Well a little update on things in the Shallows. The new wrasse is doing great but the tiny little bellus didn't make it

Her anal fin was gone and I didn't think anything of as it was just a missing fin but I awoke to one morning her stomach and abdomen completely gone

I'm not sure what happened and it hurt but there's nothing I could have done, no signs of infection or anything.
The next update on the tank is the Vibrant vs Bubble Algae! I've put three doses in and I'm thankfully starting to see something so I hope this is going to work for the terrible infestation in the tank!! Even if they do look pretty.... haha
You can see the progression of death though which I'm loving haha
They've taken a hold a little stronger than I wanted as over the last two weeks I've had no skimmer on the tank as the pump died! Been a **** few weeks actually but luckily someone was selling a second hand RLSS R8i for just a little bit more than a replacement pump so I'm upgrading skimmer tomorrow lol. The other piece of kit that's nearly ready to rock and roll is the calcium reactor! We're all filled, the pH probe and controller is in and measuring, I've got the regulator and solenoid set, all I need to do is go and get a bottle of CO2 and get her cranking

As you can see the tank has a nice pH of just over 8 lol
All in all, the tank is doing nicely and things will hopefully colour back up again after two weeks of no water changes, carbon or skimmer while doing the fluconazole treatment or bryopsis (WHICH IS THE GREATEST THING EVER). Carbon and GFO are back in the tank and I did a 25L water change today so things look a little fresher and the tank is still liking the AF probiotic salt
And even though it's flubber, this kind of flubber porn is worthy of being in an sps forum lol