The files are in an svn repository, which is a tool developers use to version software and other electronic files while they are under development (again, I'll remind people that this is currently very much a development effort, and won't be presented in an "easy to swallow" format until it's stable and I feel it's ready for that. While it is a working, functioning device at this point that will dim your LEDs, the project isn't at a stage where I've put any effort into making it easy to swallow yet, since it still may change over the next few weeks/months). It's not really standard practice to direct-link files in svn repositories, because it kind of defeats half the purpose of versioning the files in the first place. I'm sorry if this is awkward or difficult for people, but this is the method I've chosen to develop this project (in my spare time, as an open source effort, with no hopes or plans to be compensated).
Once the project reaches a "finished" major-version state, I'll post the final, stable documents in the "downloads" section of the google code site, and they'll be easier to find, and directly-linkable. I'm also planning on posting a quick FAQ and a user manual once we reach that point. This is essentially the intended use of the google code framework - develop in the repo tab, release stable versions in the download tab.
In the meantime, this is the best I can do. Click on this link:
You'll get the directory structure for the svn repository, in "browse" mode. It works like Windows Explorer. There's a tree structure of folders on the left, and lists of files are displayed on the right. The files you need are in svn/trunk/hardware/typhon and svn/trunk/software/typhon. To get to the files, first click on the word "trunk" in the tree on the left:
Then, click on the other folders to drill down to the directory you're looking for, for instance, trunk/hardware/typhon to get the hardware files:
The expanded tree is on the left. The list of files is on the right. There are three hardware files:
typhon.sch is the schematic; use Eagle to open it
typhon.brd is the board file; use Eagle to open it
typhon_bom.xls is the bill of materials; use Excel to open it
When you click on the name of one of the files, you'll get to the change log page for that file. Click on the "view raw file" link on the right:
Your browser will download the file and/or attempt to open it, depending on your browser's configuration and which file you clicked on. Can't really help you there as it'll be dependent on your configuration.
The current firmware (software) is an Arduino "sketch" (Arduino's name for a program file) located in the path specified above. It's a plain text file with a .pde extension. You can edit it with any text editor but the best practice is to get the Arduino IDE and open it with that, since you'll need that to upload it to your hardware (unless you want to build your own toolchain from scratch, in which case you probably aren't reading this post!
You'll also need a piece of hardware to convert the I/O capabilities of your computer to something the Typhon controller can understand, as detailed above: (this is the one I use)
Or if you are adventurous, you can use any generic ($2 on eBay) USB-serial cellphone cable, hack the wiring to a pin header, and dig for the correct drivers.