TONE's 500 Gal Piece of the GBR

Thanks for all of the appreciation, guys ... :bounce3:

Assisting nutrient reduction with dosing 1ml of lanthanam chloride (swimming pool phosphate remover) into a cloth filter bag on the exit of the skimmer outflow at each change of the filter bag (3-4 days).

Correction to the above statement, the chemical that I use is Lanthanum Glucolate Hexahydrate in a concentration of 133g/L ... swimming pool phosphate remover - the label states that it is "safe for marine aquariums".

Tone :hmm6:
Connected up the ATB power controller.

A float switch is located in the top of the collection cup and when the skimmate level rises enough it switches off the NW pump ... just another fail safe system for reefers like me :)

This getup can be adapted to any type of skimmer.


First quarter 2010 update -- The corals are getting out of hand ... would you bellieve growing out a 10' display?

FTS, wide angle from 6' away:



Some top down shots ... the mille are both >18" across as is the blue tipped acro following:





Your tank looks awsome. Also your equipment seems to be well placed. Tell me why so many Aussies like the Bekkett skimmers, you have a big boy. I had a diy one but was too noisey and didnt skim much.
Fantastic set up Tone.
The attention to detail in the back end is really showing up in the front end!
I just love this one:
Your tank looks awsome. Also your equipment seems to be well placed. Tell me why so many Aussies like the Bekkett skimmers, you have a big boy. I had a diy one but was too noisey and didnt skim much.

Zaheda, thank you for the compliments.

The reason Aussies seem to like becketts could be because they are cheap to make and avoid being gouged by retailers. Mind you since Reef Octopus introduced its range of value NW skimmers a few years back there has been a shift to NW skimmers.

I recently changed out my big beckett for an ATB Premium Cone ... quiet and easy to mantain.

Tone :dance:
Fantastic set up Tone.
The attention to detail in the back end is really showing up in the front end!
I just love this one:

Thanks Mike. The back end has recently been redone and that is what you see now. No matter how well one plans the tech side there is always space for improvement once it has been in use.

That sps was a 'fragged-off' stump of about 3" dia given to me by an exiting reefer about 4 years ago. It stayed miserable and brown until the middle of last year when something livened up its DNA ... it's about 12" across now and a bit feral.

Tone :rolleye1:

Tank and corals look simply astounding Ton!~ LOVE those GIANT millis too!!!

The piece above looks strikingly similar to Raspberry
Limeade that can be found here state side. I actually have a small colony started from a frag I got from another RC member.
Tank and corals look simply astounding Ton!~ LOVE those GIANT millis too!!!

The piece above looks strikingly similar to Raspberry
Limeade that can be found here state side. I actually have a small colony started from a frag I got from another RC member.

Thanks Dave ... funny, I shipped a frag to one of my fellow reefers here who has a zeo system; the colouration is the brightest peppermint green with exquisite pink tips in his tank! He also calls it Raspberry Lemonade :)

Those milles just seem to grow out of control ... I've lined up a few local blokes for a fragfest, not too much but enough to resore light to the poor corals beneath them.

Thanks Slummies, Nexdog, & Tater11 ... much appreciated.

Would you believe that an old RO DNW-200 skimmer could keep this tank going? The Laguna NW pump on the big ATB skimmer pooped itself and whilst I'm waiting on a replacement, which is taking some time because of the volcano in Iceland, I popped the RO onto the system and upped the vodka/vinegar to 2 x 40ml /day ... and PO4 has dropped to 0.03ppm. Mind you, I have also reduced feeding the tank but the fish are still fat.

Cheers, Tone :)