what is the best ATO?


2018 FMAS President
I've been using an aqualifter with a float sensor hooked up to my apex and a 10gal tank for ATO. The float sensor failed and almost dumped my entire reservoir into my tank.

I'm looking into buying a product with better reliability than these plastic float valve switches.

I've been reading about the Tunze Osmolator and the Elos ATO

Looking for feedback, which is the best in your opinion and why?

Also, found this article: http://www.marineaquariumservice.com/the-best-aquarium-automatic-top-off/

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I like my JBj ATO but it does use some type of float sensor. I have never had issues and have it hooked up to a small powerhead (like a Rio600) in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and small hole to have the hose come out. I did us a valve to cut off the flow of the powerhead so it flows in slower than normal. in your 180 you probably do not need that. Remember to us only RODI Water but you know that by now.
Are you sure the float switch failed? I once had a similar incident but it was caused by a siphon thru my aqua lifter due to the height where it was mounted. Also another idea is to set a timer on your ato pump.

I am using the avast ato and one feature I like is the manual float switch incorporated into the ato mount.
Genesis reef systems Storm ATO combined with their Renew auto water change system can't be beat, IMO. A bit pricey, but multiple fail safes and the convenience of automatic water changes and top off working together is worth the money along with the peace of mind that comes along with it.
Heard good things about tunze. Mine is from autotopoffdotcom. Its did stick on me once, but there is a secondary emergency float switch just in case. Just modified mine so the emergency switch would activate sooner.

You should clean these floats every few months to help prevent stickage
Dave the best is just gravity as its the simplest with the least amount of fail spots, but if you want technical electronic give the genisis a look (expensive though) but it will also do your water changes....kind of like you can use a litermeter III if its hooked up to the secondary pumps also
Dave, I use my RO unit hooked up directly to my float valve. For safety. I calculated how much my tank evaporates a day and how long my ro takes to fill up. Once I figured a time lets say 10 minutes. I hooked up a NC ( Normally Closed) solenoid valve inline. This is set on a timer to give power for 11 minutes which allows the valve to open & float valve to operate & tank to top off. With my controller I could do this multiple times a day. (4 minutes 3 times a day). This setup cost about $15
Are you sure the float switch failed? I once had a similar incident but it was caused by a siphon thru my aqua lifter due to the height where it was mounted. Also another idea is to set a timer on your ato pump.

I am using the avast ato and one feature I like is the manual float switch incorporated into the ato mount.

Was definitely the float switch that failed. I work from home and heard the aqua lifter blowing bubbles in my sump. I positioned the hose just above the waterline. It dumped about 3 gal of kalk saturated water into my sump. If I hadn't been home it could have dumped 12 gal of kalk water! Alk spiked, only thing that seems affected are my Duncans.

I'm just not sure I want to trust my corals to a $2 float switch.
Dave, I use my RO unit hooked up directly to my float valve. For safety. I calculated how much my tank evaporates a day and how long my ro takes to fill up. Once I figured a time lets say 10 minutes. I hooked up a NC ( Normally Closed) solenoid valve inline. This is set on a timer to give power for 11 minutes which allows the valve to open & float valve to operate & tank to top off. With my controller I could do this multiple times a day. (4 minutes 3 times a day). This setup cost about $15

Had a similar idea with my current set up but noticed the aqualifter output is not constant. sometimes it drips, sometimes it drizzles (sounds familiar) ;) Figures that I just did maintenance on the aqualifter like 2 weeks ago so it was giving me max output :rollface:
Had a similar idea with my current set up but noticed the aqualifter output is not constant. sometimes it drips, sometimes it drizzles (sounds familiar) ;) Figures that I just did maintenance on the aqualifter like 2 weeks ago so it was giving me max output :rollface:

that's the way it always works. LOL Well you can put a inline solenoid valve as a safety back up. I just don't like trusting a single float valve/switch. Tunze is the way to go. I recently had a question and called them and got through someone instantly. Very friendly and quality products.
Avast 100%. It uses a pressure switch to operate a relay. The pressure switch is not sensitive to coraline build up, snails or other critters.
I recently purchased an established reef aquarium and one of mods was the Tunze osmlator. Easy to setup and it uses an optical sensor with a float as a backup. I am happy with it after a fee months of use.
i have 2 float switches wired in series so if the main float fails the upper float breaks the circuit. never had a problem. you can make it as redundant as you want
I use Tunze as well. I am having some issues with it at the moment, but overall am happy.

The float switch is only used for the water level alarm, has no effect on top off.