Wazzel's mostly SPS 60 Cube

I hate to do this in my build thread, but.... If you don't stop adjusting your light all the time you are never going to make any progress. Pick some settings and let it run so your corals can adapt. It takes time to see result, weeks to months, not days.
havent seen too many pics of really good hydra tanks but yours gives me hope. are you just running a skimmer w/ 10wc for nutrient export?
I got my 20L frag tank and storage stand finally set up. Just waiting on the light, should have it wednesday this week. Please excuse the mess.

Now with light and frags. Going to need another light (Hydra 26) down the road, but this is good enough to start.
So I am working on establishing secondary colonies in my frag tank and the question is.... How many frags can I make in a day without causing problems from to much glue residue or to much chemical release from the corals. I plan on doing 4 or so every few days. If I can do a few more at a time that would help speed think up.
Birds nest and setosa were getting close to a couple of corals and were loosing so I trimmed them back a bit.
I made a few minor changes to my lights a few weeks ago. The inflection points are the same, adjusted some of the intensities. New is as follows....

DB, RB, V 100%
W 92%
UV 88%
G 82%
R 76%

I use the same settings on the 26 that is over my frag tank.
Nothing has lost color with those intensities? I guess with one light I would run it high too. With 6 lights I can't get over 50% on 12k apex setting . Par is 375 380 at my highest sps.
Nothing has lost color with those intensities? I guess with one light I would run it high too. With 6 lights I can't get over 50% on 12k apex setting . Par is 375 380 at my highest sps.

None of the pieces I started with did. New pieces will get pale when I first introduce them then color back up. I do not know for sure, but I suspect it has to do with me taking 6 months to go from 50% to 100% of what I run. I also feed heavy. It is at max intensity for only 4 hours of the 14 I run.
Ok I see the difference then if your high intensity is only for 4 hrs. I run mine 10hrs with 2hrs of ramp on either end of that 10hr. So total is 14hr. I also run my lights at 12k which is all colors at a even 50%.
Ok I see the difference then if your high intensity is only for 4 hrs. I run mine 10hrs with 2hrs of ramp on either end of that 10hr. So total is 14hr. I also run my lights at 12k which is all colors at a even 50%.

That's a really long photoperiod IMO.

Nice tank!
It really depends on how you run those hours. I have 5 hour ramps. With lower intensities you can run longer durations. There is some debate on relation between intensity and duration.

Thanks. 1 year photos will be coming in the middle of April. The last three months have been good.