Who wants a cheap, simple, Arduino-based LED controller?

I modified the code as described to invert the signals.

That version of the sketch has some behavior coded into the setLed function that I don't quite understand, but the signals should now be inverted. I made the changes in a text editor so test before you deploy.

Thank you very much.
If you load the file into your Typhon you will see going through the channels it will give on one screen start/stop times as well as min/max intensity + ramp time.
Shark boy
Well, good news and bad news.

Good news: I got the PCBs for the analog/moonlight expansion module today.

Bad news: I sat down to solder one up and realized I'd gotten the ADC chip in the wrong package compared to what I used on the board. :mad: So it'll probably be another week before I have the right part in hand. Which should give me a chance to do some software work.

Speaking of, if anyone wants in on that effort, lemme know. I can make software that works but it's not elegant.
HA! Scratch that. I DO have the right part. I had pulled a bag of LM3409's out of my inventory instead of the ADC chips. So no wonder they "weren't the correct package." :D

Hope to have something tested by the end of the weekend...
HA! Scratch that. I DO have the right part. I had pulled a bag of LM3409's out of my inventory instead of the ADC chips. So no wonder they "weren't the correct package." :D

Hope to have something tested by the end of the weekend...

Can't wait, unfortunately i can't help with development, i'm on the "carefully following instructions part of things"
My Typhon


shark boy
I have been following this pretty much since day 1 and am impressed with what has been achieved.

I thought I remembered this being answered before can't find it now:mad:

How many Meanwells can be run off each channel?
We don't really have a solid answer because we don't know the current draw that a Meanwell needs. (If you ask Meanwell, they will often blatantly misquote a spec that doesn't actually apply here).

In reality though, it should be "way more than you need." The limitation is the current capacity of the transistor that switches the 10v signal. It's limited to 100mA. Typical drivers pull only a few mA each, so in theory that gives you room for several dozen per channel. If you DID need more than that, you could simply swap in a different transistor with a higher current limit.
From what I have seen on the reefkeeper forums the meanwells draw 26 mA and thats why if you try to run over 2 on there alc pod you can no longer get up to the 10 volts needed to fully power the dimmer. There is a post over there with a circuit that fixes it so you can run 4 on each channle. I posted a copy of it on the DIY because I dont know how to make it so im hosed on using my RKL for the 6 meanwell drivers I have.
I can picture that working for their situation.

If you are building a Typhon though, you can just swap in a transistor with a higher current rating and be done. No need for an amplifier. Though I suppose you could build one for kicks.

I must say, I would be really shocked if the Meanwells actually needed that much current. Someone should just whip out a multimeter and take a reading as dimming goes from zero to 10v so we'd know for sure.
My Typhon got wet this morning. I was playing with the skimmer and the air tube fell below the tank and started a syphon that landed right on top of my controller. Damn it! It appears the screen is gone (has faint set of numbers that aren't changing saying 49:01:02) and I can't connect to it via the controller cable. Is this an easy fix? Could I just re-order the screen and maybe a new chip with bootloader already installed or is it going to be the cheapest/easiest to just get another complete unit from boostled?

The PWM ports are currently fully open so I can turn my LEDs on and off by powering up the typhon but I never run them (the LEDs) at max and my tank isn't going to enjoy instant sun on and off for very long. argh!

edit: I held down the menu and select buttons and it reset and is now working fine. I even uploaded the latest sketch to it to be sure. I did not know that was a reset shortcut. Thanks again.
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I now have my BoostTyphon up and running and am a little bummed it doesnt allow you to dim the 4 channels very easily seperatly, custom adjusts all four at the same time.

Also setting the start/stop and fade times is so long winded holding down the +/- buttons.

Also what do you guys do to get a seamless fade in and out as the the driver only brings the LEDs in at 11%?? (ELN 60 48P). I have 10 cool white XM-L, 10 Neutral white XM-L, 10 Blue XP-E and 22 Royal Blue XP-E in two strings of 11 all on seperate channels.

Is anyone still running the sketch supplied by Boost or are they using a custom one? Does anyone know of a new sketch that might solve some of the problems mentioned above?

