When are we going to be doing this Jebao group buy?

Hey the man knows his limits, there's nothing wrong with that.
Believe me I wouldn't try sticking an IV into someone.

I'll find a link. Coding will be the hardest. I don't know anything about coding in Apex. I'm still trying to learn how to code for my Reef Angel.
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Here are some links.


This one seems to be the same wiring, but us has codes at the bottom.


This is one that I have posted in I think all 3 or 4 threads about the WP-10, WP-25, WP-40 and WP-60.


You can control 2 Jebao pumps with 1 Ethernet cable.

You can control the DC pumps as well, but I would not run any wave coding on the DC pumps, they don't respond as fast as the wavemakers.
Steve, you will need to do it for him. He can really hurt himself, plus he rather buy it or have someone who knows how to do it before he does it himself. He knows his limits with his age and all..

Eric- You're absolutely correct Sir.

Learn a lesson:....::I once learned from an old boss of mine in the early 90's ( he was in his 60's). He said to me, "Eddie its admirable that you do your own oil changes and your own landscaping, and even remodeling. But one day you will learn that its in your best option to go to work and make the money, and PAY someone else to do those things for you."

Thank God Eric, im at that stage now. Ive payed my dues. Learn a lesson from the old man, grasshopper.
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Here are some links.


This one seems to be the same wiring, but us has codes at the bottom.


This is one that I have posted in I think all 3 or 4 threads about the WP-10, WP-25, WP-40 and WP-60.


You can control 2 Jebao pumps with 1 Ethernet cable.

You can control the DC pumps as well, but I would not run any wave coding on the DC pumps, they don't respond as fast as the wavemakers.

While i appreciate the help- Eric is correct. Too much for me. Ide rather buy an extra controller in case the original dies. and when that happens ill buy another one. always keeping one on the side.
No problem. I just feel if you have a controller. Integrate as much as you can into it and let it do its job and control the system.
If you make a wire for Eddie. Ill take one too.

Marvin- I wouldnt mind trying, up to you lmk if you want me tp get the stuff, and Steve puts it together. It looks pretty stright forward other than the dimmer section, but in the thread he mentioned we can get an ethernet cable fro BRS for $15 and not deal with the splicing and dicing.

What you guys think Marvin and Steve.?
It seems like Eddie doesn't want one. Order an RA cable and pick up an ethernet cable and I'll give it a shot for you.

Steve- after looking at it doesnt seem like such a big deal, but if you and marvin are willing maybe we can do it. This will also show other folks that it can be done.
I saw the Apex Dimming cable too.
That price is pretty good, I just don't know how long the cable is.

A 4' cable from Best Buy is $19.

Tiger Direct (CompUSA) has them for a lot less. $1.20 for a 3' going up to $17 for 50'.

Let me know if you want to do it.
I saw the Apex Dimming cable too.
That price is pretty good, I just don't know how long the cable is.

A 4' cable from Best Buy is $19.

Tiger Direct (CompUSA) has them for a lot less. $1.20 for a 3' going up to $17 for 50'.

Let me know if you want to do it.

Steve- just called BRS. Cable is 6' long. Fine for me, well see what Marvin says. BTW- one of my biggest concerns would then be the Apex programming. I would then have to depend on Marvin or RPS.

Truth is i dont really need this. Im happy with what the OEM controller does. It would just be cool., LOL
Its very cool I have mine set setup to switch modes every day. Go into Nutrient Transport Mode after feeding and then go down to 30 percent at night time
Sorry to say that I don't. I have a Reef Angel and even had to get lnevo's help to code mine.

Let me look at some of the examples I ran across the other night and see if they make any sense to me.
Sorry to say that I don't. I have a Reef Angel and even had to get lnevo's help to code mine.

Let me look at some of the examples I ran across the other night and see if they make any sense to me.

Steve- im embarrassed to have you do this, no worries.

I have two choices. Buy a extra controller with Cadu for $10, and have as a spare or go your route, spend $40 (+shipping), have it on my Apex for the "cool" factor. Ill only do if Marvin does and we can share shipping costs, LOL

My current flow consists of my reeflo snapper on sea swirls, and MP 40, and the WP40m so im content.

Issue is ive heard WP controllers go bad quick, so, AGAIN, i get an extra one or hook up to Apex.
No need to feel embarrassed. I offered to do this, because I know that you are comfortablebwirh what you can and can't do.

If Marvin doesn't want to do it I will probably be placing an order with RA in the next couple of weeks to get something for my SW change. I cab order a cable then too.
No need to feel embarrassed. I offered to do this, because I know that you are comfortablebwirh what you can and can't do.

If Marvin doesn't want to do it I will probably be placing an order with RA in the next couple of weeks to get something for my SW change. I cab order a cable then too.

Cool lets stay in touch then.