THE Tank Build By Aqua Digital

Thank you for showing us how to set up the ATO system. I have managed to do it using x1 float sensor and an external pump plugged into the powerbar.

I have a question though and was wondering whether you could explain if it is possible and if so, how to set it up.

Currently I have the Profilux II, x4 Dosing unit, x6 way Powerbar, 'Y' splitter and x2 float senses.

Can I set the system up so the one of the pumps on the dosing unit fills the sump (when signaled) by the float senses? I don't want to use a separate pump and connect it to X6 Powerbar.

Is this possible? Can you explain how to program the logic?
Hi Clint and thanks for that. I did post around a month ago on that site but nobody replied. I thought I'd try here since AQD_ottawa wrote a great explanation earlier.
Hi Andrew, I cant find your post over on the support forum, but the answer is quite simple to list here

set on eof the dosing channels in socket function outlet to water 1 now the sensor will control the doser.

here are a few new additions.





Nearly half killed these trying to fix them to the rock, multiple attempts over 14 hours! needless to say the stags are not in the same postion you see them here!

If anyone knows of an epoxy that actually goes off after a few mins please let me know :(
Michael, the tank is looking great. I think it goes to show that with the right setup and keeping things simple you can really do great things. So, just to recap, you're using the Balling Light system (w/ trace elements I assume), and using Prodibio (BioDigest, BioOptim, and ReefBooster)? What type of salt are you using these days, did you ever switch off of Reef Crystals?

Beyond that I guess you're just using some of the FM coral food products?

I'd also be interested to hear your take on Ultralith and if you're using it.

I tried tropic marin pro and am still recovering from it, cyano and multiple aglea within 3 days of first water change, I have now gone back to RC and will stick with it.

I am easing off all FM, and switching to prodibio, the dosing is simple and with this sort of concept I see little requirement for anything that requires daily dosing or reactors. I hope my tank will show what is possible with this dosing approach.

My personal feeeling is daily dosing of multiple additives is litered with potential issues and balancing acts. I never got what i hoped for out of this method and have seen improvements in a more structured weekly dosing regime.

However, my personal views and findings should not detract from others that may have success with regimes such as Lith and Zeo. I personally found no real benefit and only balancing issues.

The important thing is nutrient reduction but not to the point where you starve the tank and this is where the prodiBio system really wins through, it is balanced for you, sort of plug and play if you will.

I do think the only lacking part could be colouration and it is this now I wish to pursue with prodi and see if it can sustain the colours I have especially the eye popping greens.

There maybe in the future a requirment to add a third element, but for this i hope the balling method if it does what advertised to do in respect to colouration should fill in this gap. If it does not then i will personally question and investigate the requirement for the trace elements to be added to this method.

So to summerize, the tank will now run prodibio religiously and also balling, in 6 months we all will see how the tank has evolved.

This next stage is not to knock any product, it is a simple experiment to learn what different systems can achieve and what may work in relation to each other.

If I were to provide any thoughts right now, as I said above I personally do not see the requirement for systems that need reactors. The prodi bio system already in my tank has proven to work, if not over work.
FM coral foods - At present I only use FM fish foods, I have not tried other foods as yet so can not evaluate or comment on the pros or cons.

I think this is an evaluation for a later date.
Aghhhhhhhhh!!! Cyano and in ULNS!!

Scratching my head with this one other than one single event, all comes back to change of salt. I was speaking to a LFS one of my local dealers and he had the same issue, took a while to rectify.

As all my levels are low at the moment until proven otherwise I am putting my money on that.

If you wonder why i am assuming its that one event, if you read back in the posts, when i switched my ORP bombed out and within 3 days I had brown algea all over the gravel, thats long gone now.

I am open to suggestions as to what else it could be. Its not overly bad and pretty well hidden, but still worth an ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
i got some cyano from time to time as well with prodibio. for me only one fix-Special Blend bacteria -works wonder.In 4-5 weeks cyano is gone! if you do search on RC for SB you can see that many people had success with this product.

Cyano outbreaks are quite common in ULN systems. This is a common affliction so don't be too worried. Cyano and Dyno's can utilize other nutrients other then PO4 and NO3 to grow so they are becoming fairly common in ULN systems where other algaes are scarce (algaes that would normally be competing for similar food sources).

Physically remove as much as possible, do a few water changes. Ride it out. Nothing good happens quickly in a reef tank ;-)
Cyano outbreaks are quite common in ULN systems. This is a common affliction so don't be too worried. Cyano and Dyno's can utilize other nutrients other then PO4 and NO3 to grow so they are becoming fairly common in ULN systems where other algaes are scarce (algaes that would normally be competing for similar food sources).

Physically remove as much as possible, do a few water changes. Ride it out. Nothing good happens quickly in a reef tank ;-)

Yup, I always end up with Cyano in my tanks. It's just one of the things I have never been able to kill. Blowing it off regularly, and a lights out schedule every two weeks helps a lot.
Cyano does that to you! I am about to try Special Blend Aquarium Bacteria, and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.