Winning at our game... not theirs.
Winning at our game... not theirs.
Limiting overhead and refining process are the only ways that a frag farmer can hope be competitive pricewise. Granted, price is only one aspect of competing in the market, and far to relied upon to by most businesses, but it will always be important.
I definitely think that in time farm raised frags will lead the way not only for existing business but to level the field with freshwater and fish only salt tanks. This can be done several ways:
1. The most important is entry level customer education, I can't get this point out there enough. Those that try corals for the first time lose a couple, because they were never educated about the proper care, and then always think that corals are too hard. If this can change imagine the increase in business, and then when you get the average consumer (those that just go to the store and pick something) interested and educated as to the care, you can begin to educate about farm raised benefits and helping the environment, but it takes mass appeal to create that kind of change
2. Producing better quality products. This goes along with bringing in the average customer. If we can create generations of farm raised corals ,(think 2-3 years down the road) like what Than is doing at Tidal Gardens, we will have corals that are adapted to the captive climate and care and these will be easier for the average customer to care for. With this the farmer now have a better product and this will help with the change in views. For example, if a customer buys three corals 2 of them wild, and one aquacultured and both of the wild ones die (from stress or adaptation or whatever) and the AC lives what do you think his next purchase is going to be. There are many articles out there about how quickly Corals adapt and evolve. Biologically I think it could be done in 3 years especially if we can get corals to spawn in captive situations and not just frag them. The adaptations will be quicker with spawned progeny than having the frags adapt.
I am not sure initially that fighting a price war is going to be successful, especially if we have to do any shipping. Currently it doesn't seem profitable to do this. As regs get tougher, the costs to do this will go up. I don't think it will take banning imports but I do think that it will get significantly more expensive to do it, especially if international shipping hikes get implemented. And when this happens, the AC facilities can begin to either compete on price or to grow the margins that will be necessary to survive long term.
why do you say that only ORA can sell small to medium colonies?? I have been to my fair share of stores and between the scabbers and the stores themselves there are not many full sized colonies avaiable anymore, and when you do see them they are priced outrageously. Do you not think there would be a wholesale market for 2+" acros, for example, priced at $8-$12.
I think that the same sorts of things would happen in Reef farming, you can already see it to a small extent. Some people have become known for producing a sort of signature coral, and I really think this is good for us all. It draws attention to what can be done and lifts the farmers up in the eyes of the consumer. I also think it keeps the creative juices flowing and incites Reseatch into better methods and techniques (look at all the interesting stuff being done with Chimeric corals and other ways to morph them, not saying I agree but it is interesting)
My last point for this post is something that I have been fighting with retailers about for many years. It is nothing new that I have come up with and I don't take credit for it at all I just wish everyone realized it. What I see all the time as a product manager when I look at how different stores choose their business practices is:
Fighting a battle you can't win, and normally it is the price war. Everyone wants to compete with WalMart, (or PetsMart as it were) but they want to do it on price. I can guarantee you that you cannot win that battle. You may be able to fight it for quite a while, but you cannot win it that is for sure. Before I get to some better ideas let me explain why I think this. Most people chose this battle because as consumers not so long ago there were only two things that mattered. Price and Brand. Until about the mid 80's those were the only two things that would make a consumers mind. If they had the money they would buy based on Brand, and if they didn't they would buy on price. So this has been drilled into our heads, and subconsciously we still think this way. It worked because there were limited brands and just about everyone had the same brands so it was easy to differentiate. You went to whatever store you liked and paid about the same price for the same brand. But then the brands started to evaporate. The quality of off-brand started to become the same as the name-brand and it was just not worth it for most products (food still being a limited exception) to go with the name brand. This was the start of the all out price wars. People started fighting on unequal footing (name brand vs off brand) because it no longer mattered about brand because consumers no longer valued the difference between brands. And those that realized the extreme economies of scale in the retail sector soon grew into giants. And volume has now allowed them to offer name brand at off brand prices.
Since the larger stores now have the same or atleast well known off brands (the consumer is indifferent to the two) and have the benefit of volume contracts the only thing left is price. The smaller stores invalidly still believe that there are only those two battlefronts left. This is simply not true and the stores that realize this will succeed and grow despite WalMart or PetsMart or whatever. It is up to the stores to innovate despite the hurdles, and play to their own strengths. What is it that you can offer that WalMart can't normally it is customer service. Usually something as simple as knowing a customers name or a smiling face at the checkout register. I know this seems old fashioned and very Leave It To Beaver'ish but I promise it works and it works well. The issue is to come up with what we as frag farmers can do better, not cheaper, than the imports. I have a few ideas but I would like to hear what everyone has to say.