Western_reefers 180 gallon reef diary.

Sweet fish pix.
Seeing your Bi-color pix sure makes me miss mine. It got eaten by a niger trigger earlier this year.:mad2:
Love the clown goby too. I know mine adds a little extra pizazz to the tank as I'm sure yours does as well. ;) They are very cool flitting from coral to coral.
Sweet fish pix.
Seeing your Bi-color pix sure makes me miss mine. It got eaten by a niger trigger earlier this year.:mad2:
Love the clown goby too. I know mine adds a little extra pizazz to the tank as I'm sure yours does as well. ;) They are very cool flitting from coral to coral.

Thanks!! :D
That sucks, how big was your Niger Trigger and the Bicolor Angelfish?
Yeah, they are awesome little fish. They are even more interesting/fun to watch when you have a group of them. I have 3 Clown gobies. :)
wow i'm glad to find another reefer who is doing their tank all natural, i have a 75 at home that has been up for a few years now, and i love it. I don't do any maintnence on it i just have a sump with cheto and an ATS, i dose weekly to keep alk/Ca up and top of when i need to. do you have any pics of your sump?
wow i'm glad to find another reefer who is doing their tank all natural, i have a 75 at home that has been up for a few years now, and i love it. I don't do any maintnence on it i just have a sump with cheto and an ATS, i dose weekly to keep alk/Ca up and top of when i need to. do you have any pics of your sump?

Nice! Do you have any pictures of your tank? Nope, I don't have any pictures of the sump but I'll try to take some tomorrow.
Here are a few pictures that I took today. :)
Pair of Fire fish.

Diamond Goby sifting sand.

Bicolor Angelfish.

Yellow Tang.
I do have some pictures back home, but i'm going to college in Hawaii for a semester so i don't have any with me sorry. I'll post some when i get back though lol
Yep i'm in hawaii right now, no i haven't yet. Been pretty busy so i haven't gotten much time to look for a dive shop to go with, some friends are getting certified so i'm guessing that once they do i'll be in the ocean again :)
Yep i'm in hawaii right now, no i haven't yet. Been pretty busy so i haven't gotten much time to look for a dive shop to go with, some friends are getting certified so i'm guessing that once they do i'll be in the ocean again :)

Oh, when you do go, please take pictures! Pictures are the most important! :p
look'n good, watch the xenia though they will take over the tank if not trimmed. I let mine go a little to much and it ended up all over the tank, what a PITA to use a tweezers to pluck it!!
Here is another video that I took this morning. Look at all the flow that's being made by the 2 maxi jets that are near the overflow! The only thing that I have for water movement are those 2 maxijets that are near the overflow. :)
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