Wazzel's mostly SPS 60 Cube

I hate to do this in my build thread, but.... If you don't stop adjusting your light all the time you are never going to make any progress. Pick some settings and let it run so your corals can adapt. It takes time to see result, weeks to months, not days.

I have to agree..... 6 months is too much to wait for the corals to acclimate.
I have to agree..... 6 months is too much to wait for the corals to acclimate.

I was being cautious due to the information I found on this site and others. My experience it that it does not have to be that significant or that long. I now do 30% for 2 months when I add a new piece and it is going fine.
Here are a few from tonight. About 2 weeks shy of a year.




I am still having issues taking good pictures of individual corals, unless they are on the bottom of my tank. They are coming out washed out. Not happy. I just need to spend more time taking the shots.
So what are your settings on light as of now?

I have been running these setting on the display and the frag tank for a few weeks. Still using the same inflection points, just increased the intensity.

DB, RB, V 100%
W 92%
UV 88%
G 82%
R 76%
By the way that's a pretty good shot for being blue

Thanks. I was shooting more down than on the others. I wonder if that is part of my issue. Planning on trying a different lense next time. The last couple of time I used my 24-70 f2.8. A slower lense might help with the over the exposure problem I keep having.
It has been a little here and a little there. I will bump it 2-3% then let it ride for a while. Not sure I am going to tinker with it again. If you want to do a big jump you can set your target levels and put in on a multi month acclimation. What ever you do just take it slowly.
Just for fun here is 12 months of growth comparison. The first 6 months was kind of rough. I had red bugs, a nippy fish, bad algae, a destructive hitch hiker crab and had to figure our my lights. The last 6 months things have been going well.

May 2014

August 2014

November 2014

February 2015

May 2015 (last night)
Nice Wazzel,
Did I spot a Red Robin Stag in there, looks identical to mine, same color and growth pattern, if not, something quite close :) Tank looking awesome!
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Nice Wazzel,
Did I spot a Red Robin Stag in there, looks identical to mine, same color and growth pattern, if not, something quite close :) Tank looking awesome!

Thanks. I do not have anything by that name, but with coral names it could be the same. What piece do you think it is?

I looked at some pics real quick and I do not have anything close to a red robin.
post #103 3rd pic, center of the pic, looks like a stag, looks reddish to me, but anyway, I have the red robin, it does look similar to me :)
My Red Robin is going through a new and different shade of brown. My Rainbow acro is also a unique shade of brown. *sigh* Tank looks really good Mark!