After extensive reading on the subject of lighting for clams, I decided that the best thing to do would be to actually measure the PAR and compare it to what they get in the wild. I could not find any PAR measurements published for Gigas habitats, however there was a study published which measured PAR in locations where maximas and squamosas were living in the Red Sea. The squamosas were found living in areas with as little as 100 PAR, so I decided that since Gigas live at even greater depths anything over 100 should be OK. I bought an Apogee meter and the measured PAR in the middle of the bulbs where my Gigas is. I got a reading of 120 PAR at 27 inches from the surface and 125 PAR 20 inches from the surface where the mantle of the clam is (the lights are 3" from the surface). These are the only PAR measurements I have seen for VHOs online. The bulbs are also 6 months old. Additionally, my clam has grown approximately 5mm in 4.5 weeks (I measured from a chip in the shell so I had a reference). Calcium is 420-480. I feed phtyoplankton daily and dose with ESV B-Ionic 2 part daily and adjust to keep the Calcium above 420. Thus my conclusion based on the >1mm per week growth is that Gigas clams can indeed be kept under VHO's, at depths slightly over 24 inches, with the possibility that the phyto might also be essential. Hope this helps anyone else keeping these clams, and feel free to ask me for updates.