What about petco

Exactly what I was thinking. If you can do it so much better, launch a nationwide chain of stores with certified marine experts staffing each store, and give it a go
Exactly what I was thinking. If you can do it so much better, launch a nationwide chain of stores with certified marine experts staffing each store, and give it a go

And see how much you have to pay them and how much money you don't make!
Since neither of you bothered to address anything I stated, in regards to your specific questions, but instead went on an infantile chest thumping spree, I'll just leave it at "boys will be boys", then. Enjoy.
Since neither of you bothered to address anything I stated, in regards to your specific questions, but instead went on an infantile chest thumping spree, I'll just leave it at "boys will be boys", then. Enjoy.

If your talking about me I was responding to the statement by the op, but to your statements, you have given your opinion about how "They simply have no business selling fish" I don't care to change your mind, if I did I would just be a "boy" on an "infantile chest thumping spree"

For the sake if bringing it back to the topic, the Petco location by me does a great job with their tanks and the aquatic specialist there is a member of our local reef club.
Petco, like any big box chain has it's good stores and it's bad stores. The one near me used to be fantastic, the aquatic specialist knew his stuff and the fish ALWAYS looked great. He was a good dude and had reef tanks himself. The new guy, while friendly and enthusiastic doesn't do a good job at all. The tanks are covered in algae and there's always dead and diseased fish in the tanks. I have a spotted hawk and green clown goby that I bought there 5 years ago. I wouldn't even consider buying a fish from that particular store today.

I worked at Pet Supplies Plus almost 20 years ago as a stock boy while in highschool. At the time it was basically up to the store as far as what type of livestock beyond the freshwater fish that they carried. We had saltwater until we got a new store manager who didn't want anyone to "have to deal with the hassle" of saltwater.
I'll admit that I haven't read this whole thread, but my person experience is summed up in this pic


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Would you buy a dog or cat without learning how to take care of it? No, you wouldn't i think however the blame came go both ways. The customer wishing to set up a tank should research it while the petco or other pet store employee could also ask if they know how to take care of their new pet. What scares me however, is one of my LFS sells sick fish constantly for very cheap and hobbyists continue to go back and buy sick fish. its a vicious cycle unfortunately.
Is that an unaltered photo? HA HA it is funny either way. I have had both good and bad experiences with Petco. I refuse to buy saltwater fish at Petco though due to too many sick fish in their tanks.
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Cyanide caught fish are still that common???
I mean I knew it still happens, but I didn't think it was very widespread anymore, given the low quality and yield and lack of ethics of the practice.

That's why you should buy fish labeled as Indo or Philippines because all of those fish were collected with cyanide
Petco online gets the same fish from the same supplier as LA, so before everyone starts to shovel dirt on petco online, which isn't the same as a store for petco. Do some research. They have for instance Sohal tangs for 70$, the same fish at LA is 349.99$ so you do the math
Petco is like any other chain store... Take Napa, or Advance Auto parts for example. While you run into people who know their stuff sometimes, places hire people who aren't experts. Imho, it is the responsibility of the consumer to do research as well on any purchase, repair, or needs apart from employees. It isn't realistic to think there are enough experts in the world to hire at the wage they can pay....
My understanding of gas bubble is that it is called by supersaturation due to temp change or pressure changed effecting the saturation of oxygen. While I could envision some irritation or problems with micro bubbles, I do not think gas bubble is an issue. Think of all the fish in sumps that protien skimmers dump into- that water is saturated to the maximum it can be given the temp and ambient oxygen available. I could be wrong-I havent taken the time to look it up- but that gets to my point.

Bill is a very experienced and veteran reefer- and I myself have been a reefer since before that term related to aquaria! If either of the other of us were working at petco-and gave our differing opinions on the cause of gas bubble- would the other rant online about the fairy tales being told at petco? Every store has a different staff- there is good and bad. If you do not like the way they do business- do no business with them at all. Fish keeping is all a matter of degrees- you think petco is unethical, and the next person up the chain thinks you are unethical for your keeping of fish- or the keeping of any animal when you get to a certain point.
Its where the pets go...to die. At least around my parts. Its not rare to see an anemone smashed with a rock and kept under ambient lighting
They have started talking about acclimation. Cycling might not be that big of an issue for them. They can bring in a mature filter system, bacteria additives and all. You have no idea what the maintenance schedule is like.

Granted this only came about AFTER they came out with a product line.

They are NOT service people, they are tank manufacturers. Their tanks are serviced by others, and routinely set-up by others.
Still common in the Philippines and Indonesia :(

snf Vietnam and a few other places. Bali & Indo are the worst offenders now. PI is not nearly as bad as 20 years ago. Places like Cebu tend not to see any CN at all.

Quite often what hobbyists think is CN damage is simple CoC damage (chain of custody starvation/ handling, etc)