Although on Docs orders to stay away from TV's and computer screens while my eyes recover, I just had to update this thread as I have seen lots of RC chatter about ProdiBio and wished to fill in some gaps. (larry

I have been solely using ProdiBio for some weeks now after dropping all other elements. Initially my change was brought on by an increasing Cyano issue. Once I started on ProdiBio the Cyano did not go away immediately but here is a brief dosage and history thus far.
I stopped everything other than balling and started with the Bio Digest and BioPtim, I also added the strontium. The reef booster was not implemented until I felt I had turned the corner in the cyano.
After 3 weeks of dosing 1 vial a week of each the Cyano was starting to show good signs of receeding, at this point I learnt about the effects Iodine has on Cyano so made sure no extra iodine was being added to the system.
After some more time the Cyano was at a very low level, but as Patience is not my middle name I blasted the remainder with Chem clean (red slime remover). Due to not having very much Cyano left at this point thanks to the ProdiBio I did not have the huge DOC issues you can get from this product and the REDOX level only dropped from 447mV to 440mV. If I was patient for another 2 weeks the Prodi would for sure have finished the job off on its own, that there is no doubt.
My thoughts of ProdiBio are this - if you want by far the easiest ULNS method possible for any size tank, do not like daily dosing and like the idea of cracking a glass vial once a week, then ProdiBio is well worth a shot.
I will be now resuming ReefBooster and also the Iodi+ from Prodi, I also as reported above will be soon adding some Potassium to the mix if the system calls for it.
The system I beleive now needs about 3 months to give a decent evaluation but from results thus far, Prodibio is damn hard to beat!
If anyone wants to try it out please drop us a line as we will be offering up the kits for all USA members.