TONE's 500 Gal Piece of the GBR


New member


Biotope Type -- Reef-crest / Reef-face / Bommie.
System Volume -- Approximately 2,000L maximum.

Tank -- 2.85m Wide x 0.90m deep x 0.75m high, euro-braced and 3 x cross-braces. Full depth end weir 300mm in width.
40mm Durso standpipe, 40mm intake for closed loop; 40mm emergency overflow. Weir doubles as a cryptic zone due to its large size.
Stand -- 75x25 RHS Duragal framing with 25x25 infill framing. Recycled timber cladding, open faces.

Sump -- 450mm Wide x 600 deep x 450mm high. ATJ auto top-up system.
Refugium -- 900mm Wide x 450mm wide x 450mm high connected to the sump. Refugium designed in the ‘race’ style based on A.Calfo’s coral propagation tanks. 4 x 39W x 10,000k T5 lighting in anti-cycle. Miracle Mud & Caulerpa. Small DSB in separate compartment.
Return Pump -- Iwaki MX70R feed to perimeter return loop with 8 x ¾” outlets. Soon to be upgraded to Sequence Barracuda and with manifold to drive the various water treating devices.

Lighting -- Metal halide:
4 x Lumenbright 20” reflectors 250mm off the water surface.
3 x 250W Lumatek electronic ballasts.
1 x 400W CoralVue dimmable electronic ballast plus one spare.
3 x 250W x 15,000k AMD SE lamps.
1 x 400W x 15,000k AMD SE lamp
Lighting -- Florescent:
Icecap 660 electronic ballast.
4 x 54W x 20,000k Aquaz Pro-Blue.
Lighting -- LED Moonlights:
LunarTracker auto lunar cycle â€"œ 5 LED


Natural Filtration -- Around 200kg of Live rock. Some of the LR has been in my tanks since the first day +13 years ago.

Deep Sand Bed -- 100mm to 300mm deep made up of mainly Calgrit Fine Calcium feedstock, 40kg of Fiji Pink, and 10kg of 3mm marble chip in high flow areas. The high water flow tends to move the bed around a bit creating areas of exception depth and other areas bare.

Water Parameters
Temperature Range = 24.5C â€"œ 27C. Average 26.1C
Salinity = 1.025
pH = 7.8 â€"œ 8.3 (low due to CO2 usage)
Alk = 9.2 â€"œ 10.8 dKh
Ca = 420 - 450 ppm
Mg = +/- 1830 ppm
Sr = 12 ppm â€"œ rarely measured
Nitrate = Not measured
Phosphate = Rarely measured, would be <0.10 ppm

Additives & Conditioners
Kalkwasser (Builders Lime) - Weak solution in top-up water
Baking Soda / Washing Soda - Occasional use to restore balance
DampRid - Occasional use to restore balance
Bacteria - ProdiBio products
Vodka / White Vinegar - 50/50 x 16ml x 2’ce per day
Magnesium - Kent Marine Tech-M
Strontium - Seachem â€"œ now and then
Phosphate Remover - Seachem PhosGuard occasional use
Granular Activated Carbon - Activated Carbon Technologies Anticarb GA1000N 8x16 mesh
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Skimmer -- Prototype Turbo B1gB1tch dual recirculating Beckett; 200mm dia x 1.40m tall overall. Laguna 16000 recirculation pump. Eden 155 feed pump.


Water Movement | Wavemaking -- Closed Loop Sequence Hammerhead pump. Ocean Motions 8-Way, 8 x 1” outlets feed to 2 banks of 4 x ¾” Locline multi-directional nozzles fitted in bulkheads through the wall of the weir. Runs 12 hours per day, off at night.
1 x Ecotec Marine Vortec MP40W. 4 x Tunze 6100. 1 x Tunze 7095 controller. 1 x Tunze wavebox (no extension).

Make-up Water -- PSI Custom RO/DI water filter, +250L per day. Aquatec pressure booster pump. 220L RO reservoir â€"œ lasts 7 to 10 days on average

Climate Control -- 7kw Inverter split unit
Chiller -- Aquaone 1200


System Controllers -- Milwaukee Meters SMS125 -- ORP and CO2
RTAW ‘Hoozamawatsit’ Excellent DIY System Controller:
• Lights
• Cooling
• Heating
• Timers
• Alarms SMS



Calcium Reactor -- Turbo dual chamber 200mm dia x 500mm high recirculated with an Aquabee 2000. AquaMedic coarse calcium carbonate aggregate. CO2 run aggressively at +60 bpm.

Ozone -- 500mg/hr unit. Cycle 30 mins on / 30 mins off. Carbon filtering.


