Who wants a cheap, simple, Arduino-based LED controller?

DF02M, DF04M.. both will work fine. As long as the Arduino doesn't need more than 1.5A that is... :p

I was guessing that since the recommended power supply for the typhon was a 12vdc 1a, I should be fine. :spin2: Just curious if a 100uf cap will be adequate to filter the ripple if an AC supply is used. Any thoughts?

Grabbed this in one of the many schematics still taking up space on my drive...... :p

This circuit requires 5v as well, so "should" work fine for the Typhon.

cheers............. :)
I'm wanting to add a fan PWM function to the script, so instead of just on/off according to the temperature, it speeds up/slows down as needed instead.

Was hoping someone can point me to an example script.

Alright so i read through this entire thread and must say that i am a bit lost. I am wanting to build this controller, but was unable to open the hardware list due to not having excel. And also the typhon board i cant seem to find for sale anywhere anymore? The few places i have seen it says that it is discontinued. So i my question is could i use the arduino pro to make this and just make slight modifications to the coding and it still work? If anyone can help me with this i would be very greatful
Alright so i read through this entire thread and must say that i am a bit lost. I am wanting to build this controller, but was unable to open the hardware list due to not having excel. And also the typhon board i cant seem to find for sale anywhere anymore? The few places i have seen it says that it is discontinued. So i my question is could i use the arduino pro to make this and just make slight modifications to the coding and it still work? If anyone can help me with this i would be very greatful

ok, so I'v only been sort of following this tread but this site is sitll selling the typon controller, but it is already assembled and programed.......

I believe i would have to upgrade my led drivers since i currently have the maxwellen MW-S0361203A, and it does not seem to be supported

Aw, check this thread,http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2082235
there's been no finite conclusins but some DIY solutions have been sugessted for contrulling these drivers using other controllers and digital potientiomiters, this part is beyond me as I'm just getting int the programming discussions and what not but it seems like it might not be dificult to integrate the maxwellens into an exising controller setup.......

I'd love to see some plans as I own a few of the maxwellen drivers myself.

lol.... I'm 99% sure I know where that schem came from. I built that board with a 1.8432Mhz TTL oscillator quite a few years ago. Was a fun project to hand etch out the boards....Tucker made quite a few usefull projects. :spin1:

lol.... I'm 99% sure I know where that schem came from. I built that board with a 1.8432Mhz TTL oscillator quite a few years ago. Was a fun project to hand etch out the boards....Tucker made quite a few usefull projects. :spin1:


Totally off topic and I apologize to the OP but I must say I really, really, really, love your sig.
I wish I could take credit for it, but it was plagiarized from somewhere else. Seems pretty relevant with what's been going on, and hits a note with people, no matter where you're from.
I'm wanting to add a fan PWM function to the script, so instead of just on/off according to the temperature, it speeds up/slows down as needed instead.

Was hoping someone can point me to an example script.


#include "OneWire.h"
#include "DallasTemperature.h"
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 0 //Define the pin of the DS18B20

int fanPWMpin = 0;    //Define the pin of the Fan
const int HtempMin = 97.0;    //Define temp when heatsink fan starts
const int HtempMax = 100.0;   //Define temp when heatsink fan is 100%

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature. 
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

void checkTemp()
sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperatures

float temp1=0, temp2=0;

  //lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
  //lcd.print("Tank Temp: ");
  temp1= sensors.getTempFByIndex(0);
  //lcd.setCursor(13, 1);
  //lcd.print("Led Temp:");
  temp2= sensors.getTempFByIndex(1);
 if (temp1<0) temp1=0;                      //if sensor not connected reading is -127 deg
  else if (temp1>99) temp1=99;
 if (temp2<0) temp2=0;
  else if (temp2>99) temp2=99; 
  int tempval = int(temp2*10);
  int fanSpeed = map(tempval, (HtempMin*10), (HtempMax*10), 0, 255);       //---------heatsink fan control
  if (fanSpeed<=0) 
     fanSpeed = 0;
  if (fanSpeed>255)

  analogWrite(fanPWMpin, fanSpeed);
 // Serial.println(fanSpeed);

void setup() {

  sensors.begin();              // Start up the DS18B20 Temp library
  pinMode(fanPWMpin, OUTPUT);

void loop()


lol.... I'm 99% sure I know where that schem came from. I built that board with a 1.8432Mhz TTL oscillator quite a few years ago. Was a fun project to hand etch out the boards....Tucker made quite a few usefull projects. :spin1:

pm sent........... :D
#include "OneWire.h"
#include "DallasTemperature.h"
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 0 //Define the pin of the DS18B20

int fanPWMpin = 0;    //Define the pin of the Fan
const int HtempMin = 97.0;    //Define temp when heatsink fan starts
const int HtempMax = 100.0;   //Define temp when heatsink fan is 100%

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature. 
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

void checkTemp()
sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperatures

float temp1=0, temp2=0;

  //lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
  //lcd.print("Tank Temp: ");
  temp1= sensors.getTempFByIndex(0);
  //lcd.setCursor(13, 1);
  //lcd.print("Led Temp:");
  temp2= sensors.getTempFByIndex(1);
 if (temp1<0) temp1=0;                      //if sensor not connected reading is -127 deg
  else if (temp1>99) temp1=99;
 if (temp2<0) temp2=0;
  else if (temp2>99) temp2=99; 
  int tempval = int(temp2*10);
  int fanSpeed = map(tempval, (HtempMin*10), (HtempMax*10), 0, 255);       //---------heatsink fan control
  if (fanSpeed<=0) 
     fanSpeed = 0;
  if (fanSpeed>255)

  analogWrite(fanPWMpin, fanSpeed);
 // Serial.println(fanSpeed);

void setup() {

  sensors.begin();              // Start up the DS18B20 Temp library
  pinMode(fanPWMpin, OUTPUT);

void loop()


Thank you so very much!!

Greatly appreciated bud! :D
A lot of Fan cannot start spinning at pwm value<40% of nominal voltage, and somes need full speed before you can adjust the pwm value.
Look the class in temperature.cpp function setRelayPWM

That's a good point. While some pc fans can be set for 12v, 7v, or 5v, there's some fans out there that can only drop to 7v.. 5v won't spin.

Out of curiosity though, are you guys using 2-wire fans with a transistor controlled by the arduino, or are you using 3-wire PWM fans, controlled directly by the arduino?

Or are they just the same? :D
2 or 3 wire (3= rpm) with a NPN power transistor. I tried 4 wire (pwm control) directly but not for this project, it's easier for me to found old pc/ power supply fans.
I have redesigned this board for input pin A3 for temperature sensor and output to pin digital for relay to fan
I followed the design of megablue but fail to modify the sketch to run the 4 buttons at the wire on pin A0
someone can help create the sketch to operate the 4 buttons at the wire?
You can use the buttons class.
If you changed the resistor value, you have to calc the value for each buttons (or easier make a sketch to read analog values & print it on serial ). you can use two button or more at the same time.
Hey all,
quick question for you. I have a 48 LED setup with 4 drivers each controlling 12 LEDS. I have 24 blues and 24 white. I am planning on using the wiring diagram from the beginning of this thread along with the code. My question is, can I wire the dimming wires together so that I only use two pwm signals? Or do I need to have 4 PWM signals if running 4 drivers. Attached is an image of what I would like to do.
