Most definitely great for the soul, I'll be heading over to Deer Park on Friday hopefully (depending on how quiet work is) to pick up some goodies and just do nothing for the day there lol. I think I might do another water change tomorrow though so I can refill the barrels.Water changes are great for the soul... And your tank. I used the af probiotic salt and it didn't have any effects. We need a close up of the tank and to see the progress of the vibrant dosing. That is one medieval torture device you cooked up for those bubbles.
Maybe you can help me pick out a new wrasse for my tank. I'm leaning towards a romboid but I'm open to any, well almost any wrasse.
I didn't notice your screen top or your boots in the picture.
Most definitely! Nothing more enjoyable going to town and stabbing them all hahaIt has to be so satisfying popping those bubbles with your medical torture device.
It's a deranged kind of weapon because the bubble algae has made me a deranged kind of reefer :furious: It is making a difference thoughNice Dom! I'm liking the 'double ***** and suck' device you have created.... you deranged animal....
So who can recommend me a decent actinic led strip?? I'm thinking about getting a simple 2ft strip to add some pop in the evenings and I'm looking at the SB Reef Lights sbar and the reefbreeders LumenBar at the moment as they seem like decent mid range strips. I'd love to get a ReefBrite XHO strip but with shipping at the costs involved I ain't paying that kind of dough haha
I'll have a look at ecoexotic nowEcoexotic cheap and easy.
I love my reefbrites though.
I have a Pintail now and I'll list the other wrasse in the tank.
I have
4 female leopard
1 male leopard
1 male potters waiting to be added
1 yellow
1 red coris
1 dusky
1 melenaris
1 redheaded
1 pudding wife
1 sailfin
1 pintail
Yep I think that's all of them. My lfs has a romboid in so that might be what I end up with. A couple of them my not end up in my DT either.
I hope you're not planning on getting me into trouble :lol: I spent my tank money all in one hit today on three acro's and a goni lol but holy sh!t did I want to spend more!! There is a cherry/magma wrasse in the store that I want and a tiny ultra, maximum, full power clam that blew me away as well! I could have easily spent $2k+ today :spin3:Pm me your address or postal code. I'm interested to see how much shipping is.
haha when I was doing my water change I nearly took a bunch of top down's as I could hear you in the back of my head making fun of me for no pictures :lol: you lost in the end haha I might do it over this weekend and go from there!I'm not sure why there aren't photos of your new acquisitions posted yet........
Very confused..
Oh heck yes! Now that I'm working full time and not one day and week and bumming of my lovely partner :lol: I have a bit of extra cash to start buying nice pieces and fish. The tank should start to fill nicely over the next few months and not look so barren! The one thing I am looking forward too is more fish! Especially wrasseThen your tank will fill with sps!
Time to switch to something! lol preferably with an app as I take a lot of quick shots with my phone!time to switch to Dom!
haha well you're in luck! I broke out the real camera and the porthole last night and took pictures of all the pieces currently living in the tank and I have to say I'm pretty happy with how the colour is going on some and how the colour is starting to come back on othersHe's gotta switch to something Sam as we're all waiting to see his tank and new bits!
Glad to hear all the mutant bubble algae is succumbing to the tube of death.
Will be good to see your tank soon populated again with choice acro's from deerpark!
haha I knew you'd be excited! :lol: I'll endeavour to get them edited and uploaded tonightPics!!! Yessssssssssssss...
Time to switch to something! lol preferably with an app as I take a lot of quick shots with my phone!
haha well you're in luck! I broke out the real camera and the porthole last night and took pictures of all the pieces currently living in the tank and I have to say I'm pretty happy with how the colour is going on some and how the colour is starting to come back on others
It's really a huge difference, I'll do some comparison shots as wellGot some very groovy fish to add though in the next couple of weeks