What do you do with your RO waste water?

I went on CL and purchased two 55 gallon plastic barrels and a 250 gallon water storage tank. The two barrels have uniseals with a valve to connect my hose. I water my plants without wasting more water.
down the drain for now, my question is: as the RO is in the basement, anybody able to "recycle" it when it is draining in the basement ? (without hauling buckets?)

Also in the basement... I collect in large buckets and then use it for watering plants, cleaning/rinsing equipment (Kalk container, skimmer cup, etc), and filling outdoor fountain in the summer or toilet tank in the winter. Haven't developed a way to not carry buckets. :(
I'm still *really* new at this whole thing. How much waste does a typical RO/DI unit produce per unit of RO/DI water?
I'm still *really* new at this whole thing. How much waste does a typical RO/DI unit produce per unit of RO/DI water?

Depends on the type of RO as well as the age/quality of the membrane, and also the temperature and pressure of the feed water.

I have a 35GPD unit and with a newish membrane I can get 1 gallon of RO water per 4-5 gallons of "waste".

Some units have electric pumps that drastically decrease this, down to possibly 1 gallon of waste per gallon of RO, and some cheaper units may go up to 8:1.
Wow! That's a big difference. I'm going to be in Tucson, where water is at a premium. Need to look into rigging up the most efficient RO/DI unit I can in that case. Holy cow.
I have something like 20ft of line that runs from the unit to the sump pump both in the basement. Pumps out to the backyard to water the grass but I still feel guilty...hey honey we need a pool in the backyard to help stop wasting rodi water! :jester: yeah right, pool I wish!
Pump it into 3 stage carbon filter using a booster pump than into a 200gal holding tank to drink, shower whatever.

Nice, we store it and use it for watering plants and clothes washing. It all gets used up, so there's no need to shower in it. My next steps would be toilet flushing but that would require a whole other level.
For the garden.

Being in Australia, summer can be very dry and very very hot for multiple days...this can result in the death of plants if the soil is super dry and there's nothing for the plant to draw up through it's roots over night.
lots of great ideas here on wastewater. im hoping to try running the waste line to the back yard in the spring for watering plants. i hate watching it go down the drain!