Thumbs up for Ozone!

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6537772#post6537772 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pperez
I did the cleaning last night and this morning it read 305 before lights, now it reads 294, Hmmm. I might be looking at this ozonizer a bit more. My tank is only a 75gal, so i assume the 50g units are fine, although i might go with the 100g for future and just use it less often. Is that a good idea?

Also is redsea a good unit, or is aquamedic better?

That sounds right . Dirty probes are usally near 100 points off and orp is higher before the light than after .IME

I run only 10mghr basically 24/7 on my 120. That keeps me right at 400 giver or take 10 :)

I can't help with the two brands you listed as I haven't owned them . I use an old sander unit
I have the smell under my stand also . Are you using carbon on the air output on the skimmer cup or on the outflow of the skimmer? I don't therefore I do get a steril/fishy smell from under my stand abit.
I have carbon under the gate valve mod on the ASM.

I just reread a few pages and saw JB NY post. I think I might have it dial up too high, but the ORP is 350-370 in the last hour.

Should I dial it down? I also assume that my ACII Orp isn't reading correctly yet since it has only been 3 days of operation.

I get a "laser jet printer" smell and not a fishy smell.
I would back off a bit . Those are 200mghr units if I remember right . I would only run it alittle above the low point . Watch the orp for a few days and by then th eprobe should have settled in . Clean it once more and let it stabilize for an hr and adjust it up little by little until your orp is where you want it . It may take a few days to do so .
I have had my redsea 100mg ozonizer with orp probe since tuesday. at present the orp is measuring 324. I have it set for 330. How much of an increase is safe over the day. utimately I think somewhere around 360 is where I want to be. I am running 5mg per hour. I have a 180 and a 40 gallon sump. 220 total gallons. I have the ozonizer set at 40mg.
Also in order to increase the orp would you increase the mg per hour and increase the set point or increase one and not the other? Thanks
increase your set point first . If it doesn't rise in the next few hours then adjust your ozone output .
one more question. How quickly should my orp rise from one level to the set level. My orp is stuck at 322 today. this am was about 319. I have a new controller up since tuesday. I will clean the probe with water and vinegar and see what happens. seems like my orp should have increased by now.
i am injecting 5mg per hour. I have my probe reading 319 since tuesday. can this be accurate? does my probe need to break in? should I clean the probe again? My water is definately looking cleaner.
So what does Ozone actually DO? What size should I consider for a 120? Any drawbacks to running ozone?

as long as you use a orp conroller thee is no drawback.
it helps to breakdown organics . and will kill any pathogens or bacteria it comes into contact with.
ozone = low organics and crystal clear water. cant beat that
I have the 100mg/hr unit on my 120 with a 100 gallon lagoon refugiun. and I only use maybe 25mg/hr.
1. Where should I place my ORP probe in the sump?

2. How freq should I clean my ORP probe? Do I use vinegar to clean probe?
i mounted mine in a high flow area
where the majority of water passes thru. I clean my probe every monday with waterchanges and carbon changes. I use vinigar soak for 15 mins then rinse
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