Team RC
Yes thats the exact probelm I am having with all the strings/colours with Cree LEDs. Are there sketch updates for the 48P drivers that you know of?? Boost sell these drivers with the Typhon so you'd think all would be well.
It would be nice to set 10% as 1% an so on.
This isn't really the place to get support for a vendor-supplied product - your best bet is to contact the vendor.
A PWM driver with TTL output is a much better choise. The TLC5940 is a current sink LED driver by itself. You will need to drive the LED's directly from it, and it can only drive low power LEDs <120mA. Since it does not have TTL output you cannot connect this device directly to a high power LED driver.
In theory it is a driver itself, but it's very commonly used as a generic PWM signal chip.
The problem here is that the PWM frequency it generates is extremely high, and not compatible with some of the drivers we commonly use. You'd have to look up the specs but I remember running in to this a year or two ago when I first looked at that chip.
Honestly, IMHO, one of the best ways to add some more PWM support is to use another AVR on the I2C bus as a slave. This gives you PWM in the same format as you already have, plus extra program space and processing capacity if you need it. Since many of us are getting these boards from sources that give us too many (i.e. a 10-pack from iteadstudio or seeed), it's pretty simple to spend an extra $8 or so on another AVR, another resonator, and two or three passives to get the chip up and running. You don't need the display or RTC on the slave board.