Xenia......bleh, basically I have been BB for about 6 months or less, and the xenia still grows, I still prune and dispose of it, I would give it to fellow reefers but it doesnt ship or last too long outside of the tank for me. I have given quite few frags to my friends, all their tanks are overgrowing like weeds with it, both undata, and redsea.
As far as BB goes, well like Chris has stated it's all workable either ssb, dsb or bb or heck even quartz beds like they use down under. I like the BB for one major reason, no detritus, POS4, etc... hidden away in my sandbed to suddenly cause a bloom of hair algae or kill a fish if disturbed. I am a dumb reefer and that's obvious, although I kept sps alive and did battle and win hair algae with a dsb that was 7+ inches, I nonetheless had to tear down and rebuild to a simpler methodolgy. ie: barebottom tank, not the other barebottom that got me in trouble in grammar school on a bus ride. lol
My thinking is simple, like Bomber, just keep the flow high, and overskim wet. I am using a TUNZE9015 in a 55g, pulling nearly 1/4 cup of nog from the collection cup each day, unless I add selcon which as we all know can stop a skimmer dead at times.
I miss Anthony, Eric, and the others that all left, all good guys, I will state again I paid for this site, I like the people who have stayed and maybe its a gentler crowd minus the harrangs of arguments and tension brought on by opposing sides. We all here can agree bb is a simple and easy sollution to keeping sps, and that's good enough for me.