What's made your system crash?


Hello all, I know this topic can be rather scary at times but I figured if we all could give times when your tanks crashed we could learn from it or vent - either way it's healthy

I used chemaclean for some fed slime allege and didnt turn my power heads up or add a air line and I lost 2 nice mills and a clam that I had for a while
I am sure there are some 'bad' stories out there
Buffered VitaC.. was adding it way before it was mentioned that it can mess with your tank parameters... crashed the whole tank. lost 95% of my corals. I don't touch that stuff anymore. Maybe I'm just the "RARE" occurrence.

I should have stuck with my belief on " IF IT AIN'T BROKE THEN DON'T TRY TO FIX IT "
Lost power for 2 days due to a storm. We lost power at 10:30 pm in the middle of the storm and when we woke up in the morning the tanks were in the high 50 degree range. Lost half our corals and a few fish. Now I have a generator.
A large blue sponge, lack of chiller during a freak heat wave, a light fixture falling into the tank from my cat playing with the cord, and a heater literally exploding underwater. Oh, and a mini one from when we changed saltwater supply companies at work to a new one that sucks ***. I think I'm forgetting one, but that about covers all my different crashes.

btw this thread probably belongs in the reef discussion forum.
Yeah your prob right on that last part- we could re title it what crashed your zoa tank- I would kill that cat lol
A tank sitter overdosed Kalk in my system while I was on vacation... Lost everything... Came home to a white tank.... :fun5:
Also lost a pond full of breeding coral cat sharks due to faulty heater... Stealth heater btw, stay away!
Mine are ...

1) Bad batch of Instant Ocean salt. They paid me back for my losses. I don't add cloudy saltwater to my tank anymore.

2) Tap water. We have very pure tap water here in Vancouver (TDS <11) but my pipes are copper and it poisoned my tank. I use only RO/DI now.

3) Re-introducing Purigen to my tank after soaking it in bleach. It either still had bleach in it, or there was some other factor. I don't do that anymore.
kalkwasser, as my ato bucket was filled with kalk and a snail decided to rest on my float switch, and figures i was at a fish conferance when it happened
when we first started our reef tank being new we bought a second hand glass heater. After 3 months it decided to blow up. Lost every thing in the tank. No more second hand heaters for me.
Had Flatworms and Zoepox at the same time so I decided to treat both at the same time with Flatworm Exit and Furan 2. Lost 2 SPS colonies and 1 40+ polyp colony of Green Bay Packers, and my RPE. Everything else bleached out for weeks but came back, so not a tru crash but never will do 2 meds at the same time again. Oh also lost all algae in my refugium.
Worms/bugs? Spent 3 months figting these pests. Never had an issue in 17 years and this past winter I picked up a coral that basically was toxic. It must have had 1 of every kind of worm/bug known to the ocean. I have lost 60% of my corals. I think I finally have things stabilized - no further degradation in the past 3 - 4 weeks. I have used every medication, poison, treatment ever discussed on this site. At the rate my tank was declining, I figured I had nothing more) to lose.

I learned my lesson. I now have a QT system and I will NEVER buy corals again unless I have the QT up and running at the time. Nothing will ever go into my display tank until I have had it QT for at least 45 - 60 days.
doubled the salt in a water change (oops) lost everything in 8 hrs. 22 sps small colonies, breeding pair of darwin clowns, yellow belly tang,and pair of helfrichi's soooo sad