Miscellaneous -- 2 x 750W Standby power generators
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Livestock - Fish (27)
3 x Pseudanthias squamipinnis - Scalefin Anthias (females)
2 x Pseudanthias engelhardi - Barrier reef Anthias
1 x Cirrhitichthys falco - Dwarf Hawkfish
1 x Centropyge loricula - Flame Angelfish
1 x Centropyge aurantia - Golden Angelfish
1 x Centropyge potteri - Potters angelfish
1 x Pomacanthus xanthometopon - Blueface Angelfish
2 x Amphiprion melanopus - Red & Black Anemone Fish
3 x Chromis viridis - Blue Green Chromis
1 x Coris gaimard - Yellowtail Coris
1 x Psuedocheilinus hexataenia - Sixline Wrasse
1 x Microcanthus strigatus - Stripey
1 x Cirripectes stigmaticus - Reticulated blenny
1 x Atrosalarius fuscus holomelas - Brown Coral Blenny
1 x Siganus vulpinus - Foxface Rabbitfish
1 x Siganus vigatus - Virgate or Scribbled Rabbitfish
1 x Acanthurus pyroferus - Mimic Surgeonfish
2 x Paracanthurus hepatus - Pacific Blue Tang
1 x Zebrasoma scopas - Scopas Tang
1 x Zebrasoma xanthurum - Purple Tang






Very clean set up great job......that's one of the cleanest and most organized setups I have seen...:)
Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
Sea Stars - Linckia laevigata Blue linckia
Sea Cucumbers - Holothuria hilla Tiger tail
Soft Corals -
Xenia spp. Pulsing Xenia
Lobophytum spp. Green Leather Coral
Cladiella sp. Finger Leather Coral
Anemone -
Heteractis crispa Sebae Anemone
Zoanthids -
Protopalythoa spp. Green Zoanthids, Pink Zoanthids, Orange Zoathids
Protopalythoa vestitus Button polyps
Corallimorphs -
Discosoma spp. Mushroom Coral
Rhodactis sp. Hairy Mushroom Coral
Ricordea yuma Ricordia
Hard Corals
Pocillora damicornis Pink, Green, Magenta
Seriatopora hystrix Birds nest
Acropora grandis Staghorn acropora
Acropora formosa Staghorn acropora
Acropora nobilis Staghorn acropora
Acropora austera Branching acropora
Acropora nasuta Cluster acropora
Acropora granulosa Bottlebrush acropora
Acropora clathrata Table acropora
Acropora millepora Cluster acropora
Acropora gemmifera Cluster acropora
Montipora verrucosa Encrusting montipora
Montipora efflorescens Encrusting montipora
Montipora sp. Plating montipora
Porites lichen Plating jewel coral
Porites sp. Boulder coral

Fungia sp. Disk coral
Lobophyllia hemprichii Lobed brain coral
Caulastrea furcata Candy Cane / Trumpet coral
Favites sp. Moon coral
Platygyra daedalea Brain coral
Catalaphyllia jardenei Elegance coral
Plerogyra sinuosa Bubble coral
Duncanosammia Wiskers coral



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15148469#post15148469 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by troylee
Very clean set up great job......that's one of the cleanest and most organized setups I have seen...:)

Thankyou Troylee ... one of the benefits of a stand big enough to camp inside :)

Tone :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15148591#post15148591 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by elijaher
great tank I notice you don't dose sugar.

Thanks elijaher ... I have started to feed a teaspoon of raw sugar every couple of days to help broaden the strains of bacteria. It hasn't become an established practise for me as yet.

Tone :D
Finally you're sharing your beautiful reef Tone...

Did you clean up your fish room for this picture taking??? Amazing how you keep everything so clean and neat :lol:

I'm surprise your blueface angel left your LPS alone as mine before just takes them as afternoon snacks... :(
Hiya Ed,

hahaha ... you haven't seen the rest of the fishroom! My wife makes me keep it clean or else no ... ;)

The b1tchface has a go at pretty much any LPS that she swims by. The beautiful big jardenei has every tentacle bitten off before I fenced it in.


The fence has come down but I have to keep the food up to the blueface or she'll go on the rampage again. :eek2:

Tone :)
This is the great thread and truly beautiful tank.
Thanks for sharing.
I wish I can detail my tank just like yours. Very jealous.
Tony, your power station, not to mention the rest of the system, is very nice bro, super clean :eek1:

I think Ive seen the power station posted elsewhere on the forum...
Chingchai ... those were my thoughts in respect of the beauty of your wonderful tank. Love your tank build :)
Ian, thanks for the appreciation. As I was telling Ed, no ;) if the fishroom and tank is not clean.

Tone :)