What about petco


In Memoriam
People have been putting the blame on shows like tanked for countless uninformed hobbyist going into the trade but what about petco the biggest chain store of SW fish in the USA probably do u think they should at least give there employees certain training classes or departments to workin so that when these people go to the store they can get proper advice:hmm2:
blame should be put on the owners and purchasers of livestock. how is it ok to buy something living without research. shows are made for entertainment and fish stores are there to make money. consumers have to know what they are buying.
I like Petco's selection of Saltwater. They have been doing a good job compared to the past on care of thier fish and corals.
As much as we would like to think people should do there reasearch most will not most are lazy and will just ask store employees this is y I ask this question
blame should be put on the owners and purchasers of livestock. how is it ok to buy something living without research. shows are made for entertainment and fish stores are there to make money. consumers have to know what they are buying.

Well said. This thread should get interesting if past threads are any indicator. I am making popcorn now.
I think petco has a good saltwater selection. All their fish look healthy and eat. Plus their tanks are crystal clear.
I work for petco and I'm also the aquatic specialist. Petco does give us basic training. BUT they really only hire people that have back ground in aquatics. I know in my district all the guys who are head of our departments have or have had saltwater. Most of us have reef tanks and love to educate our customers and I'm the most blunt and honest of all them. I'm not here to make sales. I'm here to find homes with responsible people and if I don't think the people are going to put forth the effort they always end up with a freshwater tank. My theory is this hobby is to much at risk for lazy people.
so lets see what tanked has done wrong. they don't state that their hour show happens over days, they don't talk about acclimation, they don't talk about cycling. they portray that it all can happen over an hour.
petco on the other hand. I worked there for a year as a manager and aquatics, you can not do anything to help the fish that petco veternarians say isn't ok. the p&p there really sucks and lacks a lot. you cant treat them, you cant dip them, you can only watch and tell people you cant do squat even though you could save the animal petco says its easier for them to just die.

so my verdict both suck!
so lets see what tanked has done wrong. they don't state that their hour show happens over days, they don't talk about acclimation, they don't talk about cycling. they portray that it all can happen over an hour.

That's a little unfair. It's an hour show, not a multi-day show. They very often talk about the time it takes them. Any sane person knows TV is not real even if it's 'REALITY TV'. Have you ever watched any home improvement shows? They do a kitchen in two days!

They have started talking about acclimation. Cycling might not be that big of an issue for them. They can bring in a mature filter system, bacteria additives and all. You have no idea what the maintenance schedule is like.

Remember they do fish only tanks. Get enough bacteria going and you could easily set up a tank in a day. They are pros and have an experienced crew.

For the most part I find the tanks UGLY! And overstocked! The fake coral looks, well, fake. :)

The big issue is when you start the business of telling people what they can't do, you are the same boat as the 'Snorkel Bob' types. TV is easy. You don't like it? Don't watch the show!
petco on the other hand. I worked there for a year as a manager and aquatics, you can not do anything to help the fish that petco veternarians say isn't ok. the p&p there really sucks and lacks a lot. you cant treat them, you cant dip them, you can only watch and tell people you cant do squat even though you could save the animal petco says its easier for them to just die.

That's actually not true. Petcos standards have changed. Yes p and p does suck BUT you are aloud to dip them. And you can dose cloat and use melefix. Now I'm not saying these work at all but they can. ALSO when fish come in through our sourses we have the right to send back any fish that we has specialist do not see fit. I have and will always use that to my advantage...my distributor does not question me and I can write to them on my invoice with problems.
my neon goby from petco is about the healthiest fish ever. the staff hate me though because they start giving me advice and i tend to contradict them. nobody likes the customer who knows more about your job than you do...;)
It seems like some petcos are better than others the ones around me have people that don't know half a crap about what there doing and there tanks suck I am just saying training systems need to b officially setup so all petcos can b created equal
They also need better tank setup systems and suppliers tons of valueble fish have died that didn't need to because of petcos carlessness
And if they just had a quick scene in tanked that told how long thinks take and educated us a little it would solve everything
We have two Petco stores within a 20 mile radius. One is pretty good and I have bought a couple of zoa frags from them. The other store is not so great in the sw department.