who has the biggest gigas clam?

Not sure if this link will work, but this is a 24" wide tank and this pic is a year old. This clam is huge now. One of about 5 this size that I take care of.

I love gigas clams. I had one about 18 inches that I sold 4 years ago when I moved. Be careful as they can spit water. Mine started taking out a couple MHs a year since it was in a shallow refugium.
Here is a pic and a video. The tub in the video is 8 ft. in diameter, roughly 600 gal.. Sorry about the quality. The Gigas is on the left side.

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid260.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fii7%2Fquickcord%2Fvideo-2010-06-04-13-18-35.mp4">

Here is a picture from his old home. He is sitting on a salt bucket lid for reference.

I will stop by the shop again on Thursday and get better pics.

Same-clowns at siphon and with full grown Regal tang


I would highly recommend removing those majano anemones from the top of the clam shell. They are going up high for light and in the process, they are stinging the clams mantle which is a very unnecessary stressor. Notice how the clam cannot extend its mantle the way it should?
What kind of lighting are your clams under? I am currently using 4x110w VHO fluorescents but the clam is on the sandbed of a 110 high tank (30 inches high) and I am thinking about if i need more light.
What kind of lighting are your clams under? I am currently using 4x110w VHO fluorescents but the clam is on the sandbed of a 110 high tank (30 inches high) and I am thinking about if i need more light.

Definitely not enough light. VHO's only penetrate about 18" down maximally. You need to get some stronger lights to keep these animals.
Does anyone know if there are specific data on the PAR or LUX values of different bulb types (T5, VHO, MH) at different depths? If my lighting is insufficient, what would you recommend? Is a 175W MH still not enough? Do I need 250 or 400?