What about petco

My PETCO is full of ich also. Usually a few dead fish in some tanks. Some starved looking fish. Some beat up. Corals in the overflow, bleached colors, retracted and just ill looking.

I've seen new arrivals they get. Nice stuff until it hits their tanks. Unfortunate...
So you encourage them to buy more fish and get them sick and die... great idea...:debi:

They wouldn't be dying if we rescued them. :uhoh3:

Besides, it was just a post indicating that both H.reidi.MN and myself feel bad about the way the fish are treated and wish there was a way we could help the little guys. It wasn't meant to be serious, so you can take your :debi: and condescending remarks somewhere else.
Ya man. They are gonna buy fish to replace the dead ones or the sick ones they sell to unfit homes anyway. Rescuing them wont change anything other than give a sick dying fish a chance at survival. Plus if I have the space and time to do so I will as I believe it does more good than harm. They're fish come no matter what, doesn't matter who is buying the fish they won't stop they're ways...
For what it's worth, I've bought multiple fish from my local petco for my tank. Not a spot of disease on any of them, no problems through quarantine, and cheap compared to my LFS. Can't really complain when they get ORA fish at half the price, and every time you spend $100, you get $5 back (also get dog food, tortoise food, crickets, $ per gallon tanks for my dart frogs, and dog toys there).

They even have a decent variety of fish, and honestly, some of the fish look much healthier than those of some of my LFS (where every fish you bring home dies within 48 hours and is absolutely covered in velvet and flukes).
I use sickness to get a deal. Last back I got was my flamback, coris wrasse, and diamond goby. Pulled the manager aside and noted to dead fish and obvious disease (ich) and used it to get a 50% discount so... Even though I rarely stop or shop at Petco I'll give a few sick fish a second chance at life if I can.
They wouldn't be dying if we rescued them. :uhoh3:

Besides, it was just a post indicating that both H.reidi.MN and myself feel bad about the way the fish are treated and wish there was a way we could help the little guys. It wasn't meant to be serious, so you can take your :debi: and condescending remarks somewhere else.

If you knew corporate policies for ordering fish I am sure you would have a different opinion. You are only encouraging more fish to be sent there. For every fish you buy 1.5 more fish suffer... congrats
If you knew corporate policies for ordering fish I am sure you would have a different opinion. You are only encouraging more fish to be sent there. For every fish you buy 1.5 more fish suffer... congrats

Perhaps you have reading comprehension issues so I'll attempt to be a little clearer this time.


So take your holier than thou attitude and your condescending smilies somewhere else.
It's not Petco's fault. Yes, maybe it would be nice if their employees were more knowledgable but AQUARISTS need to do their research. You don't go to the grocery store and ask the employees there about nutrition facts. I hope you've done your research before you start looking at cars to buy. LFS usually have more knowledgable help because many of those employees/owners keep their own tanks, but it's the AQUARISTS responsibility just as much as it is Petcos. Especially with the variability and the amount of information to be known in this hobby.
I have bought 5 fish, 2 snails and 1 shrimp from Petco, they are all alive, no deaths.
A different fish did have flukes, but it came in on a fish not bought at Petco.
They always have sweet deals on clown fish. Bought my maroon clown there as a juvenile almost 3 years ago. I spent a good deal of time watching their behavior, fins, asked the associate to feed the fish and I chose my ideal clown. Been with me ever since. Fiesty little guy.
What did the show tanked ever do wrong anyway

Here we go ;)

Tanked is CONSTANTLY overstocking, they don't let tanks cycle and they use "additives" i.e. chemicals and nutrients that are said to make tanks cycle instantly, which is obviously not true. Or for tanks they will buy the 4.4 gallon containers of premixed saltwater saying that "since it's straight from the ocean, its tank ready!"

Plus, they killed two sharks in their Applebee's tank, and then denied it. Then they came back and said they did, but it wasn't their fault.

I have stopped watching the show because they have little knowledge of fish, just building tanks with acrylic.
Here we go ;)

Tanked is CONSTANTLY overstocking, they don't let tanks cycle and they use "additives" i.e. chemicals and nutrients that are said to make tanks cycle instantly, which is obviously not true. Or for tanks they will buy the 4.4 gallon containers of premixed saltwater saying that "since it's straight from the ocean, its tank ready!"

Plus, they killed two sharks in their Applebee's tank, and then denied it. Then they came back and said they did, but it wasn't their fault.

I have stopped watching the show because they have little knowledge of fish, just building tanks with acrylic.

A little off topic since this is turning into a anti-tanked thread rather then petco.. but they are still connected companies and I got a few things to point out so why not..

I've seen so many uncompatible fish put together.. that one giant smoothie cup tank had 3 different types of clowns in it.. they even showed one nip the other in a quick half a second camera shot when they finished building it..

What about the tank they built for their new office? They intentionally added a butterfly fish (the butterflies that resemble morish idols) which is suspose to represent one of the cast, to pick on the other cast a.k.a. fish.. To add a fish that's intended to pick on the others.. :facepalm: (was actually shown picking on a puffer..).

OH and this is the best one.. if you look at the petco youtube channel, the two main characters created a tutorial in a video on how to setup tanks.. when they got to the saltwater one, there was a yellow tang in what appears to be a 30g bio-cube.. :fun2: Ok so from that video I learned that you put any fish you want in the tank.. I feel so sorry for those not on reef forums or lack a good lfs..
I was at my local Petco today and watched them sell a whole new 40 gallon breeder set up to an older gentlemen. And they sold him everything at once, the sand, live rocks, damsels, an anemone, and clowns. I told the guy buying it, it is all gonna die. The Petco slob got upset with me, but oh well. I can't believe the management actually allows this type of stuff.
I bought some of my first fish at petco. It was a grand opening and I got a yellow tang and it is still with me, I also bought a pajama cardinal and it died a month ago. Both live at least 7 years and the tang is still going. I have gone in recently and now I probably would not buy any SW from them. They have closed down 1/3 of the SW tanks and the others have dead fish in them when I go in. Thats my .02
Good place to buy QT/Sump tanks! The one that somewhat near me (50 miles) seems to go through cycles which I'm sure is employee change out. Sometimes all the displays look very well kept and maintained, others I should have brought an algae squeegee so I can actually see whats in the tanks. The Petco issues seems to be more employee "I get payed crap so I don't give a crap" related than anything. Petco and the LFS (both about 50 miles from me) are my only 2 choices and the LFS is priced through the roof on everything. Last time I swung into the LFS they had Small Flame Angels for 99$ "on sale", a TINY hippo tang for 79$, and buckets of Reef Crystals for 95$...... Hench most of my purchases are now online.