Time for a club meeting ??


Hey guys,

We need to kind of resurrect our club.. it's been a long time since we gathered together formally and enjoyed each others company and talked reefkeeping.. l'm more than willing to host a meeting on Sunday March 11th from 1 to 4 pm if that works for folks. Some of us do keep in touch but without club meetings we seem to drift apart.. some club members no longer have tanks and some have moved away. We need some new blood, Officer elections, treasury report if we still have one etc etc etc. So if your interested let me know here or at reeftank211@gmail.com. For logistics, I moved to Newtown this past June and live at 18 Greenleaf Farms Rd. Moving my 265 gallon tank is a massive story in itself. If you can make it, please reach out to anyone and everyone you can think of that could be potential members.. also talk among yourselves as I have no clue who still reads our RC site.

RC just wished me a Happy Birthday in email today, so You can too..‼️😂😂😂

Happy Reefing,

Hey, if anyone has any hardy frags (softies or LPS) gathering dust that they want to sell or donate, please pm me. We can meet before, after or during meeting. Thanks, Alan
Just a little bump to look for a few more folks.. i'll update next week... looking forward to seeing everyone..
Hello all. Would love to join you and meet some local experts. In the middle of my first build so I could use all the help I can get!
