What about petco

Dose he think I'm trolling , I do like to troll people in real life but I wouldn't do it over a serious forum on stuff i care about I just joined here and honestly don't know some of these a revelations and just have some simple questions sorry if any one has a problem with that :(
Dose he think I'm trolling , I do like to troll people in real life but I wouldn't do it over a serious forum on stuff i care about I just joined here and honestly don't know some of these a revelations and just have some simple questions sorry if any one has a problem with that :(

I don't think your a bother at all...its questions...I gave answers... I c no problem
I have bought most my fish from Petco, only 1 died. I don't see the big deal.

The big deal is novice hobbyist don't know right from wrong and truth from a lie when they are dealing with some associates.

I think of it this way...if the tanks are awful then the associate probably doesn't know much.

But that does not always mean anything...some stores like mine are new and still battling everyday nitrate and phosphate problems hence algae...
Don't you think petsmarts will try to eventually compete with petcos

PetSmart used to sell SW but have stopped. Management feel that the way SW fish are caught (many times using poisons to stun the fish) is inhumane and the fish generally end up sick and dying from after effects so they felt it was in the chains best interest to just sell SW accessories, parts, foods, and equipment and leave the fish and corals to mom and pop stores.
Just like every hobby it is the hobbist responsibility to research and learn on their own. Pet stores are like gun stores and auto part stores, some are good, some are bad, most have one or two that they visit, and anyone other than their choice is the scourge of the earth.
PetSmart used to sell SW but have stopped. Management feel that the way SW fish are caught (many times using poisons to stun the fish) is inhumane and the fish generally end up sick and dying from after effects so they felt it was in the chains best interest to just sell SW accessories, parts, foods, and equipment and leave the fish and corals to mom and pop stores.

Cyanide caught fish are still that common???
I mean I knew it still happens, but I didn't think it was very widespread anymore, given the low quality and yield and lack of ethics of the practice.
Cyanide caught fish are still that common???
I mean I knew it still happens, but I didn't think it was very widespread anymore, given the low quality and yield and lack of ethics of the practice.

Still common in the Philippines and Indonesia :(
I work for petco and I'm also the aquatic specialist. Petco does give us basic training. BUT they really only hire people that have back ground in aquatics. I know in my district all the guys who are head of our departments have or have had saltwater. Most of us have reef tanks and love to educate our customers and I'm the most blunt and honest of all them. I'm not here to make sales. I'm here to find homes with responsible people and if I don't think the people are going to put forth the effort they always end up with a freshwater tank. My theory is this hobby is to much at risk for lazy people.

No offense, but what a load of hooey. I've gone round and round with Petco's in my state, and the corporate offices, and it's always the same load of garbage. Asked their "aquatic specialist" if she knew the Foxface right smack dab in front was going to be dead within an hour, as well as the 3 clowns in the tank below.. Her response: "Oh, I wonder what's wrong with them. Do you want me to call the store manager?" Well, let's see.. If you do a water change, clean the sand, do something about the solid microbubbles coming out of the pump... that might be a good place to start.

Sorry, but Illinois has some of the worst Petco's I've ever seen.

</rant> :bdaysmile:
No offense, but what a load of hooey. I've gone round and round with Petco's in my state, and the corporate offices, and it's always the same load of garbage. Asked their "aquatic specialist" if she knew the Foxface right smack dab in front was going to be dead within an hour, as well as the 3 clowns in the tank below.. Her response: "Oh, I wonder what's wrong with them. Do you want me to call the store manager?" Well, let's see.. If you do a water change, clean the sand, do something about the solid microbubbles coming out of the pump... that might be a good place to start.

Sorry, but Illinois has some of the worst Petco's I've ever seen.

</rant> :bdaysmile:

The big question is how do you know all this? Petco does weekly water changes, and if you did not do a complete water test on site, you don't know if there was an issue or not. As for microbubbles, they don't matter they are not a threat to fish.

I see this so much on here people hating on Petco, with no real evidence of wrongdoing. Like I said earlier I have bought most my fish from Petco, in 2 different states, and no issue.
No offense, but what a load of hooey. I've gone round and round with Petco's in my state, and the corporate offices, and it's always the same load of garbage. Asked their "aquatic specialist" if she knew the Foxface right smack dab in front was going to be dead within an hour, as well as the 3 clowns in the tank below.. Her response: "Oh, I wonder what's wrong with them. Do you want me to call the store manager?" Well, let's see.. If you do a water change, clean the sand, do something about the solid microbubbles coming out of the pump... that might be a good place to start.

Sorry, but Illinois has some of the worst Petco's I've ever seen.

</rant> :bdaysmile:

Maybe in your area but not in mine...and what was so wrong with the fish that she didn't know? Or are you just saying that to them because you hate the chain?
As for microbubbles, they don't matter they are not a threat to fish.

Depending on where those bubbles originate from, they can be a major issue or a non issue. For instance, if they originate from air entering the system from the suction side of the pump you will end up with supersatured water that can cause something called gas bubble disease...this would be akin to a SCUBA diver getting the bends. On the flip side, if it's just from water splashing into the surface the tank with enough force to create bubbles in the tank, no real problem other than salt creep.
Maybe in your area but not in mine...and what was so wrong with the fish that she didn't know? Or are you just saying that to them because you hate the chain?

The clowns were a combination of a pasty yellow/white and frequently side floating in a corner. The foxface was nose down (yes, down - not up) with it's mouth wide open with very dull color. Oddly, the foxface, and one of the clowns were gone within 2 hours of a rather lengthy call to corporate, and the other two clowns were flaunting a sign that said "Under observation - not for sale".

Why would I hate the "chain"? I adopted both of my dogs from the adoption seminars they hold there, purchase all of my food for all of my animals there, buy some of my supplies there, and occasionally use their grooming services. They simply have no business selling fish.

How do I know this? I work right by one, and frequently go there on my lunch hour. I spent 9 days watching the fish mentioned decline, with nothing being done about it - they couldn't even be bothered to clean the glass, or take the half decomposed previous occupant that was stuck under the turned on it's side fake orange anemone out. Sadly, these are the first tanks you see upon walking in the door - the freshwater tanks on the other are in much better condition.
The big question is how do you know all this? Petco does weekly water changes, and if you did not do a complete water test on site, you don't know if there was an issue or not. As for microbubbles, they don't matter they are not a threat to fish.

I see this so much on here people hating on Petco, with no real evidence of wrongdoing. Like I said earlier I have bought most my fish from Petco, in 2 different states, and no issue.

You can change water until you're purple - if you don't siphon decaying livestock, and fish poop out, changing the water is pointless, no?

Microbubbles *are* a threat to fish, if left to continue endlessly. The occasional burst of them isn't an issue.
This was told to us by a fish dept manager at the South Bend PetSmart this past April, so I'm guessing it's still a common practice, just kept a bit quieter...
Still common in the Philippines and Indonesia :(

Unfortunately, I can attest to that. If you guys think Petco is bad, you should try visiting the LFS here.

Lots of factor are in play here: unscrupulous exporters, antiquated laws that lack enforcement, ignorant fisherfolks and buyers, etc.

Regarding the topic though, you can't just blame Petco or any LFS singly for dead/dying fishes. If there is no market for them, then they won't sell them in the first place. Ignorance on the consumers' part is also a big factor.
I think petco is awesome, it's what got me into the hobby. Just like tanked, it raises awareness and teaches people about the hobby. If you don't like their lack of knowledge maby you should bring it up to the manager, griping on the Internet won't solve anything