THE Tank Build By Aqua Digital

Yep running a filter sock, now i have got the flow right things will improve, also more so once the weir is recitifed on Thursday ;)

Oh and carbon.
ARGH! Did I mention slightly milky water?

Yep since the start the water has had a cloudy tinge to it.

Thoughts were -

Bio bloom
Aragonite being pushed about
High CA - AH maybe! Read on

So the test kits reads 490ppm!! Must be faulty test kit, so I test the test kit, nope spot on.

New batch of salt mixed (Reef Cystals) leave for 24 hours and put a sample in a glass


Thats after 24 hours and 2000L/hr stirring it!

Time to test this new mix, result 490ppm :(

Well Ok that can be used up in time no issue but what about the cloudy new water? So I leave the container to sit for 16 hours and see what settles



Now please tell me this is not normal?
Not normal. That calcium reading is nothing to be worried about though. Honestly I would call them about the milkiness of it, and get your money back. Also try'll never go back.
I called them they said "i mixed the salt wrong" HUH? and its ca precipitation and just let it settle and skim the water off the top. Great!

Thinking of trying red sea pro
No, thats their way of saying screw you...and that's not cool at all. 490PPM will NOT cause calcium percipitation.

I like Salinity so far, but LOVED Seachem reef until Salinity came out.

Never used Red Sea

I hated Reef Crystals, it was always super low on magnesium, and the calcium, and alk levels were all over the place. Mainly, magnesium was the reason I left Reef Crystals. I was using almost two cups of mag per 20 gallon water change just to get it to 1350PPM
The water mixed up yesterday tests at

ca = 490ppm
Alk = 9.5
Mg = 1420

hmm, maybe I got some bad batches.

Regardless, any company that's makes a comment along those lines doesn't get my business. Especially since there is obviously something wrong with the batch you got. Some sort of random particulate that made its way in there.:strange::confused:
The new TM Bio actif is excellent and I recommend it. Seachem has had many problems over the years. Believe me I know very well. I have had good results with any TM salt. The new Bio actif is really something special
Phew not another line!

Just signed to North American distribution of Bubble Magus and canada ProdiBio, any more I think will need staff :(
I often get that same annoying precipitate when I use Instant Ocean salt (any variety). I am not sure if its silt from the manufacturing process or simply some strange Ca/Alk precipitation problem but I get it quite regularly and requires semi-regular scrubbing of my salt water making resevoir.

From my own observations, I find that this tends to occur much, much more frequently under higher Alk conditions. I mixed a batch of salt water from my well water once and it created a layer of that crud around the entire surface and sides of my 50 gallon drum.

No salt mix is perfect, in fact you'll probably find someone for every brand of mainstream salt out there that has had a problem with a bad batch.

That being said, nice tank build! Can't wait to see your progress
Nano - If you are looking for FM stuff let me know I can ship today everything other than the LPS food and coral cleaner is in stock ;)
So the big switch over ;)

I am now dosing ProdiBio instead of FM. We all know what FM does but ProdiBio really is the unsung hero out there for low nutrient dosing and coral husbandry.

My levels already can be classed as pretty much devoid of nutrients, PO4 non existant, Nitrate needing reading glasses and good light to see anything that resembles colour, so this is more now going to show how well Prodi maintains where FM left off.

I am using the Reef Booster kit and have added all the elements, if anyone wants further info on this the prodiBio review will be on my blog.

I will just give you my thoughts on the product though.

PBio is for those who hate daily dosing and do not wish to run a Lith reactor, it does everythign a Zeo system will do but with far less regime and stress, this is due to the way the ingredients are presented to the tank with elements to feed themselves in the 15 day bio cycle.

I will report back in 7 days of how things are looking but please follow my proper review on my RC blog.
Waheyy :)

In two hours since adding prodi my redox went up from 385 to 415!!! skimmer going nuts.

Monti bursting with polyps and not even added the amino's yet until tonight as directed.
nice build ... have similar tank only 30" cube. I do have a comment and a question.

I am now using Red Sea Pro and recommend it. It is dried from real sea water in Israel ... just like another much more expensive brand.

Question is ... how thick is the glass on your baby, where any tempered?

thanks S
1/2 inch star fire all 4 sides. Not sure if tempered, but as the tank is a Miracles tank, if it needed it then it would have it ;)