therman's 40B SPS tank, TOTM Oct 2001 and reef nostalgia thread

Although any one of those montipora could have been the coolest I have every seen (especially under 10K!!) you without a doubt saved the best for last in that photo line up. OMG that monti is unreal! The purple polyps make that thing.
Not that I can definitively trace back. Back in 2007 Menard told me he had some of the pink rim montipora from the middle. I would absolutely love to get some back.

I always remember you and Los talking about Menard's and i asked...."you buy corals from the hardware store?" :lol:

I also remember when i traded Sang Toy Story toys for his corals. How's your son Sang? Need more toys? :D
Ha! Sometimes you need Toy Story toys more than corals....depends on the day in my house now ;P

Awesome Carlos! I just PM'ed Menard before you posted too. I need to do that Chitown coral reunion road trip I've been threatening for years.

I don't think that bright pink one is Leng Sy. I've never seen Leng Sy color up that much, and it has white polyps if I remember correctly. I started collecting montis again around 2007, but most of them didn't have the pop that my old collection did, so I only kept a few around. Getting back on the wagon these days. I want to try the ORA Lantana and a nice confusa again.

Did you ever find this one again? In my head it was the nicest coral in the tank.
The Pavona was awesome too, fluorescent green potato chips. Haven't found another quite like it since then either (though I haven't tried too terribly hard).

That Pavona is just great!!
It looks awesome in the pictures when it's far and close up too!
It has a wonderful shade!
Hope you can find it again!
Good luck!

Those Montiporas are also amazing! Great pictures!
More please! :D

You are in luck. I got a frag of it from Menard about a month ago and it is doing very well. Growing and nicely colored. As soon as it is a little bigger, I'll send some over your way.

Wait a minute.....does that mean you have another tank set up and running? the last time we talked you were taking a break. I am glad to hear it man.
That kind of looks like a sapphire millepora these days.

Not the best photo, but it colored up to a deep purple-blue with pink/magenta polyps. Similar to bubblegum mille, but more blue in the base, not just the tips, and the polyps were amazing, like pink shag :D

Of course if there is anything I'm growing now that you'd like in your tank, I'll be happy to hook you up with frags :)
Did you ever find this one again? In my head it was the nicest coral in the tank.

Yup, I got it in my tank. I have that one (though unable to trace it back to Menard/You) and another one that is a slight variation of it. Both are small frags at this time but if they are large enough when you get here, you are welcome to a frag of either or both.
Awesome! Wow, nice to see fellow old timers in here. Tim, how r u man? man this is crazy, harbor aquatics, Tracy gray all of this brings back all the memories that was lost and buried. Long story short lost some of my old pieces when I started playing with potassium well it's a mistake that is too painful to swallow. All that Solomon Island cultured frags, Vanuatu, and select Fiji stuff gone. Ups and down r part of this hobby u know that, now my tank is matured again super pack. Next time u visit Chicago come and see me, Carlos will take u to the house he know where I live. Peace
Hey Menard! Great to hear from you! I'm doing very well, busy, but can't complain too much. Sorry to hear about your coral losses...I went through the same thing after I moved in 2012, some due to mysterious causes, some due to tank taking a back seat to the rest of life. Almost threw in the towel, but enough survived the neglect that I knew I needed to turn it around.

Good news is things have turned around now and tank is doing great. Growing some corals now that have never done well or colored up in the past, which feels good :)

We will definitely pay you a visit when I come, thinking some time mid to late summer.

And for more 40B eye candy, this is just a regular Solomon pink mille with its polyps retracted, but it was grown from a little Harbor frag and became a centerpiece in the tank. It loved cooking right under the Iwasaki and getting "blasted" with a maxi jet :) Also note the humilis and gemmifera frags around it, encrusting and loving life in that tank.
Looks like I missed a party! When was that Dwayne?

This was the only digitata that I've ever kept that has really impressed me. SUPER thick, vibrant glowing lime green with white tips. It was actually hard to cut, instead of falling apart when you stick your hand in the tank:
This thread makes me happy.

And it is amazing to see what was being kept so long ago!

Back then the only thing I had was a 75g with a tang, some clowns, damsels (never again), tube nems, and locally collected stars and urchins from the Med.

Of course my LFS was a local national and I didn't understand any Italian, just pointed and paid.

If only I had known this was possible back then!

Please keep sharing.
Gosh, I miss those days.

Here is my 75 back in 2005 before I tore it down...

Two 250 watt Iwasakis and one 400 watt 20K Ushio in the middle

Damn i bet the par was very high with those lights, sick i love it! May i ask what parameters you ran for alk, cal and mag?