Many thanks and I hope someone can assist.
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I now have my BoostTyphon up and running and am a little bummed it doesnt allow you to dim the 4 channels very easily seperatly, custom adjusts all four at the same time.

Also setting the start/stop and fade times is so long winded holding down the +/- buttons.

Also what do you guys do to get a seamless fade in and out as the the driver only brings the LEDs in at 11%?? (ELN 60 48P). I have 10 cool white XM-L, 10 Neutral white XM-L, 10 Blue XP-E and 22 Royal Blue XP-E in two strings of 11 all on seperate channels.

Is anyone still running the sketch supplied by Boost or are they using a custom one?

I have found that it depends on the amount of LEDs in the chain of each driver as to whether or not the 10% cut off happens. I have 10 RB bridgelux in a chain which works from 1%-100% and 12 cool whites on another driver (ELN-60-48P for both) which has the 10% start up point. I suspect it's something to do with getting enough volts in the circuit to power all LEDs at their minimum which only happens once the driver gets to 10% of it's maximum output.

It'd be nice to be able to set the range that the LEDs operate in (in my case 0-100% for blue, 10-100% for white) and then have the 0-255 PWM steps operate in that range. Or to be more exact make 0 = 0 and 1 = first step vairable (1 for blue channel, 10 for white channel) so that when the fader gets back down to 0 it actually signals the driver to run at 0 not 9% which runs the risk of using power to do nothing. Perhaps this is what the 48D driver sketch updates achieve already?
Yes thats the exact probelm I am having with all the strings/colours with Cree LEDs. Are there sketch updates for the 48P drivers that you know of?? Boost sell these drivers with the Typhon so you'd think all would be well.

It would be nice to set 10% as 1% an so on.
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Does anyone know of some way to add more PWM channels to an arduino? I could use something like double what the mega gives you, but I still need to be able to have buttons and a screen of course for control...

This was all I could find...


My concern is then for the memory... with all of those outputs, and some pretty complex programs for some ("light mover" or "cloudy day" simulator, ramp-up, ramp down twice a day maybe on some channels, and so on), do I need to add some memory as well?
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Yes you can add more PWM with added complexity

Yes you can add more PWM with added complexity

Does anyone know of some way to add more PWM channels to an arduino? I could use something like double what the mega gives you, but I still need to be able to have buttons and a screen of course for control...

This was all I could find...


My concern is then for the memory... with all of those outputs, and some pretty complex programs for some ("light mover" or "cloudy day" simulator, ramp-up, ramp down twice a day maybe on some channels, and so on), do I need to add some memory as well?

You can use a TLC5940NT. You can find them on eBay for 6 bucks. Each chip will give you 16 channels of PWM with 4096 steps (arduino has 256 steps). They use these chips often to make an LED cube matrix or mix RGB color.
However you might think about using digital pins for buttons and if you want an LCD screen get an IC2 serial LCD it uses only two pins (clock and data) and only one is PWM so you still have 5 left for your project. I have my LED project going with this setup and it works well.
Do you need more memory? Depends how much you want to do. I have about 1500 lines of code that does a ton of stuff with only 28 of 32k used on an UNO. I have run out of idea's to usefully expand the functionality. So 28k gets me:
Mooncycles, Lightning storms, separate brightness levels for blue and white channels, Sunrise and sunset twilights. Manual timer for the same time everyday lighting OR selecting the auto timer which figures out the actual sunrise and sunset times for that day for whatever lat and lon you input .
Where to get your cool stuff?
I have been looking on these boards for 2 days and can't find how to purchase kits or just boards.

Only place I find it at is BOOSTLED.

Please point me in the right direction.

DWZM can you PM me?
Where to get your cool stuff?
I have been looking on these boards for 2 days and can't find how to purchase kits or just boards.

Only place I find it at is BOOSTLED.

Please point me in the right direction.

DWZM can you PM me?
A PWM driver with TTL output is a much better choise. The TLC5940 is a current sink LED driver by itself. You will need to drive the LED's directly from it, and it can only drive low power LEDs <120mA. Since it does not have TTL output you cannot connect this device directly to a high power LED driver.