Mark cute looking dog and as always your tank looks amazing. I love seeing great led tanks, I'm still tinkering with mine to get a good spectrum and reap benefits such as you have.
Any changes in coral color since lowering the whites to 55 ?
That's some awesome growth you've got going on there! Tank is coming along nicely. Well done Mark
That last set of photos are gorgeous, not that any previous ones lackedThe corals are standing off one-another much better, you can easily distinguish between the different corals and their coloration. I find this to be the biggest challenge with LED, one that you seem to be understanding very well. Not only are you achieving crazy growth, your corals look healthy, and are VERY colorful, you are sort of in a class of your own! Well done, this tank is nothing more than a warm-up for what is coming down the road, cannot wait until your new tank is up and running
Another interesting things today. Last week I decided my kalk stirrer had to much kalk in it. I cleaned it out and started from scratch. Both my alk and ca jumped significantly this week. I guess I was doing it wrong. I was able to cut back on both of the 2-part power I use.
Here is my schedule is text form. Let me know is you need further explanation.
DB is my moon light. It runs 2% from 9pm to 8am
For normal day time operations the lights start ramping up at 8 am starting with DB and adding a color every 5 minutes in the following order DB, RB, V, UV, G, R, W. The ramp off starts to end at 9pm with W going off first and the rest following every 5 minutes in the following order W, R, G, UV, V, RB, DB.
At 10AM and 8pm the channels have the following settings
DB - 80
RB - 75
V - 70
UV - 65
G - 60
R - 55
W - 35
From 1pm to 5pm all channels at 100 except white which is at 55
That should cover the inflection points. I ramp between them.
1 year of growth, Feb 2015 and 2016
Thanks Mark, I think I'm understanding you correctly. I'll mess around with my lights later and let you know if I run into any issues.
Great info hoping to now figure out my lights. I am going with 150 cube 36x36. And I thought 2 52 hd would be enough. No I am definately thinking 4 26 hd to prevent shadows. If you have any input please advise wa t to do it right the first time.