constant basis but thinking I might actually convert over this time lol
Do it! Love'em.
Once you get them dialed in, they are extremely easy to adjust and control.
I'm seriously thinking about it! I'm getting a cheap one priced up for me to see what it's going to cost but it'll be super basic to start with and I might get more fancy if it works really well :)

On another note, the colours in the tank are really starting to come back again which is awesome! I'm getting some Vibrant to deal with the bubble algae that's taking over though lol
Ummm so I did a thing.... which leads to another thing.. being a small predator tank thing... :inlove: lol
I'm glad the acros are coloring back up Dom, give it some time and everything will be right on track i'm sure :)

I could have one of those in my secret sump flubber tank with angels and all sorts of cool fish that eat acros......... i'm taking your lionfish if it's on order Dom - i just sent Dave a text in case you have it ordered.

What is the name of my new fish anyway Dom ? :wave:
I'm glad the acros are coloring back up Dom, give it some time and everything will be right on track i'm sure :)

I could have one of those in my secret sump flubber tank with angels and all sorts of cool fish that eat acros......... i'm taking your lionfish if it's on order Dom - i just sent Dave a text in case you have it ordered.

What is the name of my new fish anyway Dom ? :wave:
Definitely improving a great deal :) It's amazing what stable parameters and a Radium can do :lol:

You sure could! I'm just waiting for your acro eating angel sump rocket to blast off! lol Well he's already feeding on live and dead neon tetra's and I'm hoping the conversion to frozen silversides will be nice and easy :)

He is a lovely d. biocellatus, Fu Manchu Lionfish and Georgia and I are currently working on his pet name because we decided he had to have a proper name :)
White skin with blue corallites and polyps! Hopefully I can keep the white skin! lol

I don't normally "photo quote" because I think it's annoying to read, but when I do it's because I've seen something remarkable! I keep seeing this coral - in my dreams, just out of reach. I saved your photo and I'm going to send it to the Aussie supplier and ask for one. Last time I asked for a blue Echi and I got a pink Spath though, so I'm not holding my breath. I'll keep on dreaming.
That is a dream coral. It's one of my favorites I've seen from down under. Great pickup Dom.
I like Andrew Kevin Biggles! Now thats a proper name.

You might have given me some name idea's ;) haha

I don't normally "photo quote" because I think it's annoying to read, but when I do it's because I've seen something remarkable! I keep seeing this coral - in my dreams, just out of reach. I saved your photo and I'm going to send it to the Aussie supplier and ask for one. Last time I asked for a blue Echi and I got a pink Spath though, so I'm not holding my breath. I'll keep on dreaming.
That is a dream coral. It's one of my favorites I've seen from down under. Great pickup Dom.
It's one of the most gorgeous I've seen, not many pieces with bone white skin and sky blue corallites :inlove:

looking good dom. Can't believe you turned your radium off though...... :P
haha I felt sad every day that it was off :( back on now :D lol
So there's a few minor changes and tweaks starting to hit The Shallows at the moment! I bought a little tub of Pro Bio F to play with, one dose already last night and the skim is about twice as dark today lol so there must be something in it! haha Just 2 spoons of it and I'll probably only do it twice a week or once a week :)
I also went a little silly and got a 22kg tub of the probiotic reef salt because if we're playing with bacteria I may as well go all out haha and I've wanted to give it a whirl to see what happens anyway :)
I've also upped the vitamin game in my tank seeing as it's all the rage at the moment lol

I also picked up some scrummy goodies :inlove:

And meet the Sump Monster!

The little Fu Manchu didn't make it through the week at the store due to mysterious circumstances so that plan is a little delayed :(
Tank shot :) I did a little bit of organisation and playing around with acro placement and I'm pretty happy with the new sorting for the moment, I tried it with my Biggle glasses on to take as much note of colour and growth form so everything is opposing and popping! :) You can't really tell from the picture but I'm happy, just need to deal with the bubble algae lol. I also did 50L water change today to use it up as I went to Dave's :) Siphoned pretty much the entire sump lol, that was very much needed and a quick vac of the sand as well :) Next water change will be the probiotic salt! I'm super keen to see what happens!

I also picked up a calcium reactor today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We blew up the solenoid in the store and a fuse :lolspin: so I need a new reg+solenoid but it's all set aside from a ph controller and I've got a vario blue ii peristaltic pump on loan while I get my own lol Veerrryyy close to having one running finally!