TONE's 500 Gal Piece of the GBR

Ta Austin ... most of the pictures are courtesy of StripestheEel who is a wunderkind with the Canon.

Gorgeous tank man. I have a question about your Golden Angelfish. I finally pulled the trigger and got one last week. Have always been hesitant about Angel's with the amount of SPS / LPS I have. Over the past week, I have had to remove my prized chalices due to nipping. He's now destroyed one of my open brains. Are you seeing any issues with yours at this point? What are you feeding your Angels that may keep them from nipping?

Thanks and keep up the good work with that beast. Very jealous!

Great to finally see your setup. I love control central -- NASA would be jealous. :lol: The corals look really nice -- good coloration (or is it colouration down under :) )
Bonzer mate. :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15189678#post15189678 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NewSchool04
Beautiful tank!!!

I was looking to add a blueface into my 95% acro tank, 5 % acan and LPS. Is this a bad idea?

Thanks, Newschool04.

I'd leave the Blueface out ... it can't be trusted to leave things be. Mine chewed all of the tentacles off the jardenei. :eek:

Tone :bum:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15218856#post15218856 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by soccerbag

Gorgeous tank man. I have a question about your Golden Angelfish. I finally pulled the trigger and got one last week. Have always been hesitant about Angel's with the amount of SPS / LPS I have. Over the past week, I have had to remove my prized chalices due to nipping. He's now destroyed one of my open brains. Are you seeing any issues with yours at this point? What are you feeding your Angels that may keep them from nipping?

Thanks and keep up the good work with that beast. Very jealous!


Chapelle is my favourite comedian ... really loved the black white supremist skit; nearly caused me a hernia laughing!

The blueface / golden angel is a pain in the derrier ... if it has to forage for itself, no coral is safe. The only defence I have is to ensure that it is never hungry. Consequently the tank is well fed and I dose 20ml vodka / vinegar and 1x teaspoon of sugar twice per day to deal with the waste.

Thanks for your encouragement :)

Tone :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15226257#post15226257 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by
what water parameters do you maintain?

Hi Bill,

Water Parameters
Temperature Range = 24.5C â€"œ 27C. Average 26.1C
Salinity = 1.025
pH = 7.8 â€"œ 8.3 (low due to CO2 usage)
Alk = 9.2 â€"œ 10.8 dKh
Ca = 420 - 450 ppm
Mg = +/- 1830 ppm
Sr = 12 ppm â€"œ rarely measured
Nitrate = Not measured
Phosphate = Rarely measured, would be <0.10 ppm

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15226692#post15226692 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EnglishRebel
Great to finally see your setup. I love control central -- NASA would be jealous. :lol: The corals look really nice -- good coloration (or is it colouration down under :) )
Bonzer mate. :thumbsup:

Cheers Mate! :p

Funny, I worked with a NASA engineer once ... or so he claimed to be. He designed concrete foundations for one of my projects big enough to have supported the Shuttle. Pitty that the building was only a little 3-storey 2,000m2 office / retail shops. :lol:

My control centre is a bit like those foundations. I'd have liked to have used a slim glass faced rack-mount cupboard for the power centre but they are too expensive, even 2nd hand ones.

The coral colouration has faded a bit ... mainly the brown ... since I've upped the VDS dosing to wipeout the bryopsis. I've been struggling with B for nearly 3 years and decided, stuff it quadruple the VDS dosage and see what happens ... instant concussion for the B. I've started 1ml of iodine everyday as well since I'm sure that the skimmer is stripping everything from the water and I've noticed some improvement in colouration. Still need to watch that the iodine doesn't encourage the B.

Tone :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15230949#post15230949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tonyf
Cheers Mate! :p
Funny, I worked with a NASA engineer once ... or so he claimed to be. He designed concrete foundations for one of my projects big enough to have supported the Shuttle. Pitty that the building was only a little 3-storey 2,000m2 office / retail shops. :lol:
Tone :D

When I was living in England before I emigrated to the US, I worked with an engineer who worked on the CERN project in Switzerland. It took him six weeks to write a specification for a simple conveyor. The company reassigned him. :rollface:

Any idea how to get rid of hair algae without addding more chemicals (I don't want to add a tang just yet)?
Alan, I think that the algae cycles that you are going through are just the normal cycles for a new tank ... give it time and it will settle on its own.

Tone :)
The latest addition from another Reefer's tank. The Pacific Sailfin Tang grew to big for the 4'ter ... it's about 4-1/2" long and nice and fat.

Thanks mfd574 ... the frags hanging in the background are on acrylic racks slung from the cross braces. Eack rack is drilled with holes big enough to push a golf tee into.

Those frags are the 'giveaways'. Whenever I accidently break off a piece of sps it gets glued to a golf tee and put onto the rack. Then, when other reefers come around for a 'sticky-beak' (Oz slang for a look) they can go home with a 'frag-in-a-bag'.

Cheers, Tone :)
Thought I might just show some of the phenomenal growth of sps ... it's A. Warrenei

Look at the big tabletop acro in the background, it was hardly visible in December 2008.

December 2008

July 2009

Thought I might just toss this one in as well ... the foam column stood 11" above the top of the skimmer and collapsed just as I was about to take the photo ... must have been a draft that collapsed it :) It is coiled around the back of the air exhaust.
