The Tang Tank / Tanginator - 265g Build Thread!

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my toilets still have slight yellow lines in them ... i noticed in the shower head holes there was yellow residue in them as well ...

I know i'm passing sulfur ... its a gas ... RO won't take it out .. i'm also passing some tanen(sp?) .. my water still has a light color in it - thats caused by organics fouling & rotting underground.

I've been contemplatingon spening some more money & installinga green sand filter ... but ... i don't know ... i can live with the water the way it is ... my whole house seems to be doing well. I'll probably open up the RO membrane cylinder & check out the membrane ...
I have not noticed a difference in water quality since installing it. TDS coming out fo the whole house RO is still below 30 TDS ... always between 22-28 on average.

Should the membrane have color to it, i'll "Bio Wash" it ..
"Reverse osmosis membranes, over time, become saturated with calcium and magneseum, iron and other minerals. The "biowash" procedure uses the CWP unit's own pump to push a mixture of versene and trisodium phosphate, mixed with warm water in a 5-gallon bucket through the membranes. This cleans and improves the performance and lifespan of the membranes."
Tonight i wrapped up a few loose ends ... drilled the sump for the 4th return bulkhead ... ran flexspa for the 4th return.

1 1/2 buckets of Salt added
5 buckets of Sand added ... need more

i have 2 more bags of sand from treeman out of miami/lauderdale ... same stuff i gave roy 2 bags of ... but also have 2 or 3 bags of livesand .. will use that to seed the sand in the display.
tank almost full w/ salt & sand

old sand underneath - treeman's sand above ... much finer sand

garage w/ wet area - we put 2 coats of poly coating over the wood.

4 returns for the sump

i built a little holder for the AC3 ...
the filling has finished!

pump is running .. everything looks good ... just too bad that i can't see through it ... the water is reallllllly NOT clear.
i bought the "shell" for the sump - just fabbed the guts myself.

I will no longer be updating this thread here on RC - it will now be continued on -> forum -> Tank Builds

the attitude of the general RC organization is enough to make me turn my back, and NOT renew my "Premium"
quoted from the premimum membership registration page

"There will be no refunds for loss of membership due to user agreement violations."
how can you tell he got banned, this is all nonsense. All he was doing was getting the local people excited about tanks again. He spoke his mind and was not profiting in anyway about anything he spoke of. Without marco The local southwest florida chapter of reefcentral would have died long ago. I think this has gone too far, everyday i see other local websites posting when a store has got some great pieces and nothing happens, so a few mods visit this tiny portion of reefcentral and decide to make an example of an honest upfront guy who is excited about the hobby. I don't know what else to say, I can't believe people running any website would make such a big stink about something so stupid.

under the name it says moved on, and his I support RC logo is also gone as with his contact info in his profile, and the easiest way to know is he told me. I think yes it did start as simple things, but got heated, and that is what caused it not the single mention of commercial posts. we have the local fourm up and running now, so lets hope that stays and we can gain more people and might someday actually all meet
lol its something he can tell his kids about someday, i can see it now, maybe he'll write a book about how he got banned by the big bad computer geeks of a leisure site that has no effect on everyday life and as predicted had no effect on anyone whatsoever. I wonder if his license to have a fishtank will now be revoked. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9595024#post9595024 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
maybe he'll write a book about how he got banned by the big bad computer geeks of a leisure site that has no effect on everyday life and as predicted had no effect on anyone whatsoever.

Working hard on that same result for yourself I see.....

Thread closed by the big bad computer geek.
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