What about petco

And if they just had a quick scene in tanked that told how long thinks take and educated us a little it would solve everything

I agree, sort of like the old G.I. Joe cartoon. They'd spend a half hour (minus commercials) fighting and blowing up things. Then they'd have a 20 second section at the end where they'd have G.I. Joe give a PSA (public service announcement).

Ex: Boys are playing hide and seek and one of them hides in an old abandoned fridge. "Don't hide in the fridge." "Remember, never get in anything that could close up on you and trap you." "Thanks, G.I. Joe, now we know!"
I agree, sort of like the old G.I. Joe cartoon. They'd spend a half hour (minus commercials) fighting and blowing up things. Then they'd have a 20 second section at the end where they'd have G.I. Joe give a PSA (public service announcement).

Ex: Boys are playing hide and seek and one of them hides in an old abandoned fridge. "Don't hide in the fridge." "Remember, never get in anything that could close up on you and trap you." "Thanks, G.I. Joe, now we know!"

Something like:

Second time I tried fish from Petco. A month ago I bought two Heniochus Butterlfies. Both had ich within two days. Had to treat with copper. Same thing the first time I bought from Petco. Fish had ich within a day or two. Never again.
My petco has been getting maxima clams in.. and guess what lighting they have? 1 atinic bulb... one employee there admits how bad everything care and concern wise of the fish is. Every single fish has ick in their tanks and I asked the manager why and they said "Well..(pause for 10 seconds...).. all fish got ick, there are sites like drsfosterandsmith, and thatpetplace, well everysingle fish you buy from them and everyone else has ick"... blackmailing other companies? Sorry but thats wrong... last I checked they never got ick in their tanks and actually treated it... also healthy fish don't catch it as easy and they had some hardy clowns and dragonets with ick... everyday there are dead snails and coral banded shrimps laying in their tanks..

They also had a scooter dragonet in their tank with some fake gravel... and a fake coral.. I asked "What are you guys feeding it" and they said "pellets'... and thats how I ended up with two scooter dragonets... and a sailfin tang..
I don't know how or why if all the tanks at my local petco are plumbed together or what but every fish in every tank had ick and they were still for sale. I almost felt like grabbing a bottle of medication from their shelves and dropping some in their tank. This was last week mind you at the petco in howard beach new york...
Ya today was depressing . I went to one LFS and they had a starving scooter blenny with no pods to eat and a small tank with like 4 tangs and 3 had one tiny little kole eye half beat to death on the corner so I went off on the person in charge. Since i was in the mood already I stopped by the closest petco on the way back and at first glance I thought the saltwater fish looked half decent. Then upon inspecting each tank for a good while each fish was covered in ich, in had them pull maybe 4 dead fish, and they even had a fricking ritteri in a tank with a half burnt out bulb. It looked half decent still but I told the lady if it dies its going to be toxic, and with all my lighting j wouldn't even dare keep one let alone under a burnt out t5


My petco has been getting maxima clams in..
They also had a scooter dragonet in their tank with some fake gravel... and a fake coral.. I asked "What are you guys feeding it" and they said "pellets'... and thats how I ended up with two scooter dragonets... and a sailfin tang..

I know this seems like the right thing to do but you help more by not buying sick fish. Buying fish like this alerts the manager to order one more of each because they sell quickly. Also, it sends a message that the consumer will buy these types of fish in any condition.
The petco in my area is wonderful. Knowledgeable staff, healthy fish and a beautiful coral tank. I purchased two Snowflake clowns from them 5-6 months ago, and a yellow watchman about 3 months ago and they are all healthy as can be. Got the snowflakes on sale for $30 a piece :)
I know this seems like the right thing to do but you help more by not buying sick fish. Buying fish like this alerts the manager to order one more of each because they sell quickly. Also, it sends a message that the consumer will buy these types of fish in any condition.

I'm the only one that buys. I see your point, but I won't watch animals starve or slowly die from ick when I could save their lives. Now I can't as my tank is over stocked so business is done from me.
Ya I have a hard time just letting that go on. I need to start a fish rescue service and buy the sick fish and turn them around and sell them back to good fish stores where they will be taken care of and go to a decent home.
I visited my local Petco today and came away with a different perspective. The two employees I spoke with (one was a manager) seemed to truly care about the s/w fish and they were somewhat knowledgeable. For example, the manager knew one of the fish had Ich and what to do about it (copper treatment). Problem is she didn't have the equipment she needed to separate some of the tanks into treatment tanks. So, I think what happens is good employees at Petco get constrained by corporate. They are trying to make the place "idiot proof", and there is no wiggle room to improvise when needed.
It not just that, but the employees are sometimes not even trained for it.. one of the employees at my petco said "we can't sell discus they are just too hard.." and yet they have a s/w department..

Also where are they getting their fish from? My lfs never once had a disease problem or outbreak while petco had sick fish from day one...
Well... today I questioned the manager about why all the fish have ich.. and the reply I got was..

All fish at any LFS have ich to some degree, it will go away on its own or if you treat it, we have a copper medicine on our shelves.

Yeah.... I don't think so...
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Petco sux big time.Ask them where their hospital tank is, if they have one it it probaly would have triggers and gobys together.Some petcos no longer sell SW fish because they can not make a profit.
So I admit I didn't read all 4 pages of this thread but I have seen so many Bash Petco threads I know how they go. Anyway, I agree MOST Petco's shouldn't sell SW Fish. Where I live their kept in the same condition as most of yours. BUT. About 3 years ago I was In Atlanta and went into a Petco and was Blown away by The amount of Sw fish and corals and the incredibly well systems and knowledgeable staff they had. The place was packed out with ppl buying fish and coral. You would think somewhere along the way Petcos main Office would see the difference in this particular store and make changes to all.
That is because good stores like this are short lived as company policies and crappy pay burn out employees who care... I was once written up by a manager because I disagreed with corporate higher up that medication kills more animals than it helps... my store was well taken care of but I would get extremely frustrated when corporate would dump 12 lunar wrasses, 6 pilot fish, 6 huma triggers, 3 volitan lionfish, and a bunch of bleached anemones onto our order without considering who I was selling to (mainly people with invertebrates and small fish) or consulting me as to if I even had space in the system for these fish.